you join in the mourning process today for this man who was beloved by many around the world. guys, back to you. >> josh, appreciate it. checking in soon. this crash actually happened as the plane was approaching an airport in western russia and apparently happening in a heavy fog. there may have been visibility issues, obviously. cnn's phil black is watching all of the developments. phil what are you hearing about the circumstances ever this? >> reporter: brianna, certainly heavy fog seems to be an early indicator in terms of what nay have just lapped to this plane. we do know it was on final approach to a landing at an air strip in western russia. we believe a military air strip and what happened precisely, well, the pictures speak for themselves, really. you're seeing debris strewn over a wide area through heavily wooded parts just near the -- an area just near the runway there. it appears that the aircraft had struck those trees, and witnesses have spoken about a