blagojevich, ron paul, stephanie miller, and andrea tantaros. well, you know, my problem with sarah palin -- well, first, let's get to gingrich there. how can he make a statement this is the most radical president in the history of the united states? was he around 200 years ago. >> thank you. >> jesse: to know what the presidents were like back 200 years ago? i think that's the silliest statement i've ever heard. >> governor, he is one of the most centrist presidents we've ever had. the thing that is hilarious, sean hannity has a book out now, a chapter how i'm a reagan conservative. he doesn't agree with reagan on anything. reagan is more of a socialist than barack obama will ever be. he was for zero nukes. he raised taxes more than any president in peacetime. he deficit spent every year of his administration. he signed an amnesty bill on illegal immigration. i mean governor, where do we start here? >> jesse: well -- >> i don't think barack obama would be so upset by being