brown, new senator, republican of massachusetts. he voted for it. he told me this past week he thinks it's working. yes, there are problems and it's costing more. he wouldn't change it. he think it's been good. 99% of the people of massachusetts now have health insurance. hold on for a moment. dana bash is up on the hill with a special guest. dana, a special guest who has a lot of history. >> reporter: a lot of history. they don't call him the dean of the house for nothing. we're talking about john dingell. he has something very special. mr. dingell, thank you for joining us here. tell us about this gavel. a lot of history here. >> the gavel was used when i was presided over the house when i passed medicare. it was used when i presided over the house when we passed the house version of the health care reform bill. it's going to be used when speaker pelosi gavels the bill into law tonight. this bill is a great piece of legislation. it ranks with medicare. it ranks with the first civil