furstenberg, it's an a-list of the powerful, successful women in the united states who came together to try to help the women of afghanistan. empowering women in afghanistan is not only part of the solution over the long term, to the situation in afghanistan, but it's actually a national security issue. these are not separate issues, and they were impassioned pleas by women from afghanistan who are helping other women who are helping children and who are fighting for the legal rights of women in afghanistan, who said, look, you've got -- america's got to get away from the way they were initially, that is projects that -- that sort of empowered women, projects that were financed to support women's issues, they've got to incorporate women now. women need to be at the national security table talking about national security issues that affect them. and one woman, who has voices of women in afghanistan, an organization that fights for legal rights, said, you know, when you're talking about issues like the reconciliation with the