and each chapter is very compelling. i'll put it to you this way, larry. doing a book like this, it's like throwing a huge jigsaw puzzle on the floor. you have to start by picking a few pieces up. pretty soon you assemble this data, put it together, and a picture starts to develop. now, will we get the complete, whole picture? no. but you can put together enough pieces where you can tell what it's supposed to be. >> larry: there was a conspiracy in the lincoln killing. others went to jail. some were hanged. so it wasn't just john wilkes booth. that was a conspiracy. >> right. the problem is our children are not being the taught that and neither was i, larry. i didn't learn about what happened to lincoln until i he did this book. my nephew is 15 years old, and i talked to him about it. i said, have you learned about the assassination of president lincoln and he perked up and