campbell, for having me on tonight to tell north branch's story. unfortunately, since 2003 and 2004 we've cut $$2004 we've cut of the budget, and it gets harder and harder to keep the cuts away from the classroom. our class sizes are high. we have 29 students in our first grade classrooms and 26 students in our kindergarten classrooms. if we didn't look at the four high day week, we'd have to look at additional cuts and adding more students onto student who have a high class size in their classroom on a daily basis. some of my high school teachers seal 215 students a day. >> so you clearly felt that you had no choice, but what about -- you hear this a lot, i guess. the impact on the kids' ability to learn, other teachers have said it's really hard to keep kids focused for that long a period of time during one school day. does that worry you? >> well, campbell, we've done the research.