republicans. the president is now saying i like these ideas, i'm going to sign off on these ideas. republicans are saying, wait a minute, hang on here, this is not the approach that we are advocating here. we heard from minority whip eric cantor who's already spoken out saying if the president simply adds a couple of republican solutions to a trill dollar health care package that the american people don't support, it isn't bipartisanship, it is political cover. but the message, kiran, clearly from the president today is, let's get this thing done, and democrats, we need you on-board. >> so any word on the likelihood this will be another step in that direction, that this will happen? >> reporter: it's such a hard question, kiran. i mean obviously there are a lot of democrats looking at this, they're not particularly pleased with the president's version of this bill. there are still those who oppose abortion, who don't like some of the language, there are those who still think that this is too expensive, and so he still has some convincing to do with members of his own party.