but the tsunami has done the devastation, there is nowhere to stay, so, once again, there you do see these small tent cities not on the scale of haiti because these are smaller coastal communities, but nevertheless, virtually all the population are living outside. it gets cold here at night. it still is staying dry, and they desperately do need food and especially drinking water, anderson. >> all right, karl penhaul live in concepcion. karl, thanks again for the reporting. here's something else about the earthquake in chile which is fascinating. scientists at nasa's jet propulsion laboratory say it may have made our days shorter. now, here's how they explained that. an earthquake like saturday's can nudge some of the earth's mass closer to its axis which makes the planet rotate faster shaving a tiny bit of time off every day. 1.26 microseconds by their calculations, just over one-millionth of a second, pretty amazing. it's basically the same thing that happens when ice skaters like this in youtube spin faster by pulling their arms closer to

Related Keywords

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