headphones. and the reason why i said headphones. i'm holding them. she calls these headphones wearable technology, fashionable technology. she sees headphones as a new accessory, almost like jewelry. she evened a one point called these ear buds earrings. so she really kind of sees the integration of becoming more wearable, more fashionable through tech. >> it looks like an ear phone with -- or ear bud, as we call them, with a butterfly on it. >> correct. >> besides that, what kind of fashion statement is being made with all of this? is this something that people would really want to wear around? >> i think people would definitely want to wear around. you're not just seeing the headphones, you're seeing laptops like these. giving a first look at a brand new laptop that's going to be coming out that she's put her designs into it. it's called the digital clutch. let's listen to what vivian actually has to say about it. >> you cannot live without