we're going to go now to the stories that you need to know about for the week ahead. first i want to check in now with cnn planning editor chris friedman. chris, there's a lot of stuff on the menu here. i see on monday there could be some trouble for john mccain. he's getting a challenger, right? >> j.d. hayworth. >> who is a former congressman. and then on tuesday down in new orleans we've been watching the feeds come in all night. there is fat tuesday for mardi gras. and then on thursday i see you have here on your calendar there's a big cpac conference. >> the heavy hitters in the conservative movement. >> for the republican party. the big grand finale the speaker we'll talk about that. >> later, yeah. >> let's walk over to katie barr. and katie, on monday we are still down in haiti and we're pursuing that story. we're getting -- talking about the decision from the judge about the ten americans as well who have been down there and been held in prison. there's some talk that they may not let them out, they're going back and forth and they're going to check on that. and tuesday a big conference i'm hearing about in iran that you're dealing with to talk