be easier to get your bills in on time, because due dates are going to be the same every month. no more of these 1:00 p.m. cutoff times or due dates that are on holiday when they don't accept a payment. all those practices are also outlawed. >> they're also going to stop rate hikes on existing balances. what does that mean? means that if you've got a rate that you've agreed upon on an existing balance, if you follow the rules and pay your bills on time, if you don't, by the way, none of this counts, but if you do, they can't arbitrarily raise your rates. >> that's right, the interest rate you're paying right now, unless it's an invariable rate, or a teaser rate, that's been designed to expire after a time period, they won't be able to retroactively raise it. unfortunately, there are a lot of consumers who had their rates raised last year or the year before, and there's no real relief for them. >> this was ahead of -- one of the criticisms of this law that so much notice was given about how they were going to change it, there was so much delay between when the law was passed