it is true under the bush administration, the number i saw in the newspaper was 319 trials were held in civilian courts just like this trial we are talking about khalid shaikh mohammed, but this is not another 319, this is the alleged mastermind of the attacks. a lot of new yorkers i talked to wanted him right back there at the scene of the crime to see hirnlgs confront him and convict him and many of them want to see him executed. but i do think that the president has to take into account the fears and well-founded fears that others have that not khalid shaikh mohammed is going to break out and hurt people, but it could be a draw for other terrorist acts, and it is a really tough call to tell you the truth. the lawyers just followed the playbook that bush left them which is except for two to three case, the bush administration tried every single one of these terrorists in civilian court and they had a 90% conviction record by the way, and stiffer penalties from the civilian courts than the military