fatherhood is to him, motherhood is to you. i remember him telling me taking the kids to school was a big priority to him. hated campaigns when he was away from it. can't take he them to school now, right? >> it's a big old hassle. >> larry: raising kids in the white house is hard, right? >> it's different. it's easier in so many ways. there's some things he can't do, but there are many things he can do. he gets up every morning, he sees his kids before they leave, not something he did two years ago. could do two, three years ago. he comes home at a certain time. he can have dinner. he can read to the kids at night, tuck them into bed. we have much more quality time. we can't go out necessarily, but he still goes to the parent/teacher conferences and still goes to the -- sgoo he goes to the school? >> absolutely. he goes to every performance and play, he goes to basketball gams and soccer games. he can't go to every single one of them, because on saturdays oftentimes he's working.