in the election of barack obama is that he is trying to become that candidate again. a lot of independent voters flocked to barack obama because they thought that he was trepttation of that sort of independent bipartisan politician, and now what you are seeing with the president as he goes and talks about civility and goes to the house republican conference and takes them on, he is trying to reclaim that mantle of ross perot, if you will to a certain degree and say, i'm fiscally responsible and bipartisan and try to get the voters back, other wise, there is a vacuum to which the tea party can jump. >> john, you will bet the tea party convention? >> i will be there. >> a guy like you and in independents in the country don't want to be associated with the signs we saw pictures of recently and don't want to see the ugliness that is growing there, and so if the movement is to grow, do they have to shed some of to fringe? >> well, one thing that has