if i was a catfisher, i would much rather use this kind of fabricated, photorealistic imagery rather than trawling the alt web, looking for actually existing photographs out there. so in that respect, it will make catfishing much more harder to detect. people leverage other people's photos and you know, so it's very hard to say in what ways would ill—minded people use this? but the amount of work that's required to do something like that, i think you would have to be extremely talented to actually get to a level where you can pull that off. which would be a strange use of talent, but... tech like the metahuman creator is a long way off being able to replicate humans completely. at the moment, its main use will be for creating secondary or non—playable characters in games. but with tools like this making digital humans accessible to everyone and anyone, we'll certainly be seeing more of them in future. or maybe we won't — as they'll all just look