surprise, from something i didn't expect. fix, surprise, from something i didn't expect.— surprise, from something i didn't expect. a team of local scientists _ didn't expect. a team of local scientists develop _ didn't expect. a team of local scientists develop the - scientists develop the software, inputting data and teaching the machine to make choices. the priority? to create something completely original and innovative. translation: original and innovative. tuna/mom- original and innovative. translation: . ., translation: the direction we took to artistic _ translation: the direction we took to artistic projects - took to artistic projects pushing machines is to look for the frontier of error, the frontier of the bazaar, rather than trying to reproduce as faithfully as possible the human sound. ultimately, alexandros _ human sound. ultimately, alexandros wants - human sound. ultimately, alexandros wants to - human sound. ultimately, alexandros wants to take l human sound. ultimately, i alexandros wants to take this show on the road, performing for audiences, showcasing this new way of working. in musical partnership unlike any that has come before. tim allman, bbc news. mckenzie scott, ex—wife of

Related Keywords

Something ,Team ,Scientists ,Fix ,Surprise ,The Machine ,Data ,Software ,Priority ,Choices ,Expect Surprise ,Didn T ,Translation ,Direction ,Projects ,Machines ,Frontier ,Mom ,Bazaar ,Terror ,Tuna ,Way ,Alexandros ,Partnership ,Sound ,Human Sound ,On The Road ,Working ,Audiences ,Alexandros Human Sound ,Bbc News ,Mckenzie Scott ,Tim Allman ,

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