away from 0tas. ultimately, if margins are increasingly being squeezed, then something has to give, if we're to make do with what we're doing, and that's not a compromise that we're willing to make. and for some, the cost of convenience means that us travellers will have to pay more. previous research that we've carried out has found that in the uk, this has raised prices anything up to 10—20% across the board, so, anything you're saving in shopping around, unfortunately, is being passed on because of this general raise. our advice, and we have backed this up with research as well, is if you contact the b&b or the hotel directly, this is notjust uk, but europe as well, anywhere that you are, you will almost certainly be given a better deal. because it helps you get around those rate parity clauses. but it was aviation that held a lot of the travel headlines during the pandemic. confusion and delays over refunds once again caused