trust _ 60% increase in calls to the dogs trust so — 60% increase in calls to the dogs trust so far— 60% increase in calls to the dogs trust so far this year. stop stealing _ trust so far this year. stop stealing matrix. people with new 'obs stealing matrix. people with new jobsiust— stealing matrix. people with new jobs just cannot cope any or they may be _ jobs just cannot cope any or they may be going back to where i may have _ may be going back to where i may have their— may be going back to where i may have theirjob but people giving their— have theirjob but people giving their rescue dogs to a rescue. nobody— their rescue dogs to a rescue. nobody wants to see that happen. people _ nobody wants to see that happen. people start venturing back out into the world _ people start venturing back out into the world come into the workplace, new dog _ the world come into the workplace, new dog owners, there are lots of you out _ new dog owners, there are lots of you out there, really do have to think— you out there, really do have to think about what happens next. good .irl. think about what happens next. good girt have _ think about what happens next. good girt have a _ think about what happens next. good girl. have a look at this and we have _ girl. have a look at this and we have top— girl. have a look at this and we have top tips in a few minutes. # who let the dogs out? are you ready? go! before sue became a professional dog walker, she was a prison guard — read into that what you will. hey, good boy! today, she's looking after an ever—increasing number of furlough fur babies and lockdown doggos — the pets who — any day now — are in for a bit of a culture shock. well, they're not going to know what's hit them, really, because they're just used to someone being there all the time,