they have gone off to morocco and so on, and that's fine — but most of it is shot here. and it has turned into what we now know as screen tourism, something we have never had before. yes we have the giant's causeway, a unesco world heritage site and it is beautiful, and all that, but people used to go there and there alone, and then they would take off. now they come to see many other parts of our province. we are digging a bit deeper in the archives now. back in 2017 we went to the uk's smallest city, st david's in wales, where one man was on a mission to paint a portrait of every single resident. the pembrokeshire coast national park, as remote and rural as it gets. this is st david's peninsula on the south—west tip of wales. it is a radiant and picturesque part of the world, even in midwinter. but i am not actually have a scenic beauty. i am here to find inner beauty. st david's cathedral, built on the 12th century, sits on the site of the old monastery, led by david 600 01’ so years ago. and this is why