before the covid pandemic, i was lucky enough to meet some of the pioneers that built the very first 747. until the 1960s, aviation had been for the rich. but the founder of pan am juan tripp had a vision. so, this is a 747 named after my father, juan t tripp. we're christening the first pan am 747 to come off the line. do you remember this? it was a magnificent day. what did your father want to achieve with the 747? he believed in the 747, that that would be an opportunity to really develop new markets where people could fly for a much lowerfare. conveniently, trippe's best friend was the boss at boeing, bill allen. they were close friends, they would go off on these fishing trips, two old friend saying, "all right, you build it, ru buy it." "i'll buy it if you build it." two and half times larger than anything they'd ever