By Hans Bader
| June 8, 2021 | 4:37pm EDT
Students learn in a classroom. (Photo credit: Robert Daemmrich Photography Inc/Corbis via Getty Images)
Does anyone seriously doubt that boys misbehave more than girls in school? Until recently, no one would have disputed that, since surveys of students show that boys get into fights at twice the rate girls do. In those same surveys, conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics, blacks say they get into fights at more than twice the rate whites do on school grounds.
But the nation's Democratic attorneys general either don't know about, or don't believe, these surveys. Instead, they seem to believe that every racial or sexual group misbehaves at exactly the same rate. Every single Democratic state attorney general in America -- all 24 of them -- recently cited the higher discipline rates of blacks and boys as causes for alarm in a May 24 letter to the Education Secretary and U.S. Attorney General. The letter urged the Biden Administration to reinstate and expand the Obama Administration's school-discipline guidance, which encouraged schools to suspend blacks and whites at the same rate, to target not just statistical disparities based on race, but also disparities based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.