The Delhi High Court on Monday declined to grant Kishore Biyani-led Future Retail Ltd's (FRL) plea for an interim injunction restraining Amazon from writing to SEBI, CCI and other authorities about the arbitral order against its asset sale.
On August 29 this year, the Future Group announced sale of its retail and wholesale business to Reliance Retail in a Rs 24,713 crore deal. It announced plans to merge key group companies, including Future Retail, Future Lifestyle Fashions, Future Consumer, Future Supply Chains and Future Market Networks into FEL.
However, the Jeff Bezos-led company argued that a 2019 pact it signed with Future prevented the Indian company from selling its retail assets to certain parties. It had also won an interim award against the transaction between RIL and the Future group after a Singapore-based single judge arbitration panel put the transaction on hold.