There might not be fireworks, but any day is a good one to celebrate financial independence — even if you’re not quite there yet.
What is financial independence for you? For many people, it’s being able to live a good lifestyle without having to work for money. For those folks, they might still have a career because they love what they do and have control over how much they work. But their work is no longer about the money — it’s about interesting activities and a sense of purpose.
There are several methods of assessing financial life cycles. The Alliance of Comprehensive Planners ( has one metric. This assessment says that when household net worth — that’s assets minus debts — is three to seven times the annual household income, the household is in rapid accumulation mode. This is generally a time when the individuals’ careers are at their peak. This financial stage is the precursor to financial independence. Generally, folks in the rapid accumulation stage of their lives are usually in their 40s or 50s.