Maurice Info
Les membres du Cabinet ont pris note des divers décisions prises pour diriger le pays.
1. Cabinet has agreed to the promulgation of the Education (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2021 to provide for a registered candidate who has not been able to sit for the Primary School Achievement Certificate (PSAC) Assessment 2020-2021 in April 2021 to take the PSAC re-assessment papers, subject to conditions and criteria specified in the Annual Programme for the PSAC Assessment 2020-2021, and that such a candidate would not qualify for a further re-assessment. The Regulations would take effect as from 27 May 2021.
Cabinet has also agreed to the issue of the Government Notice on the addendum to the Annual Programme for the Primary School Achievement Certificate Assessment 2020 – 2021 to provide for the following categories of candidates who were absent for the PSAC April 2021 Assessment to be allowed to take the re-assessment paper(s):