Time to fly; time to die
In 2017, 1.4 percent of global deaths were from suicide, and in some countries, this share is as high as 5 percent. In 2017, the highest rate of suicide (5 percent) occurred in South Korea, 3.9 percent in Qatar, and 3.6 percent in Sri Lanka. The countries with the lowest suicide rates are Greece (0.4 percent) and Indonesia (0.5 percent). Switzerland has been a popular destination for suicides since 1942.
Germans represent 44 percent of foreign-nationals paying others to get help them commit suicide. In addition, a large number of UK suicide seekers (21 percent) register at a Zurich-based “suicide clinic” earning it the “death tourism” tag. “To live with dignity – to die with dignity,” is the slogan of the famous Swiss organization, Dignitas (started in 1988) whose goal is to help patients commit suicide; however, it is an offence to assist a suicide if it is done with selfish motives.