Dealing with gladiator syndrome in Khaki
April 11, 2021, 9:11 AM IST
Lt General KJ Singh superannuated in August 2016 after 39 years of distinguished service. He commanded the formidable Western Command, an operationally committed Corps in the North East having borders with four countries, an armoured division in the strike corps, a T-90 armoured brigade, and an elite armoured regiment, 63 Cavalry. He is currently holding the prestigious Ranjit Singh Chair of Excellence in the Panjab University, Chandigarh. LESS... MORE
The current month has been disastrous for the reputation of police forces, with the ongoing sordid drama of Mumbai police, followed by Bijapur ambush. It is more painful as I had the privilege of ample opportunities to not only work with the police but also serve on deputation with AR, the only PMF. In the process, naturally, there is a fair degree of appreciation, understanding and sympathy for the conditions in which our Khaki Yodhas serve.