Vadodara/ Anand: Anand police on Friday detected murder of a woman after exhuming her body following a tip-off that her husband had attempted to pass it off as a natural death. The victim Samu Salat was cremated on the outskirts of Vatra village of Khambhat taluka by her husband Navghan Salat. The couple had a bitter fight on July 4 and Salat brutally thrashed her till she died. The next day he cremated the body on the village outskirts and he was helped by four other persons too in concealing the crime.
“We received tip-off that the duo had an argument over suspicion of extra-marital affair. Suspecting foul play, we exhumed the dead body on July 6,” said R N Khant, police inspector at Khambhat rural police station. “As the body was decomposed, a panel of forensic experts at Karamsad Hospital conducted the postmortem which revealed that she had died due to severe injuries on her head and chest,” he said.