December 15, 2020
DDC-I Announces Additional FACE™ 3.0 Conformance for Deos Safety-Critical Real-Time Operating System Running on ARM and x86 Processors
Builds on existing FACE Conformant PowerPC offering
Phoenix, AZ. December 9, 2020. DDC-I, a leading supplier of software and professional services for mission- and safety-critical applications, today announced Future Airborne Capability Environment ™ (FACE) 3.0 Conformance for its Deos safety-critical DO-178 real-time operating system and OpenArbor development tools running on ARM and x86 processors. The certification covers the FACE™ Technical Standard, Edition 3.0 Safety Base and Security Profiles for the Operating System Segment (OSS).
“The addition of ARM and the x86 to our existing PowerPC FACE offering gives DDC-I the most robust, multi-platform, multi-core, FACE conformant RTOS and development tool portfolio in the avionics industry,” said Greg Rose, vice president of marketing and product management at DDC-I. “Avionics developers targeting ARM, PowerPC, and x86 processors now have a seamless FACE conformant RTOS platform that combines best-in-class performance and safety certifiability with enhanced application portability across the industry’s most advanced avionics processors.”