Breaking Analysis is a weekly editorial program combining knowledge from SiliconANGLE’s theCUBE with spending data from Enterprise Technology Research.
Branded as
theCUBE Insights, Powered by ETR, the program is our opportunity to share independent, unfiltered editorial with SiliconANGLE, theCUBE and Wikibon communities. The program and conclusions we produce are data-driven, tapping ETR’s proprietary spending data set.
Following is the complete collection to date, crystallizing the key topics of the past year or so. We hope you enjoy these episodes and, as always, welcome your feedback.
– The convenience of online access to bank accounts, payment apps, crypto exchanges and other transaction systems has created enormous risks, which the vast majority of individuals either choose to ignore or simply don’t understand. In this Breaking Analysis Dave will try to raise awareness about a growing threat to your liquid assets and hopefully inspire you to do some research and take actions to lower the probability of you losing thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.