Datebook: Events around Ridgefield galore
A student is taught by an educator during an art class in Connecticut during a previous summer season. Here is information about what is happening in Ridgefield from a virtual storytime event, a virtual wellness fair, and drawing and art history courses.Bob Luckey Jr. / Hearst Connecticut Media
Gingerbread Home for the Holidays a fundraiser for Lounsbury House with Ridgefield Guild of Artists, through Dec. 20, Lounsbury House, 316 Main St. Entries were due by 4 p.m., Nov. 20;,
Stations of the Nativity, St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church’s outdoor courtyard, 6 Ive Hill Road, Dec. 18 thru Jan. 8, 4-7 p.m. Fourteen windows painted by members of the church, congregation illustrates the story of Advent and Christmas, available for viewing during the date range