By Wil Leitner
May 7, 2021
Dan Patrick: “Adam Schefter I think mischaracterized what he had a week ago, Thursday. This was a collection of information, this wasn’t breaking news, but it was portrayed that way, therefore we all went into the draft going ‘The Packers could trade Aaron Rodgers tonight!... It was framed as huge breaking news and was on the bottom line. I was watching NFL Live when Schefty came on, and he was reading off his phone, and I thought ‘this is breaking news.’ Well, it wasn’t breaking news from the standpoint of ‘if this is an accumulation of information, then this wasn’t breaking news.’ If you’re going to summarize the offseason, which Adam was doing, then it wasn’t characterized that way, therefore I think we all thought something was truly happening in the moment… Speaking with Adam after the show and off the record we found out that he wasn’t going to Cleveland thinking that he’s reporting that Aaron Rodgers is going to be traded, but I think once the Niners’ story got out, then I think he decided that the time was right.” (Full Segment Above)