Dalindyebo Shabalala is an Associate Professor at the University of Dayton Law School. His primary teaching responsibilities are in Contracts, as well as Intellectual Property and Business Law.
Prof. Shabalala’s research focuses on the interaction of intellectual property law, especially patent law, with the rights of indigenous peoples and climate change law. He conducts research on the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional communities to their traditional knowledge and culture and the role of international intellectual property treaties in enabling or preventing the realization of those rights.
Prof. Shabalala also conducts research on the interaction of patent law with climate change, focusing on the role of technology licensing and transfer in enabling the technology goals of the climate change convention (UNFCCC). His current research in this area is a long-term collaboration with researchers in India, Brazil, China and South Africa to identify technology transfer and licensing measures that these countries have taken that may or may not be in compliance with their obligations under the TRIPS Agreement. He is a member of the Climate Action Network Technology Working Group and serves as the Environmental NGO representative to the UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee’s Task Force on Innovation, Research, Development and Demonstration. He continues to provide advice on patent law and technology licensing to developing countries and civil society organizations in climate change negotiations. Prof. Shabalala participates in the Program on Law and Technology (PILT) at the law school