Daisy Ridley Also Didn’t Know About Rey Palpatine
By Rachel LeishmanMar 4th, 2021, 5:13 pm
In an interview for
Chaos Walking, Sariah Wilson brought up to Ridley how much she loved Rey Nobody, and Ridley revealed that she didn’t know about the Palpatine storyline until
The Rise of Skywalker came around, and here’s the problem: That’s obvious onscreen.
“I told Daisy Ridley how much I loved ‘Rey Nobody,’ how Rey was just powerful on her own and was sad when they made her a Palpatine. Daisy said she also loved that Rey came from nowhere and for the first two films,” Wilson tweeted. “‘I literally was told that she was no one, so yeah, I totally understand that. I do understand that.’ I apologized again for bringing up [Star Wars], and she smiled and told me, ‘It’s all good!'”