Five persons, including a Chinese national, were arrested in Noida for cyber fraud activities involving the use of SIM cards and social media platforms like Telegram and WhatsApp to deceive people into making investments. The fraudsters transferred money into mule accounts and duped individuals by promising high returns. The arrests were made following a tip-off about a transaction of Rs 51 lakh from a mule account. The gang used mule bank accounts to handle the money, paying the account holders Rs 3,000 for savings accounts and Rs 20,000 for corporate accounts per transaction. The case has led to an FIR being lodged under various sections of the IPC related to cheating, criminal conspiracy, and forgery.

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China ,Cambodia ,Nizamabad ,Andhra Pradesh ,India ,Dharmabad ,Maharashtra ,Bhainsa ,Chennai ,Tamil Nadu ,Chinese ,Shavya Goyal ,Vidya Sagar Mishra , ,Sagar Mishra ,Expressway Police Station ,

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