Radford Universityâs 20th International Guitar Festival is back on the entertainment schedule, but online.
The annual event, canceled last year due to COVID-19, can be found at radford.edu/guitarfest. It again features its typically high octane lineup, with Jorge Caballero â a superstar on the instrument â atop the bill.
Guitar duo Khytar 12.6., Mesut Ozgen with violinist Cihat Askin, Thomas Viloteau, and Las Flamencas (featuring a vocalist and a flamenco dancer) round out the bill. You may watch right now, for free, as usual.
Peruvian guitarist Cabellero is both the youngest musician and the only guitarist to win the Naumburg International Competition Award, which is comparable to a Pulitzer Prize for musicians, according to the festival website. That prize is among many, with critical praise coming from all corners.