That Iowa Cubs game, which was on Marquee, wound up finishing in walk-off fashion.
Weird walk-off fashion, because this poor catcher just … didn’t … catch the ball:
Walk-off win for Iowa in extras! Great way to cap off another fun night with @WatchMarquee.
In that win, outfielder Rafael Ortega hit his THIRD homer already this season:
Rafael Ortega gives Iowa a 2-0 lead over Indy with his third home run of the season!
I just don’t know what will happen with Ortega this year, especially given that Nick Martini just got the outfield fill-in call rather than Ortega, who turns 30 this year. Having hit well over the winter and in Spring Training, and having hit well at Triple-A the last five years, there’s really not anything else Ortega can do to get a shot. Either the stars will align for a fit, or they won’t. Unfortunately, as wide open as the outfield bench picture once looked on the Cubs, it has tightened up considerably given the performance of guys like Jake Marisnick and Matt Duffy (by way of Kris Bryant playing in the outfield).