Cuba and HIV/AIDS: How to combat an epidemic
By Æzra EL
This is an edited version of a talk given July 9 at a Workers World Party−Boston meeting on the theme “Cops and Colonizers Out of Pride.”
Pride 2021, when we celebrated the 52nd anniversary of the righteous Stonewall Rebellion, also rang with inspiring calls from the world over to lift the imperialist blockade of socialist Cuba. How are these struggles connected?
The main administration building of Cuba’s sanatorium.
In the U.S., we have recently seen wave-after-wave of anti-trans legislation, which continues under President Joe Biden, who many eagerly voted for, duped by claims he was the candidate of the marginalized. Trans women are being shouted out of dressing rooms, bombarded with death threats and murdered at alarming rates. All the while corporations merely change their advertisements for 30 days in June each year, trot out their employees for corporatized Pride parades, capitalize on the fight-back legacy of the LGBTQ+ community and then about-face to contribute large sums to antigay politicians.