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Website at archives foundation. Org before we began, i want to make sure that everyone knows our distinguished speaker will be taking questions later in the program. We want to make sure that you have the chance to ask those questions. Well be using the youtube chat function. I see that we have regulars here, and you know but im going to tell you. Practice where you are going to put your questions, send your hometown and the state. We will give a shout out to a shot out later on. I see a lot of folks from around the country. That is exciting. You do not have to wait until the end to ask your question. Your questionut and, and we will have them queued up for only get to that point. I had the fortune of visiting the Ronald Reagan president ial library a number of times. In my current role, ive had the chance to partner with my current guest. About. Learn quite a lot duke is the president and dean of the library directors. He has been with the library for 20 years. To give you some sense of that, i have had four jobs during that time. Since when i first met him at the smithsonian. Look asitely does not young as he seems. His bio says that he keeps taking his pills, and they are all helping. We are going to have a blast, duke are you with is out there, in a secure occasion . Duke i cannot tell you where i am. But it is secure. Thank you for the wonderful location. Youick you can tell that know someone well by the introduction. It has been a difficult time. Duke how is the staff doing. Patrick how is the staff doing out there . Duke i think the staff is doing a great job of being productive, staying mentally healthy. Ourselves with that as the leadership at the library, trying to reach out to them, weekly, if not daily to make sure that everyone is fine. There been some losses that we have had, which has been difficult. Overall, i think the team has risen to the occasion. I could not be prouder than what they have been able to accomplish. Patrick i am sure. Ive heard lots of stories of the resilience of the staff, my staff, but across the archives, family, folks, it has been very heartwarming to hear all the different roles, the hats the people are wearing while they are at home. Im not going to let any folks wait. I know that you have a lot to tell us. Im super excited to hear about the library and the museum. I am going to let you take it away. Duke thank you, patrick, and thank you everybody for joining us with this virtual tour. If we can but the first slide out, we are going to start back in the late 1980s, early 1990s, this is actually an aerial shot of the property that was given to the Reagan Foundation to build the library. Were looking at stanford university. That did not work out. This 100 acre plot became available. Our next slide please. At the groundbreaking ceremony, president reagan and misses reagan turning the soil. In the end, you will see that we have been able to transfer the mountaintop. This shows you meant construction of the main library and museum. You can see that there is a lot of work that needed to be done. As you was the and the next slide, this is what happens when it is all said and done. I am going to give you some stats that can give you the overall look. If anyone has any questions, please use the chat function on youtube. Originally, as i mentioned, it was 100 acres. Over the past number of years, the foundation has been able to acquire a couple hundred more. I think they are over 300. It is nice. We want to maintain maintain the sites that we have. The big square in the background is air force one pavilion. We will about that in a minute. Here is something. For the museum, there is approximately one 5000 square feet. 5,000 square feet. Through the entire museum experience, you will walk over to miles. We have a rather large facility. We have some amazing stuff. Im only going to show you a portion of that. Over 65rs, we have million documents. We have over 64,000 objects and artifacts. 1. 6 million photographs. Hundreds of thousands of feet of film and audio. We had a research room. Authors,here scholars, journalists, students, come and do research. That kind of gives you the stats of where we are. We are and see me valley, california, if you do not know that, about one hour northwest of los angeles. Im going to talk about the grounds. But before we go to the next slide, thank you camille. Take a look at the circle there. That is the western portion of the library. Probablyly built that 18 years ago. We wanted to have kind of the White House South Lawn look to pay tribute to the design of the south lawn. That is or both of the funerals took place. Now we go to the next slide. You will see kind of the entrance that leads up to the courtyard. You will notice the portrait on the banner there. When you first get off the main drag and go up president ial drive which winds up the hill, we accept portraits on banners for every president. It kind of sets the stage for everyone as they come to visit. On the next slide, you will see the courier. The fountain is under repair. This brings you to the entrance. You will see this wonderful statue. In the next slide. Reagan, it isald anded after the ride, it welcomes you to the admission. You cannot really see it here. But a lot of people love to shake the hand of the president. And the bronze, is starting to rub a little bit. Pretty much like any set you around. They then set you that you take a look at, it is relatively recent acquisition. We played bass and the circle outside outside air force one. We put this in the circle outside air force one. This is president reagan horseback. He was a wonderful horseman. You can see this really cool picture. I got mixed up. I cannot see the next slide. Reagan andesident former general secretary Mikhail Gorbachev at the first piece of the berlin wall that was able to come to the United States. That is what it looks like at the beginning, the opening of the library. If you go to the next slide, we can see what it looks like today. We have done some modifications, but we wanted to have access to what you can see, as the beautiful piece of property that we have. I believe the next shot will be of the f117. That is pretty cold. Again, the foundation was able to secure this just a little while ago. We were able to put it on display. A bit of trivia. This is the only f117 installation outside of the military base. We were quite proud. Another plane, which you will f14,ext, we have an paying tribute to the libyan rate during president reagans a tenure. Out theactually make Pacific Ocean underneath that layer of sunset there. We are quite pleased. Now i would like to go inside. Camille, if you would take us inside. Sorry about that. One of the most visited places in the library is the gravestone. This is where both president and mrs. Reagan are buried. It is a very peaceful, stately. They wanted to be buried so that they could look out and turned to look toward the ocean to see the ocean. It is a very beautiful tribute to both of them. Now i think we will go in. This is the entrance gallery. President ial seal and brass on the floor, and that wonderful portrait of the president , with that wonderful smile. Off to the left and the back, you can see the only statues that i know of that depict both president and mrs. Reagan. If you go to the next slide, you will see that we have an oval office. What is a president ial Library Without an oval office . A funny story about this. The president wanted to have a fullscale oval office. When they decided on the design, it was going to be the outside, Santa Barbara mission style. Low. The architects were in a bit of a quandary and came to the president , mr. President. I wasnt there, i am being told this. There with a. Basically they said, we cannot fit the height of the oval office into the architecture. We do not know what to do. The president looks at them and says, day a whole. That it dig a hole. That is classic Ronald Reagan. The next slide will show a close up of the resolute desperate after my present the resolute desk. Arer my resignation, there two modifications that have happened. After my presentation, i would ask about the two modifications that have happened to this desk. Haveghout the museums, we a number of interactions. This is one about dining in the white house. Mirror,ackground is a but you can see the red cases. That is where we house many of the president ial gifts. They are quite spectacular and some of the presentation. If you go to the next slide. One of my personal favorite displays in the museum is the president s personal diary. What i find interesting about this, as that almost every day of his presidency, he actually wrote in this diary. There are five volumes. The reason they did that, is that when they left the mansion, they did not remember a lot of this stuff. They said, ok, we are going to write this down. It was never really meant to be published. It was just his thoughts and feelings. But there is one entry that is dated the day of his assassination attempt, which i think is externally poignant. It also gives you an insight into Ronald Reagan the man. Remember, this was not necessarily going to be published. Im going to read this short passage. Getting shot hurts. No matter how hard i try to breed, it seemed thousand getting less and less air. I realized that i could not ask for gods help, while at the same time i felt hatred for the mixed up young man who had shocked me. Is that the meaning of the lost sheep. We are all gods children, therefore equally beloved by hampered i began to pray for his soul and that he would find his way back to the fall. Back to the fold. I feel that is wonderful. You can actually electronically go through each of the pages. Lets go to the next slide. Ok, what is the biggest artifact the rehab . Air force one. We are very fortunate to be able to house this magnificent aircraft. Several seven president flew on this. They design of this is truly spectacular. If you go to the next slide, you window isat picture almost a full acre. What you might not notice is that the plane is on pillars, but it is at just a slight to degree tilt. When you go on board and look at the windows, the flight deck windows, and all you see is the mountain, it feels like you are taking one final fight for freedom and democracy. We will very pleased we were very pleased on the design. You can also see in the next slide what we have. A president ial motorcade. To the left is the secret service vehicle. President iall limousine and lapd squad car and motorcycle. The final shot from the air force one the billion is marine one. Era is actually a johnson marine one because they are just now retiring the reagan one. In the next light, we will take you more through the museum. Numberntioned, we have a of interactions. One of the challenges of teaching history and economic recovery, how do you do that . Foundation, weat created this interactive table. It makes it a lot easier to understand economics and compared to trying to read books on the wall. Lets go to the next slide. One of my favorite galleries is the combination with cap david ranchnd the scott in the sky. It is just north of Santa Barbara. You see the mannequin horse. E went oldschool this way we wanted to have an opportunity, a safe opportunity, for people to take a picture as if they were riding with president reagan. You cannot see the back truck, but it shows the president on horseback. President one the horseback. Horse. A quarter i cannot hear any humor. But please, just laugh. Aspectshe most poignant of the experience, at the letter is that this written by the president in his own hand. This is on display there that he tells the American Public that he has alzheimers. What i find fascinating about it is that he is so eloquent. You can go online and read it. Hereally hits the really hits the nail on the head. Own hands and you are trying to have momentous impact of this horrible disease. He only makes one scratch up. I cannot write one thank you note without multiple scratch outs. This is a wonderful tribute to the president and how he communicated. At the end of the museum, the regular museum tour, we have some temporary space. Lets go to the temporary gallery. I am going to explain to you some of the exhibits that we have had in the past. The foundation is very generation is very generous and supporting this. We have had the whole gamut. Give us thehibits chance to tell more history and bring people in for different reasons. This is a fun, lighthearted one about basal about baseball. If you go into the next slide, you can see detail. New york is famous for baseball. In the next slide, you can see some of the historic that goes back to the 19th century. Our collector friend who lives here locally has an amazing collection. Of course, we have got the l. A. Dodgers which is our hometown team. Next, this is probably one of our most spectacular and successful exhibits. That is lincoln. What we have learned in our temporary exhibit is that we 11,000out 10,000 or square feet. We are very fortunate. We can have blockbusters. If you combine history and hollywood, it is a great drawl. Understand what happened in history in a contemporary setting. If you go to the next slide, we have the history. We have one of its hats. That is iconic, and a lot of people take pictures. And the next slide, you will see the actual set from steven lincoln. Film there was an immense amount of research to make this film set as historically accurate as possible. In my opinion, you will never get a more accurate depiction of the office in lincolns white house. There is a wonderful story because it during the latter part of the exhibit, miss or mr. Lberg called and said spielberg said he wanted to see it. We meet him and he says please call me stephen. We go and, and we have Steven Spielberg and rick carter and myself. We go to the entrance, and there is a line. He does not want to go in front of them, so we wait in the line. We are sitting there and people are taking pictures. Hes being very gracious. As they come lets just go in. His eyesd it was were bright white. He started texting. Mama orof texting your friend, he is sending pictures to sally field and Daniel Day Lewis and other celebrities. It was a really wonderful experience. Will see, ane you Army Hospital from the war. He looks at this and at the set, and he says, it is as if i did the movie so that you guys could do this wonderful exhibit. We thought, wow that is pretty cold. The final gallery that you will see in the next slide is kind of a wide angle. What is important about this is that on the left side of the screen, you will see a depiction of where he passed away. At the foot of the bed, they would train hows the bloody pillow that he passed away on. Steven andhen rick were there. He had designed this portion of the exhibit. Rick turned to me and says man, you did a better job than i did in the movie. That was wonderful to take the complement and the whole crew were very proud. Lets go to another blockbuster. This one is titanic. This gives you an idea of how we try to theme exhibits and what it looks like through from a ship. These are original artifacts, and some had never been together since the actual sinking. And the next slide, you will see a movie prop. This is actually the sinking and it is from the movie. In the next slide, you will see plays estate room that heavily in the movie. We were fortunate, like spielberg, that James Cameron came by and spend a whole bunch of time with the staff and visitors, telling behind the scenes stories. Again, the history and the hollywood blending is wonderful. The next slide is not dramatic, but is one of my favorites. The boat bear was used in the movie, which is kind of cool. The side of the ship, that is to exact scale. It is like 14 feet tall and 30 feet wide. The exact dimensions with the rivet and the paint, designed by our time designed by our team. They reproduce this, and be it is to detail was extraordinary. The last slide i will show on this is the telegraph room, the signal room, where part of the issue of the sinking happens. Again, this is a depiction of what it was like back when it sailed. So temporary exhibits are not the only things that we do. We do programs. In the next slide, it will show you one of the president ial debates. We are the only president ial library that has hosted three president ial debates. Here they are. The first one was on the second floor. The next two, we actually built platforms next to air force one to give you a wonderful location. They were magnificent. The final slide of the debates is my favorite. That is mrs. Reagan with the 10 candidates in our oval office. It was already. In the first debate, they are standing at the base of air force one, and in this one, they are saying, i want this as my office. That is a wonderful tribute to mrs. Reagan. Another program we do is the situation room experience. Behind me, im actually in the situation room. 2006,le bit of history, president bush had beat situation room renovated with new technology and design. We are very fortunate to have forthe rooms first of secure video transmission site. We created it. Here are the stats here are the steps. Here are the sets. Room. Reasure the actual everything graham, with the exception of the chairs and monitors is from the white house. When you sit in this room, you feel like you are in the white house. We created an Educational Program like anywhere in the world. We are quite proud of it. I will show you one more slide, and what we are going to do is go to a video. We clearly do not have enough time on this broadcast today. But you can see the White House Press podium, part of the game that we play and the lessons right now i am going to have 40ille buy a 42nd play a second clip of a situation room expense. We have a live report of a situation room report. [sirens] [explosions] the situation room experience is incredible. Extraordinary. The experience is the ultimate teambuilding exercise. You can experience something that looks, feels, and acts like a real crisis, without the consequent. It is a modern, fictional Foreign Policy crisis experience. Duke that gives you a teaser of what the program is like. What is extraordinary is that weve been working with patrick and the National Archives foundation and oxley created a virtual experience that will be coming to you soon. With that, i think you all for listening. I hope that i do not bore you too much. I will turn it back to patrick who will lead us in a wonderful debate. Patrick alright. That was fantastic, dude. Thank you. Oft last picture reminds me how much property you have and the transformation over the years from the groundbreaking forward. I know right now in california, the west coast, your doing with lots of fires. Has the facility been impacted by that . It is close to the public. Last year, i remember talking to you the day that there was a fire that was literally at the parking lot. Can you sort of talked about what is happening right now . I know you have a very interesting Fire Management system that you guys have in place out there. Duke our hearts and prayers go out to all of those affected throughout the west coast with the fires. They are truly devastating. We know firsthand, because last year the fire engulfed completely 360 degrees around the library. It came within 50 feet of the air force one pavilion. We had a little bit of infrastructure damage with the foundations. Internet. The Firefighting Team resaved it. When you talk about Fire Management, the Foundation Hosts every year, which is one of the ismunities favorite times, clearance. We use goats. We have a goatherd or. The goats eat everything and the people love it. Said that thats is what helped save the library. It is always a fun thing. Again, we are very blessed with our location, despite the fires. Patrick we want to get into some questions here. I want to remind everyone that we have the chat box that you can use. Albany, and your, grand rapids,owa city, omaha, new jersey chevy chase, maryland. Of course washington, florida. Pretty much have the whole country covered. Lots of interest in reagan, always has been. One thing he did not talk about was the research side. Folks learn about the administration of the legacy in all the different components. How many folks do you get every year . What are they researching . Give us a feel for the research side. Prior to covid, because we have been closed for six months, when you get researchers literally from all over the world, they are studying particular issues that might be nato, it might be the strike. It might be they are writing a book on the president. We have had dozens and dozens of authors that come and do research. We have students at are doing projects, we have journalists. During the debate, prior to the debate they might come and do some research. And we will get between five and 900 year. Depending on whats being released and whats not, we will get more. Postcovid isoom open five days a week. Its like the museum 10 00 to 5 00. There are certain protocols you have to follow that have nothing to do with covid, but we welcome researchers of all stripes. We usually get a question about documents. Its been almost 40 years. Talk to us a little bit about things that are still being released. Not everything is out in the public. I have a team of supervisory archivist who do nothing but research. They make sure the all the protocols are followed in the release of the documents. So that happens. We are somewhere around 45 50 of materials that are opened. There are still a dozen, 20 years left of review. There are all of these protocols they have to go through. If they are National Security issues, they have to be sent to the agencies and stuff like that. We are just like any other making accessin happened to our documents we try as fast as we can. Lets jump into some of the questions. The geography question, how far away is the reagan ranch from the library . Perspective its about an hour and a half to the base of the mountain. It is just north of Santa Barbara. I have had the fortunate opportunity to visit there are couple of times. Getting up to the hill can vary because its a small mountain and winding roads. You showed the baseball exhibit, and i think this was inspired by this, are there any videos or audio i did not do cubsreagan used to announcer and act like the are there audios of this . Have they been released . Are they somewhere else . Be honest with you, i dont know if we have the withdings, but i can check the archivists. But there is a wonderful story , and he usedreagan to call the games on a teletype machine. It would come in and he would announce on who, the radio. This one time the machine broke. So he is sitting there on live areo, like right now, we live, what happens of the screen goes dead commie have to react. He next 15 or 20 minutes said, and the pitch, and hes out, he scores, that guy grabbed it. He had so many foul balls and strikes and then it started going up again and he was able to finish the game. Us about obviously there is a lot of president ial guests, objects, do you have a favorite object or artifact . Child . Your favorite yeah right. One of the most unusual is this big ball of yarn. You are sitting there going, why would somebody send the president a big wall of yarn . The reason was, there was a knitting club down in, i think northern san diego county. There was a conference on aging in the white house and they want to send a message that this was important. Rather than just send a letter that was important, this sent a big ball of yarn and said, we think this is important. I think that is pretty unusual. There are so many jewel encrusted beings. Was here. Registrar i think we have something from. Ust about every country well, the countrys changed, but we are very fortunate in that regard. Is i donthere favor it, but this is an used one. We get all sorts of portraits. Some of the portraits are not really that good. Some of them are. But this one you look at it and you go, what . Depictsd of soft, it him, but when you look at it its actually made from butterfly wings. Thought, oh my gosh. I was told that they only use the right wing. [laughter] well played. We have a thousand objects downstairs. Say if you areou coming from a visit, that is a logistics question. People are planning for you to open, how much time do you recommend for a visit to the library and museum . Minimum, two hours. As i mentioned in my presentation, theres 2. 25 miles of this. So just the walk takes about 45 minutes. And stuff are reading like that. He had the Permanent Museum in the air force one to billion. There is just a lot to see. Venmo we have a temporary exhibit, whether its baseball or the wok city or whatever, thats another hour. And then you have the grounds, want to stroll through to see the statues and visit the gravesites. We also have a goldstar memorial here that we put in about a year or so ago, which was quite a tribute to the goldstar families. So anywhere between two and four hours. And we have restaurant facilities onsite. We just renovated the restaurant. It is supposed to be spectacular , we have not been able to eat there. Two to four hours minimum. So a poor minute part of the guide said is a favorite with visitors . Temporaryyour exhibits will change and drop people in, but of the permanent gallery, if you take air force one out, its unlevel. Thats the 800 pound gorilla in the room. People love the oval office. How many of us really get the chance to visit the oval office . It is an exact replica of how it waswhen the president during his administration. That is always fascinating to see. Mrs. Reagans, gallery is quite beautiful. We have a number of her downs and outfits, but also some of the more important things, like just say no to Drugs Campaign that people like mc. Of course youve got the ranch in camp david, which is extraordinary. In my opinion, the most powerful is, starting with the alzheimers level letter, and the next when you go into is about the funeral. Having been through it here, the outpouring of feelings and support for the president from all over, from all different places, and to listen to some of those speeches, its just really, really powerful. You answered one of the questions about mrs. Reagan. There was a question about his service in world war ii. He did not mention that, is there space when it talks about his Naval Service . Its the first Motion Picture unit. Hase honest with you, it been a long time since ive been there is aut i think small mention of it. Eachhallenge that president had, like the foundation or library had, you have so much to choose from that you simply cannot sell it all. But that was the first Motion Picture used that he belonged to. So on the point of interesting and different kind of objects and documents, does the museum have anything from soviet dissidents or objects from a former soviet union . The answer is yes. There is one in particular that is personal to me because i have been here only a couple of years onei was in the gallery and of my Staff Members came up to me and said, there are these three priests. I thought there would be a joke about three priests and the gallery. No, there were three priests and gallery. And i cannot pronounce his name. Alitalia what we have of his on display. Hadurns out that father s been in prison for a total of 20 or 26 years. It was Ronald Reagan that set him free. He did not speak english, but hehad a translator and started speaking and he started crying. He owed his life to Ronald Reagan and i said, would you you if we could arrange for to come back and do an oral history. These stories dont make the paper, but this is the real life of a priest who spent 2026 years in awful conditions in prison camps. When we did it, it was difficult because he broke up quite a bit during the conversation. Hisin the end he gave us prison uniform and his hat and we have that on display. Very powerful. A couple of history questions here for you. Convinced griffin reagan to run for governor of california . I dont know. But griffin was of was a close personal friend who was wonderful. I am not the reagan historian. Ou need one of the archivist you talk about the library and what we have done the past 20 or 30 years and i can do that. I apologize to the historians out there. But if you email me, i will get back to you. But i love this story. This is when mrs. Reagan was alive. There was some event that she was at and we were strolling through the museum and merv was there and he was hanging back. Come in the museum there is a portrait of the president at the rock river ridge he was a lifeguard and saved all these lives. So merv goes, did i ever tell you the story that i was talking to the president about his life . We were in the white house and the president started talking about all of his stories and merv was there and says, mr. President , of those 77 lives that you saved, how many were women . And the president has the struggle and says, well, merv, they were all women. And he goes, are you sure they were drowning . And that is a merv griffin story. Speaking of which, you are very close to your geography relative to washington, d. C. Do you have a lot of hollywood famous actors coming to visit . The titanic was an opportunity to engage the hollywood industry. But just on a yeartoyear basis . On a regular basis, not so. Uch years ago they were alive and a lot of them are passing on, but wereexhibits like titanic lincoln, we do attract them. Obviously the relationship it between the president and mrs. Reagan bode well for that. But that is tapering off and it just depends on what is happening. Thee do a big event like debate, you will get all stripes. I have a couple more questions and then we have a fat we want to throw up on the screen to finish up. Did nancy reagan speak at the funeral . At the president s funeral, no. A personal question for you, for younger folks who are watching, what kind of educational background do you need to become an archivist or work a library in the kind of position that you have obtained . Position is different from an archivist. You dont have to be an archivist to become the director of the library. Other than when might daughter was 14, i will think there are too many people that want that. I came into it because i was a supporter of the president and i was working at the university. But i am not a historian and i am not necessarily the one to model your career after if you want to work at the president ial library. And very different departments. On the museum side there are study courses, classes and degrees. Generally speaking, Library Science or library type degrees, history degrees and then you can specialize. I dont know of a lot of schools that have programs, but i know to doridge locally used that. You can check with the college and universities you are interested in and say, i would like to be an archivist, what is the best path. I know want to lead somebody on the path because things have changed significantly. But the universities are the way to go. Thats a great segue. The numbers of the University Library is situated on the campus. Is the Reagan Library associated with one . Are not associated with one particular, clearly we are not on the campus. But both with the foundation in the library programs, we work with a number of universities across the country. And some that we are working with locally now are pepperdine, know the and then i foundation has the institute of washington that they are working with. Programe a yearlong , but we workcovid with multiple universities. What about other president ial libraries . Do you work with them or the democratic president ial libraries . Work with all libraries. One of the programs we are atking with you all about the National Archives foundation is an adaptation of a situation, its a virtual experience. Had something you can play anywhere in the world. Just today we engaged six other president ial libraries in the development of this, and we hope. O create additional scenarios the next two that we are looking at hopefully would be kennedy and roosevelt. But we are apolitical. Regardless of my personal political beliefs, we talk about history and we want to promote that. Working with my colleagues across the spectrum is not only important, but frankly its a lot of fun. To Fun Questions to close out, can you see the Pacific Ocean from the library . Yes. About half the time of the year you can. Think 30 miles as the crow flies and then you can look out beyond that and see the channel islands. You saw some of the pictures of the berlin wall. It is just spectacular. What was interesting is during funeral, thes ceremony we wanted time that sunset, and you dont know when its going to pass, so its very difficult, but when that sunset, when we laid him to rest, this is an extraordinary location. Very good. You need it up in your presentation, i know we will go back to the oval office and test our viewers a little bit of history. Tell us what is your question for the audience . I am pretty sure there has only been two modifications done. If there is someone smarter, please let us know via the chat. But there have been two modifications. Look att one, if you the eagle right at the front, when the desk was first built, it did not have that door. The most famous picture is john john peeking out while kennedy was sitting there. The roosevelt had that put in there. Now, here is the question. What was the second modification . Do you want me to answer it . What do you want me to do . Lets give our audience a second to queue up. I am giving you a hint, it has president reagan. And if you look closely, you can see it. Give me one second. Somebodylike weve got who asks, yes the desk was raised to accommodate the length of reagans legs. Correct. If you look at the bottom there is two and a half inches that was raised. What happened is, you could barely see his chair looking over the top of the desk. That was the chair that he loved and used in the gubernatorial office. When he brought it up in washington, it was too big. He had the white house copper carpenters at that section. Very good, whoever that was. Semi that just say your name and i will give you free admission to the library. Answer, it waser to include a jellybean dispenser. You got me on that one, i forgot my jellybeans. Here is the trivia question. This is to you. What was his favorite flavor . Green. Mill. No. Licorice. We are fullle] of all kinds of history here. We are very blessed to have this Wonderful Team here both with the National Archive staff, i cannot be prouder in working with the foundation. They have been very generous over the years. Working with the likes of the National Archive foundation and our brethren across the country. President ial libraries to me are very important, hamlet celebrate them. We have been delighted to have the chance to kick off this and expose the audience, our viewers to the president ial library system. Some people dont even know the archives, so we will make our way through all of them and i appreciate your time. Overe enjoyed knowing you the years, especially since i arrived we have had a number of fun collaborations and i absolutely look forward to physically get out to california and see some more of those visit all the new things you keep adding to the library. Thank you so much for your time this afternoon, think your team and look forward to talking to you soon. Thank you. Just one final thing, if people do have any questions that i was emaille to answer, please me. Are a teacher out there and no teachers, please reach we are verycause excited to have an impact education. With that, thank you. From George Washington to george w. Bush, every sunday at 8 00 p. M. And midnight eastern we feature the presidency. A weekly series exploring the president s, their politics, policies and legacies. Youre watching American History tv, all weekend, every weekend on cspan three. 24, 1964,ember Supreme Court chief Justice Earl Warren handed a report of the president s commission on the assassination of president kennedy to president Lyndon Johnson in the oval office. The seven commissioners pictured here with johnson and the general counsel concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing president kennedy. They worked for nine months in this building, the Washington Office of the vfw. A short walk from the u. S. Capitol. We set upandle a camera to talk to the investigative journalist whose book a cruel and shocking act examines the work, using key phone calls, documents and artifacts. He explains some of the lingering controversies regarding the war and report. Built Commission Staff strongly from the earliest days that they needed to go to dallas, they needed to try to reconstruct as much as the assassination scene as they could. The rifle, to take the one that oswald apparently used, they wanted to take it to the six floor of the compositor he and put a camera at the top of it and see what oswald would have seen through the scope of his rifle when he was taking the shots. That is what they are doing here with the assistance of the fbi. It turns out that the chief justice did not want to do this, he thought it was unnecessary. He did not want to create a media ruckus in dallas. He is eventually convinced it has to be done. In the same film that you can download online is a. Econstruction this is a reconstruction on the six floor. This is a gentleman in the role of oswald leaving the area of the purge on the six floor and showing how he would have that floor and left the building. And they and the following down to the cafeteria where this man sits down to drink a coat. Why was the timing of him leaving his perch and exiting the building so important . Becomes important because witnesses doing counter all is walden the cafeteria downstairs. Oswaldstion becomes did have time to fire the shot think it from the 64 downstairs to the cafeteria where he is seen with the soda . The reconstruction concludes he did have the time to get down there. By thesefronted witnesses, but that is true of oswald in several situations. He is remarkably calm and poised as he denies he had no involvement in the assassination. This is one you requested we look at. The National Archives allowed us the transfer ticket found in oswalds pocket after his arrest. This is fascinating to me because it reflects an investigation that was carried out by the Commission Staff, but was not reflect it in the final report. Which is at one of the most aggressive of the young staff people on the commission becomes convinced that alls walden was trying to flee somewhere. That he had someplace to go after the assassination. From desg lawyer moines, iowa, finds this bus from the day of the assassination, suggesting that oswald was going to use this bus transfer to get somewhere in particular. Ofknew the bus routes dollars. He used public transport all the time. In the conclusion was a oswald was going to use it because he knew there was a bus he wanted to connect to. Thatcome to the conclusion oswald might have been heading back to mexico. That something happened during his mexico city visit. If heffered to help him could ever get back out of the United States after the assassination. Theory, and it was only a theory, is not reflected in the war on commissions final report, because the leaders wanted to rule out speculation, in order to rule out what other people knew about or conspired from oz weld. Vote andnes won the insisted on equality for all. Types about the various ways africanamerican women became involved in womens she focuses on how they advocated for their communities. United States Capital Story Society and womens Suffrage Centennial commission hosted this event and provided the video. Jane dr. Martha jones was the very first scholar that we recruited for this symposium. Back in the day, when you could see one another, i went over to baltimore and we had coffee and got to know each other a little bit. And she agreed she would come and keynote our conference. And so we are so honored. Dr. Jones

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