This is the beginning of patrick jones. From this time on, his life will be a constant conflict. Necessity, and duty opposing dreams and distractions. These conflicts exist in every human being and we must to learn to do with them. It 10 years later, he is still immature and in thought and action. He can raise more hell than any kid on the block. He has plenty of fun, some of it not in accord with adult ideas of peace and quiet, but all in the routine of a boyhood. Anyakes him feel not in spirit of meanness, but because the old man represents authority and discipline. Yes, over the years dad has learned that firecracker shooting must be restrained at times and this will hurt bad more than it hurts pat. As patrick grows older he finds it pleasant to have people make a fuss over him like the time when he won first prize or when he hurt his knee in the championship Football Game and covered himself with glory. Everybody made over and waited on him. He was the fourstar local hero and he loved it. Inside himself, unconsciously pat will always carry with him this memory when dad was proud as a peacock, he showed the newspaper clippings until they were worn out. This is home and it is great. Home means moms deep dish apple pie, so good dad always had three pieces and sitting around listening to the radio, playing jim rummy with the old man. It is where he can call up margie and ask her to the movies or down to the drugstore for a soda, or if he feels like being alone he can go up to his own room. There is something mighty comforting about your own room. He is a man on his own to come up paying his own way, earning his own living. Men,ck jones, junior for holding down a job with a paycheck every saturday and the good one for a man his age. Are closingsee they you out. Closing out . I quit. He could quit his job whenever he liked for whatever reason he liked. Life was, his home left behind and he is one of now see manmen, jones. He is not necessarily rc man jones. Seaman notot root an jones. Ly our seam obrien who was an orphanage. You can tell a lot by what is in his heart. Could be the boy going steady with a girl who has always been his and always will be. A look at the anside story of this seam jones who has gone from this to this, from moms deep dish apple pie to ms line, from his own from to a mess lines, his own room, to this. Noise, confusion, no privacy. The change is a big one and he is having a hard time adjusting himself to this new life. Seaman jones is unhappy and disturbed. He feels he is being neglected by his family and his girl. He has had no mail for four weeks now. He is a having a hard time focusing on his classwork. To he was the boy who used win the silver cups in high school. This is no picnic, says seaman jones. He finds himself panicky and loss in a crowd of countless men where everyone looks a lock and alikealike and is treated. No glory here like the time he was a football hero. He is worried about himself, so much so that one night ash that one night mayday y, will i get my liberty this weekend . What if i get my stripes . Ive got the jitters. Maybe im going nuts . Oh. Host on top of all his other who had, seaman jones, always been a friendly guy found himself unable to enter into the general easy companionship of the men with whom he was living and working. Joining in, he resented the sometimes loud, rowdy fund in the barracks and nobody seemed to care how he fun in the barracks and nobody seemed to care how he felt. All of a sudden, the knee he twisted in that grand and glorious Football Game went back on him. It hurt plenty but at least he can have that taken care of and a mighty good doctor looks it over with the best care. The doctor cannot find anything organically wrong with the knee. The most startling thing is that seaman jones is not goal breaking. It really hurts. It is not his imagination either. He feels the pain. That is how he knows it is there. On top of nightmares into loneliness, what can be wrong . The most sensible thing he can possibly do he goes to the Mental Health department sees thehe and psychiatrist. The doctors are neither surprised or alarmed because it is not new, amazing as it is to jones. And answere answer, jones can understand. A today we are making Scientific Study of the mind and we are finding encouraging things. This nervous breakdown you are afraid of for instance no one has a nervous breakdown ever. They dont . Our do notphysical nerves break. We get into moods that make us unhappy as a result of the conflicts that bessette us set us. That be like theical symptoms aching knee can have an emotional cause. Commonness is quite a mood. It makes a person focus attention more closely on himself. Perhaps he notices his heart beating, or his muscles tensing. Think they areen fleeting into mental illness. It almost never is. Perhaps i can help you if i give you an idea of how your mind works. You see, emotions can cause real physical pain. The conscious mind is a pleasant , sunny place were normal thoughts have free reign. Dark andscious mind is mysterious and harbors such thoughts as i am i am lonesome. No one pays attention to me. I must be losing my mind. It is his job to keep them out. Hey little thought that keeps popping up. Im lonesome. I wished i was dead. What did you say . I said i wished i was dead. I must be stupid. I just cant see things clearly. Outside, bums. [indiscernible] im my own worst enemy stop picking on me somebody is always picking on me nobody pays any attention to me. They are blind to real talent. Watch this mind ust be losing my holy cats, i must be losing mine. [indiscernible] conscious mind, these self pitying dots tumble thoughts pitying tumble all your emotions and arouse them with your clamor. They goad him to find another way for them to assert themselves on your current just mind conscious mind. This brute who never forgets anything that ever happened to you, remembers a certain incident. You a lot of sympathetic attention in the past, and incident, which your conscious mind may have forgotten, by your unconscious members. Now he knows just what to do. Boys. E got it, into the car with you this is going to be fun why didnt we think of this before . [laughter] i got some attention now that is why your knee hurts even though there is nothing physically wrong with it. Im sure glad to hear that. A lot of boys feel the way you do. In heres another seaman named scott who in his civilian days never had anything wrong with him. He won golden glove tournaments. He was a fighter indeed. [applause] then he landed in the coast guard and found himself no more important than any other seaman. He found himself being ordered around by a petty officer half his size, being told what to do and how to do it. Having his hat straight and for him and even having the lint dusted off his clothes, he, a champion in his own right even in the classroom he found himself thrown for a loss by simple navigation. He just could not turn out an adequate notebook. One day he turned up that sick bay with the bad stomachache with a bad stomachache. Xray andal exam, Laboratory Studies proved there was nothing physically wrong, so he was sent to the psychiatrist. What went on in his mind was Something Like this he had lots of self pitying thoughts running around in his mind. He would not let his conscious mind think that. He chases them into his unconscious mind and old man unconscious decides that what the seaman needs is a full proof excuse for not doing well. He takes care of that in his own way. Come on, fellas [laughter] now ill really upset this tummy. Lets get to work. Youre always picking on me. Now its my turn to do the picking everyone has emotional disturbances and no one is Strong Enough to control their emotions absolutely. I have some notes here i will give you. They may clear up some of the things that have been bothering you. Thank you. Seaman jones did study the notes and found them even more hope all then he had helped. They were interesting, understandable, and they made sense. Professor, would you . The note that the doctor gave me, how to go nuts and you have to give it to the petty officer. It really worries me. It says here may be you are blaming your petty officer because you have a sneaking feeling you cannot keep up with the rest of the guys. Everyone does funny things. That is always a radel going on inside of us inside us there is always a battle going on between what we want to do and what we need to do. Whenever i get a dirty job to do, i cannot seem to think straight. I aint Stephen Kelly no more. I am someone else. I see all that deck that has to oh bbed and a thousand miles away as he dreams himself a hero, this time a spy in the palace. Seagoing dick a kelly . Eh [applause] of course there has to be a reward for a daring. Doublebarreled Homecoming Court thats right, admiral kelly rightdown fifth avenue down fifth avenue. It is so real he can hear the crowd yelling his name. Kelly kelly get back to work. Stand thathy i cant petty officer. He has a baduse personality or because he brought you back to reality . Maybe its that. Guys dontome of you like the mantoman to combat drills . Youve got an inferiority dingus. Its like what they call an inferiority complication. When you feel you can keep up with the petition you may begin to blame the task instead of realizing it is your own weakness that is troubling you. Does it tell me how i can get cured . You have to know something about it. Everyone has inferiority. Inferiority helps us because we try to improve ourselves. If we do something that turns out good that helps but there is always inferiority in all people. Says doc says Mental Health is applying common sense to your emotions. It is always hard to recognize jealousy in oneself, for example most of us secretly wish we could be all american athletes. Because we cant, we like to say athletes are dumbbells and that is that is why we say most beautiful girls are dumb. Usee know what it is we can it to help us get ahead. Where did you get that . A couple weeks ago i started to get i thought my nerves would snap. Your nervous system is just like anything else. It gets tired and upset. A good night sleep or a little play and relaxation and it is good again. Our nerves do not break. You know what i am afraid of . I am afraid of being a coward. Me too. Sometimes i cant think of anything else. Iknow you think sometimes cant think of anything else. I sit in chapel and i sit there and start sweating and i say keep me from being a coward. What will i do if i get into action and i get so scared i turnraitor traitor . That is a natural, that is a natural fear, the fear of running away, a fear we all have. We call it the instinct of selfpreservation. Animals react to it instinctively in order to protect themselves. We know that we may be afraid but fear of cowardice are not the same. In fact fear is an emotion that has always protected us. Here is an american submarine cruising quietly. Suddenly an enemy bomb rushes it. It does not explode but is live and it can at any second and it is jammed in and out accessible place below. Only this skinny boy can get at it and inaccessible place below an inaccessible place below. Only this skinny boy can get at it. He must you must remove this detonator only he does not know how. He is scared. He must follow the directions from the communicator. In this instance, fear can actually help for it causes an instantaneous change to occur in our bodies so that every muscle and organ goes into high gear to help us to the emergency as it is helping this seaman while he has literally got the lives of the crew in his hands. Stimulated by fear, the heart pumps faster to carry more blood arteries. He is doing what he has to do as frightened as you will ever be. Fear is acting helpfully to heighten all responses. Waste materials, which might slow us down are quickly thrown off and there comes an intensity of concentration to carry us through the emergency. You can see the terror in this mans face, but by stepping up his physical reactions to help him through the most dangerous crisis of his life, fear has become his ally, instead of his enemy. Aided by fear, he has done it. Jones and the rest of his mates who are troubled understand the sources and causes of their worries, and the result jones is no longer lonely and out of things. He is one of the guys. He has learned what his mistakes were and corrected some of them. He has adjusted to his new environment and is doing all right. The same is true of seaman scott. He is straightened out into doing a swell job. He thinks of those bugaboo hetys as a swell player has found the right outlets for his energy and ambition and kelly the dreamer, he has not dreaming now. He is having a good time and is studying hard for he has learned that it is only through our own efforts that we achieve real satisfaction. All people must learn to live and work in harmony, must assume new responsibilities and take pride in their duties. That is what is now reflected in these mens faces as they get combat orders. Anderson looks confident. Kelly is alert and ready. Scott is a cool, steady warrior. Jones is going for new recognition. About our little minds and thereby protect ourselves from some of the unconscious trends to which we are subject. Sound Mental Health is our nations greatest asset and this we must maintain. Let us have pride in our core and in our service our corp and in our service. Let us hope for a better life and a better world tomorrow

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