Children, the human raw material of each shattered nations tomorrow. Preview, in flesh and blood, of its future. Pillars of the brave new world, pillars of the brave new world ages from three to six and not even able to stand. Age nine, mother tortured, father burned alive. Age 10, lost her senses when shells swept her dutch village. Age eight, mother, father, sister, and brother killed all around him in deliberate shell fire because they refused to leave the shelter of a ravine, himself wounded. Age eight, she did not know her strange new toy was a grenade. Ages 10 to 14. Age three, stunted and warped by nutritional deficiency. Pillars of the brave new world, separated from parents whose names they dont even remember. Roaming like wolf packs, stealing, begging, education neglected, all normal influence gone, living in filth, and millions more like them from which will emerge new leaders, new leaders who also bear the burden of keeping the peace together. Four here, too, as well as in more fortunate nations are makers of tomorrow. Will they be new einsteins, madame currys, or new hitlers, mussolinis, tojos . Axis hadccess carefully contrived a legacy, a legacy designed to drive down nations into one common ruling, jeopardizing the next generation for the next round. For germany in particular had long practice of ripping the entire fabric of a nations life, so the state of enduring weakness could be assured, liberation or not. Liberated, the Czech Village filled this entire valley, and then was wiped so completely off the face of the earth that not even rubble remained. For all the women were sent to concentration camps, of which these are among the surviving few. For all the men and boys of the ville were shot and buried in one common grave. And all the little children sold for 50 marks apiece to various german families, and perhaps lost forever. The effects of which will linger long after men like these, captured ss men who helped destroy the village, have been tried and condemned. And their bigshot counterparts who created, in a greater degree, a design for destruction that made the village an ominous miniature of the design will do all of civilization, a design detailed by hitler himself in the last days of the third reich as he stated in essence we shall leave an inheritance of ruins, stone heaps, rats, epidemics, hunger and death, and thereby western civilization shall decline. Rebirth through ruins, s. Twisting whole countries int economic cripples, weakness that will last for decades. Rebirth through stone heaps. [drumming] reducing human living to animal level. [drumming] rebirth through rats, epidemics. [drumming] nothing reduces population like plague. [drumming] rebirth through hunger. [drumming] a starved nation cannot be a sturdy one, and malnutrition leaves a lingering mark, rebirth through death. [drumming] reducing and withering theass population of all countries within reach, so that the germans and japanese would remain the strongest physically and mentally, come what may, and thereby civilization shall decline. Nor was this final strategy of rebirth through common ruin Something Special born of adolf hitler only. The german generals staff, like the jap general staff, were old hands at it. These were the words of one general talking before the Berlin Military Academy at wars outset. We germans must number twice the population of our neighbors. Therefore we shall be compelled to destroy one third of the population of all adjacent territories. We can best achieve this through systematic malnutrition, in the end far superior to machine guns. Starvation works more effectively, especially among the young. Starvation works more effectively, especially among the young. Unquestionably, of all the victims in the program against whole populations, the most pitiful have been the most precious, the young. Even after liberation, the heirs of fear,is legacy hunger, and hate, to be nourished in an atmosphere of desperation, a destiny of despair, calculated to supply the new tools, the new hitlers, tojos, and mussolinis, of an even bloodier tomorrow. But with the lesson of two world wars to learfrom, if any of us among the United Nations give fascism its cunningly planned open road to revival by being this, orto neglecting this, the axis legacy in action as the true cost in terms of tomorrow begins to show itself dissension, distress, despair, doubt, defeatism, for trial fertile soil for the seeds of world war iii and signs axis success in this, the last battle, and if we permit this to be the face of the future, then truly there will be only one place in which to rest the full burden of the blame, on ourselves. Ourselves, including those of us strolling in the shaded streets of nations whose trees have not been stripped by shrapnel, and whose homes have suffered neither burn nor blast, our lush land bearing no scar of the scorchedearth, in the shops where shortage represents not death, but merely temporary discomfort. Walking by schools and grounds where the only screams that have been heard were and are those of children at play, and whose steeples stretched toward god shadowed by theun bombers wing. In this atmosphere, the information, no matter how vivid, cannot convey the full meaning of what others endured and still endure. But in those homes to which the faithful telegrams have been delivered and blue stars have given way to gold, has come the evidence that geography is no bar to tragedy. Justice to all homes has been given the warning of people who do not understand history are doed to repeat it. To many men and naons has come the conviction that the world simply cannot survive anher war. Thus even as they meet in the hope of ending war forever, the United Nations look to the First Organization created in their name, unrra, United Nations relief and rehabilitation administration. Unrra, much criticized and much praised, but still the only major source to which the United Nations pump into the veins and arteries of stricken people throughout the earth, the emergency items of relief that serve as the plasma of peace. Items from Six Continents and seven seas. Anutpouring from each nations heart to each warstricken friend and neighbor. Hundreds of private relief and welfare organizations blend their efforts through unrra, along with the contributions of the governments themselves. As all over the ravaged areas, the tired heart of liberated nations fights to regain strength and vigor. And the strong heart of the United Nations, working hand in hand to help. A welfare specialist from cuba. A doctor from cuba and a nurse from belgium. A child expert from england. A therapeutic from ohio. From canada, norway, south africa, china, operating despite the handicaps of varied languages, and learning constructive new lessons in international teamwork, for it very wisely has been said that the nations will learn to Work Together only by actually working gether. And by providing treatment of dachshund treatment and treatment and artificial limbs for the crippled and disabled, d teaching occupationshat will allow the men to stand on their own feet again, even though the feet themselves may be artificial. And with donated shoes, learning to be shoemakers so that they may later serve their own villages. And so the pulse of rehabilitation begins to beat again in the areas warped and withered by war. It is a pulse that beats feebly at first, this pulse of restoration, while little men labor and strive with whatever is at hand or can be brought to hand, and the mounds of supplies seen in the docks and melt down to inadequate, minute portions, carefully measured out so that all may share and survive and work. And homes are remade wherever a roof is to be found that will provide shelter. Part of a glider wing helps to repair one house, discarded gun covers keep the elements out of another. So also on the farm is restoration sought, despite the toll exacted daily by wars lethal leftovers, for the food supply itself is a matter of life and death, and wherever and whenever fuel can be obtained, the smoke rises once more from family stoves and firesides. The return to normalcy takes on many forms, even though it be a nightmare kind of normalcy. Unrra is able to report progress, but small in to need. N for each nail driven, 100,000 more are needed. For each blanket given, a thousand more must be given. And the same with plows, and seed, and trucks, and medicine, and livestock, and vitamins and food to turn rickety bodies into rugged bodies and turn prostrated populations once more into proud and prolific peoples, d all the hundreds of items straining and exhausting. Straining and exusting an initial unrra budget of 2 billion, made up of 1 of each contriting nations annual income. 2 billion, less than the cost of five days of war. Five days of war. Without shattered bodies or pain or lost arms, legs, minds, five days without a single soldier having to give his life, the cut rate price of peace, a peace purchased at a much higher price by men in whose hearts echo the words of thomas payne, if there be trouble, let it be in my time, that my child may have peace. Peace, too, for those children already maimed in one war, who must never experience or symbolize another. Wh seeds of destiny will sprout from within these raved ranks and lands where the specter of famine stalks, new fuhrers or new lovers of liberty . The answer it will hang in the balance throughout the immediate months and years, for there is still a lonway to go in this last battle, a long way. While men of goodwill everywhere face the challenge to shape a world in which each nations upcoming generation can walk with hope and confidence, the paths of peace and strive to meet the responsibilities and preserve the victories won by fighting men of the United Nations the hard way, and establish once and for all that Even Stronger than the atomic bomb is the human heart. By the spring of 1950, only five years after the last shots of world war ii had been fired, the United States army had been reduced to an active fce

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