Coming up on American History tv, a Campaign Film supporting 1940 republican president ial candidate Wendell Wilke. Well hear conventions from those that knew the founding father. Here a century and a half ago, our nation was born. Here is the declaration of independence which proclaimed our freedom. All men are created equal. They are endowed by their creator by certain rights. Among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We adopted the constitution of the United States which guarantees our freedom. Which determines that neither king nordic ta dictator but onl the people shall rule. Dr. Franklin . Youve just come from the Constitutional Convention. What have we got . A republic or and a republic. And you can keep it so. The statement that of Benjamin Franklin as the Constitutional Convention ended labors in september 1787. A republic if you can keep it so. He established the Great American edition of 145 years and our safeguard against dictatorship that no president should serve for awe third term. A third term. Friends and fellow citizens, the period for a new election of a citizen to administer the executive government of the United States being not far distanced. And the time already arrived when your thoughts must be occupied. It appears to me that especially as it may conduce to a more distant expression of the public voice that i should now apprise you of the resolution i have formed. There are a number of those of whom a choice is to be made. Um here in philadelphia in june 1940, members of another history making convention opened their sessions. The 22nd convention of the Republican Party will now come to order. Resolve well keep this nation republic. Minnesotas youthful governor is the spirit of free men. Hello republican delegates. Lights are going out as we meet in europe. Blackouts of dictators take the place of lighthouses of free men. Ours is the grave responsibility to keep burning brightly the light of liberty. If we meet that responsibility, the people will make demands to be here. Here are men and women from all the states and territories. Met to face another grave responsibility. Meant to preserve the constitution which the founders wrote. Meant to keep america free from dangers which washington and jefferson foresaw and which they discouraged by placing country above themselves. These americans are determined to preserve representative republican government in this land no matter what happens elsewhere. Behind them in every part of the country are millions of americans giving voice to the Great American truth that we the people are the government. There the opportunity. They have fatherinlaw in america. They have faith in america. Representatives bring the spirit of undependenindependenc. No machine politicians in control. Here is no manipulative branch. Here is no manufactured period. It comes from sincere men and women. Free men and women. It does not come from men under the lash of corrupt suty machines. Here we the people assert our will. These representatives of the people demand a leader who is one of them. A man who came up the hard way. The greatest in all history besides. The peoples demand is met. Mr. Chairman, they move that the nomination be made unanimous. Everyone in favor of making the nomination unanimous say aye. Those that are no . And here the following day, they come to convention hall. Im very thankful and also overwhelmed. I dont think any man in my position could be but overwhelmed. Its just the beginning of the fight. The fight for the preservation of american ideals. A fight to bring about unity in america, for the restoration of our domestic economy and the building of a great defense so that no dictator may strike. I thank the convention. I thank all of the american people. And as vicepresident ial running mates and the representatives gave them another Great American. Senator Charles Mcnairy of oregon. And so Wendell Wilke emerges in response to the greatest demonstration of spontaneous support that our country has ever known. His grandparents like the ancestors of millions of americans fled europe to find liberty in this country. His parents first taught school and then practiced law. Wendell wilke was born in a modest home like millions of americans. He went to the public grau grpu high school. His parents moved to this home in which he went to go into law and business. The day we declared war on germany in 1917, he enlisted in the Arms Services of his country and then fought in france with his two brothers promptbly joining him in uniform. He married a librarian in the neighboring town of rushville where he owns indiana farmland. His land on needs and problems not from books, not from brain trust reports, not from boss ridden city machines but by living and working and talking with us, facetoface, shoulder to shoulder. And it is facetoface that hed like to meet you now. To talk for a few minutes about the problems confronting our america. I would like to talk to everybody in this country about the issues of this campaign. But you understand that the size of the country and the time i have to devote to this campaign makes that impossible. I do take this method of presend senting to you the views on the fundamental issues on this cam pawn up campaign. Because im a business bhan im very proud and was farmally connected with a large company, opposition have attempted to picture me as an opponent of liberalism. I was a liberal before many of those men heard the word. And i fought for the reforms of the Theodore Roosevelt and wood row wul silson before another roosevelt adopted and distorted the word liberal. I believe that the farces of Free Enterprise must be regulated. Im opposed to business monopolies. I believe in the right of collective bargaining by labor without any interference and full protection of that obvious right. I believe in minimum standards for wages and maximum standards for ours and i believe such standards should constantly um prove. Im in favor of the regulation of interstate utilities, of banking, of the security markets. I believe in federal pensions. And adequate old age benefits and unmoiment allowances. I believe that the federal government owes a duty to adjust the position of the farmer with that of the manufacturer f this cannot be done by this, some other method must be found without too much regiment of the farmers affairs. I believe in the encouragement of cooperative buying and selling. And in the full extension of rural elections and i believe that the federal government owes a very strong obligation to preserve our natural resources. I dm i do not base this on the advocacy of such reforms. American liberalism does not consist in reforming things. This consists in making things. We must substitute for the philosophy of distributed scarcity, the philosophy of unlimited productivity. I stand for the restoration of full production and reemployment in American Private enterprise. The present Administration Spent 60 billion. The new deal stands for doing what has to be done by spending as much money as possible. I propose to do it by spending as lull as possible. This is one issue in this campaign that i intend to make Crystal Clear before the conclusion of the campaign so everybody in this country may understand the tremendous waste of their resources and money that have taken place in the last 7 1 2 years. There is another very vital issue. Which i would like to debate with Franklin Roosevelt facetoface. And that is the assumption by this president in seeking a third term of a Greater Public confident that america accorded to the president ial giants, washington, jefferson, jackson, lincoln, cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt and woodrow wilson. We have not and i pray to god we may never reach the time in america when there is any such thing as the independencible man. We are engaged in a sacred cause, the preservation of american democracy. I cannot lead this cause alone. I need the help of every american. People of every race, creed, and color. Awe revitalized and reunite america will triumph over every enemy. I thank you and god bless you. Member of the team knows our needs because he worked, worked with us. Teaching history in kansas, driving a bakery wagon in indiana, working as a hotel barker in south dakota and as a field hand harvesting wheat as a labor in california and in steel mills and sugar fields. We need him. And we the people must send will elect him president preserving our great tradition against the third term. Paving the way towards jobs for our ten million unemployed, protecting our america from radicals at home and aggressors abroad. We the people must work for the election of Wendell Wilke and Charles Mcnairy and every candidate that stands with them for the moral progress of america. For the unity, for the very life of its liberty. Coming up, 14 president ial candidates that lost the election ha election and had a lasting effect on republicans. He remained powerful in the Republican Party. Watch tonight beginning at 8 00 eastern and enjoy American History tv this week and every weekend on cspan3. Youre watching American History tv. Every weekend on cspan3, explore our nations past. Sp cspan3, created as a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. Up next on American History tv, the author of the woman behind the new deal, the life of francis perkins, fdrs secretary of labor shechlt spoke at the ninth annual book festival held on the national mall. This is personally meaningful to me because the entire book, the woman behind the new deal was the streets around this bulling. And ill explain to you h