The United States is continually changing in number, location and composition. In the early days of our country, there were only 4 million people, mostly agricultural populations scattered along the eastern seaboard. By 1850, the country had spread far westward and had a population of 23 million, the most of whom lived on farms. In recent years, populations have begun to shift to urban centers. Since 1930, there have been great changes in the population of the United States, and the bureau of census is faced with the task of finding out exactly just how many people are in the United States, where they live, how old they are, what their education is, whether they have jobs and what kind of work they do. A schedule has been drawn up to get these facts and supporting data. If the 1940 census is going to have the value it should, the enumerators will have to get information from every individual in the nation. This will require great care. If each enumerator missed eight names, it would undercut the population by one million persons, or a city the size of cleveland. The best place to get information about the entire population is the place where people sleep. In most cases, this would be easy. But there will be some places that will be out of the way, and hard to find. The enumerator will have to find out about each of the people that lives in these places, and his job will not be complete until he has done so. What are the names of the persons living here with you, mrs. Mcgee . There is me and my husband and our two sons and our border. Our boarder. We will have to count him. Is there anyone, anyone else . Our son is with the ccc. He has to go down to. We count babies also. Are there any babies here . No. Not anymore. Related members of the household should be listed in order of the ages, and those not related should be last. Be sure that you have the information on every man, woman and child at each address. The purpose of questions 21 to 25 is to determine just what is the Employment Status of all persons over 14 years of age. The enumerator will have to place every such person in one of two large groups, workers in the labor force, and persons not in the labor force. Workers in the labor force will be further classified in the following groups. One, worker in private business or government work. Number two, public emergency work, wpa, and why, ccc, work relief and so forth. Three, persons seeking work. Number four, persons with a job but temporarily absent from work for a specified reason. These reasons are illness, strike, lockout, vacation, bad weather or a layoff not exceeding four weeks with instructions to return to work on a specific date. If each enumerator incorrectly reported five employed persons as seeking work, the extent of employment in the United States would be understated by more than 500,000. Persons not in the labor force would be further divided into the following groups. One, home housekeeper. Number two, student. Three, persons unable to work. Number four, inmates of prisons, asylums and so forth. Five, persons not in the labor force for other reasons. Was your husband at work for pay or profit, in private, or nonemergency government work, during the week of march 2430. That was last week. No, he wasnt working for any private company or the government. Was he at work on or assigned to public emergency work last week, like wpa . No, he didnt have any of that either. Was he looking for work . Yes. He went out every morning. An entry will have to be made in column 26, to indicate the number of hours worked during the week by workers in private work or government work. In column 27, an entry is to be made of the number of weeks of unemployment for workers seeking work, and for persons assigned to public emergency work. In questions 28 through 30, the Census Bureau is like to find out what kind of work each worker does, and what type of business or industry he works in. In the case of persons at work during the week or who have a job, the occupation and industry in which he is employed is to be entered. In the case of persons looking for work, the last occupation and industry lusting one more for more are to be entered lasting one month or more are to be entered. For workers with no previous experience, the proper entry is no worker. Examples of what will be entered for occupation are riveter, tabulating clerk and produce exchange, in other words, know the specific kind of work and where it is done. These are just two examples of the many kinds of jobs and organizations that will be encountered. But no matter how diverse the jobs may become, they must all be entered into column 30 is one of the five classes of workers. Each worker must be one of the following. One, wage or salaried worker in private work. Two, wage or salaried worker in government work. Three, employer. Number four, working on own account. Five, unpaid family worker. The particular group into which each person on the schedule will go must be carefully considered. What kind of work did your husband do on his last job . He was employed as a Machine Operator in a textile mill. The rest of the line, having been filled out, the enumerator goes on with entries for the next person. Since you were neither working or seeking work for pay or profit, but devote your time to home housekeeping, we will put you down as engaged in home housework. Since the wife is occupied with home housework, no entries need to be made for her in the occupational section. During the past year, have you received income of 50 or more from sources other than wages or salary . Yes. The rent i get from our larger amounts to a great deal more than that. Representative two of the names on each sheet must be entered into the space provided for supplementary questions. The names to go in these spaces will be clearly marked in the margins of the main schedule. They must be observed to answer the supplementary questions only for the member of the household whose name is on the marked line. This may be the husband, wife, dr. , lodger wife, daughter, lodger, or any member of the household. To fill out the schedule correctly, be sure you have looked at each column on every line to see if anything should be written in it, eneter the answers to all the questions on the schedule while you are still in the house. And if you have any doubts, ask more questions and make request use of the instruction manual. Well, thank you very much. That is all the information i will need. You are quite welcome. To enumerate and record the information of every man, woman and child in the United States is in a norms task. This will require very careful work on the part of the 140,000 enumerators, and then the enormous staff that must tabulate and record these records. Make frequent use of your instruction book, and be accurate. The census of housing will provide, for the first time, a complete record of housing in america. Taken at the same time as the censuses of population and agriculture, this census of housing will record the condition of the nations homes, their characteristics and conveniences, and will record many other important facts for practical study and planning. The census of housing will include the homes of all the people enumerated on the population schedule, whether in a singlefamily house, an apartment, residence above a store or any other normal dwelling unit, in a city, village or open country. In addition, places not intended for habitation but in which people are living must be enumerated. This includes such unusual places as stables, fruit sheds, boxcars, houses that are falling down, temporary shacks, boats, trucks, and anyplace being used as a dwelling. Thus, the first principle in taking the Housing Census is, for every household enumerated on the population schedule, the home must be enumerated on the housing schedule. The second principle in taking the Housing Census is, the vacant dwelling schedule must used for, one vacant dwelling units for sale or rent. Two, vacant dwelling units held for occupancy of absent households. Three, dwelling units occupied by nonresident households. What about the house nextdoor, its vacant, isnt it . Nobody has lived there since we have been here. It has been for rent. Since it is for rent, it is part of the housing market. Therefore, i have to list the house under the vacant housing schedule. That is all the information i need from you. But can you tell me something about the house nextdoor . No one is home, but it looks as though somebody lives there. Are the people away . Yes. They are away on trips they will be gone for two or three months. Can you tell me something about the inside . No. But why . I have to enumerate the house in this vacant dwelling schedule as part of the Nations Housing accommodation. I see. Well, ask the people who live just south of it. They can tell you everything you want to know. I dont see how you can count us in the population here, because we are only staying here for a few months. Our real home is in chicago. In that case, i will enumerate you on this special, nonresident schedule, and you will be counted as part of the population of chicago. In addition, i must check a few questions about this house on the vacant dwelling schedule. The third principle of the Housing Census is that no enumeration is required for certain, special places in which people who have been enumerated on the population schedule are living. Special places include jails, hospitals, school dormitories and other institutions. They also include hotels, missions, onenight rooming houses, where people will be enumerated on the population schedule on april 8th. The fourth principle in taking the Housing Census is, no enumeration is required of vacant structures that are no longer usable as living quarters. Vacant structures with such defects as fallen sides, floors broken down, roofs fallen in, are not considered part of the nations supply of housing accommodations. One of the enumeratorsproblems will be to tell the difference between two family sidebyside and onefamily attached structures. Two family sidebyside structures are those with a Common Center wall, but with separate family entrances and no other attached buildings on the four sides of the whole structure. Where there are three or more dwelling units sidebyside, with each unit extending from ground to roof, each with a separate entrance, they are enumerated as onefamily attached structures. A house will also be counted as a onefamily attached structure when it is joined on one or both sides to a nonresidential structure or structures. This question relates to the need of major repairs. It must be answered on the basis of your observations, and need not be asked the respondent. This structure is in need of major repairs. The cracked and broken wall is in danger of following upon the occupants, a condition making it unsafe for habitation. Major repairs do not mean loose boards or broken railings. This house needs repairing. The yard is littered with trash, the house does not have adequate sewage and garbage facilities, but it is in a safe Structural Condition and cannot be classified as in need of major repairs. Major repairs are those necessary for continued safe occupancy. Part four of the occupied dwelling schedule is to be filled out for every renteroccupied, nonfarm dwelling. You said you paid 40 a month rent at your home, does that include the use furniture . No. We have our own furniture. Do you pay electricity in addition to the 40 rental . Yes, we do. What does electricity cost you a month. Last month, our bill was 2. 50. Is it sometimes higher . Last month, it was lower than usual. Sometimes our bill runs 3. 50. I think it averages three dollars a month. Do you also pay for gas in addition to rent . Yes. We have to pay for gas. I think that runs about two dollars a month all year. Do you furnish your own heat . Yes. Could you give me some idea of how much your coal costs you a month . I think for the whole time we ran the furnace during the year, the coal must have cost us 120. That is, over the whole year it cost you about 10 a month to heat your house . That would be a fair figure. Do you pay for water in addition to rent . No, the water bills are paid by the landlord. The cost of water is included in the rent. Market value of property is a very important part of the Housing Census. This question applies only to owneroccupied, nonfarm units. For owneroccupied structures, the market value must be recorded for the entire property, not just the value of the owners personal unit. What do you estimate the value of this property to be . I have already given you the value of my dwelling. Yes, but that was only for the unit you occupy. It is required on the population schedule. Now, i would like to get the value of both units, the entire property for the housing schedule . The property is assessed at 12,000. Would you get that for the property if you wanted to sell it now . Assessments in this city are not at full value. I believe i could get about 15,000. So you think 15,000 covers the value of both dwelling units . Yes, i think 15,000 would be about right for the entire property. Mortgage debt or land contract is the last section of the housing schedule. These questions must be asked tactfully. Special care is required in obtaining the answer to question 31, because in many cases, the holder of the mortgage is not the same as the agency to which payments are made. Who holds the First Mortgage on your house . Institution Mortgage Company. Does the institution Mortgage Company hold the mortgage, or do use empty make payments there . Im not sure. I believe somebody else actually owns the mortgage, and the institution Mortgage Company merely makes the collection. I remember now. I received a notice from the Mortgage Company that they had sold the mortgage somebody else. Do you remember to whom they sold the mortgage . Im not sure which one, but i know it was a Life Insurance company. Section by section, the census army of enumerators completes the housing schedules, recording essential facts about the Nations Housing, facts that make possible for the first time an important social and economic inventory, the 1940 census of housing. A few basic principles must be observed in taking the census of agriculture. First, recognize all types of farms. In addition to general farms, the senses recognizes specialized kind. Most farms have the usual characteristics, but highly specialized ones are frequently not thought of as farms. These too, are farms for census purposes, provided they are at least three acres. But even less than three acres, they can still be called farms if their produce brought 250 or more in 1939. There are many unusual farms, and a schedule must be prepared for every one of them. The second point is easy to remember, one schedule for east farm as defined by the census. What is included in the farm . A farm include a single tract of land or separate tracts operated as a unit and used for agricultural purposes. An example will illustrate the point. Here is a place owned and farmed by one bill jones. In addition, he rents the old scutter place and farms it up the road. The census enumerator will record it all on one schedule, calling it all one farm. I own all my farm, 120 acres. Do you farm anymore land . I rent the place of 80 acres up the road and i farm that too. I guess ive got to farms. For the census, both places make up one farm. All the land you operate is your farm, whether you own or rent it from someone or whether it is all in one here is a schedule for that farm. Acres owned, 120, that is bill joness home place. Acres rented 80. That is the old scutter place. It is all on one farm, so it is all in one schedule. Crop failure means complete failure only. Crops with very low yields are not considered complete failures and are still considered harvested, as are crops used for some other purpose when the stand is poor. For instance, in this drought, my oats and corn failed. I only got 80 bushes of oats, and the 15 acres of corn was so poor, i let my cows have it for pasture. Neither crop was a failure. We will show the oats as harvested and explain the low yield with a note. The corn is not a failure either, and it should go here, corn grazed off. Then what is crop failure . Here are examples. Complete crop failure can result from many things, drought, mud, insects, frost and even if a crop is left to rot in the field because the price is too low or labor isnt available to harvest it. A crop that failed should be reported in this way. Say 40 acres of wheat are blown out of the ground in the spring. Under Supplemental Information in the spaces provided for reporting crop failure, we write in the first column, winter wheat. And in the third column under acres, we write 40. If the land was successfully replanted to spring week, we would report the acres in production in the crop section on the reverse side of the schedule and also note under Supplemental Information, on the same line as that in which we wrote winter wheat, we would write spring wheat in the second column and 40 in the fourth column. By making these entries under Supplemental Information, we explain exactly what happened and why nothing is reported for question 14, land from which no crop was harvested in 1939 because of crop failure or destruction. Remember, crop failure is complete failure, and if the field is successfully replanted after he failure, the acreage is reported as replanted and the second crop is not a failure. It is shown as harvested. Livestock, handle with care. Enlisting livestock on the farm or livestock on the farm or ranch, you must list ages given. No age limit for each kind of livestock. Why about the baby animals, you ask . Why leave out the baby animals, you ask . Lets visit a couple of farms on the first of april, to see why different animals much first have reached a certain age before being included in the inventory. Here is a farmer who hopes to get to the market early. The farrowing is all over. The pigs are three or four weeks old. But his neighbor isnt in such a hurry, and there isnt a litter on the place yet. If we wanted to get the pig crop in his district, we couldnt do it because all the pigs havent been born yet, so we deliberately leave out all pigs and all calves, colts, kids, lambs and young chickens that were, on april 1, under the age limit shown on the schedule. Sometimes serious errors result in the careless writing of fractions. Right fractions with bar horizontal between figures. Most people have learned to right fractions with a slanting or diagonal line, and it is easy when you are in a hurry for these fractions to slip into this form. Now, is that 19 and a half, or is it 19,112 . Your guess is as good as mine. One such error might ruin the accuracy of your figures. Such errors are difficult to locate and expensive to correct. So please write fractions this way. Keep the bar horizontal and what one figure right above the other. Get the information from the farm operator or some number of his family. Here is a case where the farm operator could not answer the question, but the enumerator got the information. Have a dozen chicken eggs last year . I dont know. My wife takes care of the chickens. Maybe she will now. Maybe she will know . Mary, how many half a dozen eggs did the chickens lay last year . I dont know. What is the greatest number of eggs you got on any day and what is the smallest number you got on any day . On the first of may, 158 in one day. And in the winter for five weeks, i didnt get any. I will take the high production, add the low end divide by two, which makes 75 per day average. Then, multiply by 330, the number of days in which you had eggs, but there were five weeks in which he didnt have any. This makes a total of 2062 dozen. This will come very close to your years production. Say, that is pretty neat. That way, you could come close to the total amount of milk for the year, couldnt you . Yes, we have some convergent factors for using in case of necessity. For example, in determining how many gallons of milk are required to make the amount of butter churn or butterfat sold from the farm. Here is also a conversion table for fertilizer, a handbook. All types of schedules makeup schedules for one farm. A report livestock of ages specified, and the questions on the schedule. Use horizontal bar infractions. And get the information from the farmer, or from some person familiar with the farm. And then use

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