As the beginning of the womens Suffrage Movement. However, it took until 1920, over 72 years later, for women to earn the right to vote. During those years, organizations such as the National American womens Suffrage Association and National Womens party would form, creating a national movement. Yet, it was women in every community who lead the effort in their towns and states to demand rights. Through the work of cspan cities tour, we will introduce you to some of these women who dedicated their lives to this cause, from a pro suffrage newspaper publisher in oregon, to a 23yearold montana and arrested for protesting on the white house lawn. You will learn why western territories and states were on the leading edge of the movement, and you will hear how a letter from a mother to her son would help lead to the ratification of the 19th amendment, giving women the right to vote. We begin in syracuse, new york, where author Carol Faulconer talks about one of the movements lesser known figures, lucretia. She is the most important white female abolitionist, and one of the most important women in American History. Yet, she has not received the same amount of historical attention as someone like Elizabeth Katie stanton has, for example. She is not a household name. My biography of lucretia mosh is titled lucretia months heresy, abolition and womens rights in 19th century america. The heresy refers, first of, all to her own activist strategy. She always said to other activists, we must agitate. Whether the abolitionist or feminists, she advised reformers to stand out in our heresy, to confront social injustices, political injustices, legal injustices, and not be afraid to be labeled a heretic or an infidel or a non conformist, someone who is willing to go against the tides of society for their beliefs. Thats what Lucretia Mott did. Lucretia mott was the 19th century american abolitionist, womens rights activist, and quaker minister. She lived from 1793 to 1880. She lived a very long life. She was born on the island of nantucket, but she lived most of her adult life in philadelphia, and that was the city from which she based her activism, which stretched across the United States and the atlantic as well. Lucretia mauve definitely defined herself as a feminist and womens rights activist. Hand she traced her commitment to womens rights to her childhood, really, on the island of nantucket. It was a Community Based on the whaling industry, so the men in the community would often go off on three, four, fiveyear voyages, leaving the women to manage the household, do the household finances, and a lot of them on and to get rand businesses. For mauve, womens independence and capability was self evident. As the quakers, the society of friends, were also one of the first denominations to allow women to preach, she had always seen female ministers in her childhood and eventually became one herself in 1821. So i think that sort of capacity for religious authority also informed her commitment to womens rights. She got married to her husband, james mott in 1811. And in the 18 teens and early 18 twenties, there was nothing necessarily to indicate that she would become a great activist. She eventually had six children, five of them lived through adulthood. She taught in a quaker school. She became a quaker minister, but none of this was unusual. I think the key moment in Lucretia Motts life that turned her into an activist was the excite controversy in the society of friends. This occurred in the 18 twenties. By 1827, the society of friends in the United States had split into two competing hostile groups known as the excite and orthodox quakers and lucretia mod was a excite quaker named after their Leader Alliance hicks. And the hicksites, one of the issues they focus on as they believed the leadership of the society of friends had become complacent on the issue of slavery. They had done away with their ownership of slaves long before, and the view that is enough to have removed themselves from direct contact. But alliance hicks and lucretia mauve believed you had to several ties to slavery. And for wealthy merchants in philadelphia, that was asking quite a lot, because they all had economic ties to the south. They all dealt in cotton, and even james mott, he struggled for a while to find a profession, to find a career that would support his family. Eventually, he succeeds, but it is as a cotton merchant. And so Lucretia Mott puts a lot of pressure on, him actually, to give up that business, and eventually he became a wool merchant by 1830. So i think that was a radicalizing decade for her, and she would speak on womens issues and antislavery issues when she became a minister, and that was sort of the formative period for her. But i think in the early 18 thirties and philadelphia, philadelphia had the largest population of free blacks in the north. Lucretia mott would have known and interacted with them in free produce societies, for example, probably trying to speak an African American churches and otherwise connected with them. And there were a lot of race riots in philadelphia and nearly 18 thirties. So the intensity of northern racism was very visible to her. And when she attended the founding meeting of the American AntiSlavery Society in 1833 and thereafter founded the philadelphia female anti Slavery Society, she believed that their goal should be not only fighting slavery, but also racial prejudice. It was basically a twopronged approach. One of the things she did frequently was whenever she made a slave holder, as she did when she was traveling abroad or around the United States, she would often speak in delaware, virginia, slave holding states, kentucky she spoke. She would engage. She would try to convince that slave holder that slavery was wrong. And whether they were being polite or just tolerating this lady, poking them in the ribs, she seemed to have had some individual, personal success. She said this one slave holder amid asked me to send pamphlets when i get home. I will send him some pamphlets. So i think that is proof that she was not afraid of confrontation and engagement, and she was going to try to persuade people that slavery was wrong, matter where she was, and who they were. Lucretia mott was not particularly interested in politics or the political process. But she did speak on multiple occasions in washington, d. C. , and at one point, she was supposed to speak in congress, but because she would not agree not to talk about slavery, if thats clear, they wouldnt let her speak. And so, instead she spoke in a Unitarian Church and all sorts of politicians, including southern congressman, attended. Of course, she spoke about slavery because that was always what she was compelled to speak about. But during that particular trip to washington, d. C. In 1843, she also met president tyler. His line about Lucretia Mott wise, i think i will turn mr. Cal who know over to you. You can negotiate with john c cal hound for me. That is the level of ferocity and in transit jeans on the issue of slavery. Lucretia mott first met Elizabeth Katie stanton in 1840. Elizabeth Katie Stanton was younger than her. She was 22 years younger than her. And when they met, they met in a sort of unlikely place, which was at the World Anti Slavery Convention in london, england in 1840. You have to americans meeting in london. And they had other connections, but Lucretia Mott was there as a delegate from various American Anti slavery societies. She was officially there to attend the worlds anti slavery convention. Elizabeth Katie Stanton was there on her honeymoon. She had just married an abolitionist named henry stanton. For her, it was the European Tour versus a political journey, as it was for lucretia mauve. But i think the two women instantly connected and, Elizabeth Katie stanton later described Lucretia Mott as a revelation of womanhood. I had never met a woman like this before, basically, and i didnt know that it was possible for women to be so outspoken and independent. So she really became an admirer of Lucretia Mott. Elizabeth Katie Stanton referred to Lucretia Mott as the moving spirit of the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848. But it was actually a label that Lucretia Mott rejected. She said no, elizabeth, you should claim that for yourself. It was really your idea. But the fact is that it was the fact that Lucretia Mott was in the area that the convention was held. And her presence was advertised to draw attendees. So her sister lived in auburn, new york, not far from seneca falls. She would come up to this part of the country regularly to central new york. And when she came up in 1840, eight she was actually engaged in a number of different activities. She attended an annual quaker meeting. She traveled to ontario, canada to visit former slaves, theyre american slaves who had fled to canada. She went to the seneca reservation and witnessed them riding their constitution. Shes actually engaging in all of these very interesting activities in the summer of 1840. Native american, rights African American rights, and then womens rights. So before the Seneca Falls Convention in july 1848, she meets up with her old friend Elizabeth Katie stanton and other quakers in the area. They decide to hold this convention, devoted to womens social, and civil condition. They advertised that Lucretia Mott will be there and she will be the principal speaker. I think the publics perception of her is very interesting. One newspaper once called her a grizzled seizure of the movement. She somehow shed her femininity by engaging in this kind of activism. But the womens Rights Movement, and the anti Slavery Movement held her up as a paragon of womanhood. And they would basically say, Lucretia Mott is an example that you can do both. You can be an excellent wife, mother, grandmother, and also have a public life. You can also be an activist. For her, the activism in the family life blended seamlessly. Her husband was also an abolitionist, and active in a lot of the same organizations that she was. He attended the first Womens Rights Convention in seneca falls and chaired the convention. And her children also became involved. I in many, ways her activism was a family affair, and there was not a lot of conflict. At her funeral, someone said, there was silence, as appropriate for a quaker funeral, but someone said, who can speak, the preacher is dead. And that dog shows how much of a void was left by Lucretia Motts death, because she always had something to say. I think that has made her in some ways too good. She has become almost what Elizabeth Katie stanton made, her a kind of saint. In actuality, she was a deeply radical person for her time. She was not afraid to speak her beliefs. In 1869 in new york city, Elizabeth Katie stanton and susan bee and then he founded the National WomanSuffrage Association to advocate for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing win in the right to vote. However much of the womens Rights Movement early progress came in the west where states and territories adopted more favorable rights for women in oregon, Abigail Scott done away who established pro suffrage newspaper became active in this effort after her husband business failed. Benjamin Benjamin Dunn away was a very good husband and father to the children. He did not have the level of business skill that somebody should have been managing a farm. Because of his kindness and generosity he cosigned alone for a friend. That friend defaulted on that loan and so as a result than a ways lost their form. That was awful in mid sixties i believe and after that benjamin was involved in a farming accident. He became disabled. Therefore, it fell to abigail to be the bread and winner of the family. She did some teaching again. Eventually she decided to move down to albany, oregon, a little town further south cough and she set up a hat shop. And apparently she was quite successful in that business. She even traveled to San Francisco to get supplies for her business. But an important thing happened when she interacted with the women who came in to her hat shop. She became aware of the difficulties women lead in their lives. She realized they had no life. No standing in the community. They could not own a property. They were dependent on their husbands and their husbands goodwill to lead a good life. She saw a lot of women who were suffering because of that. So at one point she went figured out if women could vote then they could change themselves and lives to benefit women and all women and all people. So she turned her attention to the Suffrage Movement. She moved her family back up to portland so this was in the early 18 seventies. Her first effort was to start her own newspaper. That was called the new northwest. This was the vehicle she used to communicate about her suffrage efforts. I believe the whole family was, or many members of her family were involved in producing this newspaper. One of her sons was a printer. It was kind of like a family enterprise. She communicated through this it was an important part of her developing skill and becoming a suffrage leader in the northwest. She also communicated with natural suffrage leaders in 1871 she coordinated visit by susan be anthony out to the west and she traveled with her on speaking to her in california. In very short order i think its pretty remarkable in very short order, she all of a sudden had a significant standing and presence in the Suffrage Movement. Harvey scott was her brother. He traveled with the family on the oregon trail. Apparently he had been abusive to his siblings, and there are accounts of him beating up the sisters when they were growing up. He kind of continued that tradition. When the family came to oregon, eventually he became an editor at the portland oregonian, largest newspaper in oregon. One of the largest in the pacific northwest. And he was an anti suffragists. So he wrote editorials against suffrage. In a way he was beating up on abigail. He continued to beat up on abigail even as they were adults. In the 1900 campaign, i believe suffrage for women would have passed had it not been for harvey scotts editorials in the portland oregonian, because if you calculate the number of votes cast primarily in the county, it was merely what sunk the passage of suffrage that year. Here is a letter abigail is writing to her son clyde. This is the 1900 campaign and they were waiting for the returns to come in, and she says my dear clyde, last night after five days of anxious waiting for returns, during which the oregonian and you are mad uncle have said subjected the decent women of oregon to every form of insult, she came to me with the chair news that the returns showed 45 of the vote to be in the affirmative. With the four counties, we depend most upon to be heard from. And she says i was quite sick until i got some returns besides the awful indecent abuse of the oregonian. Now i shall set the coward up and i think she is referring to her brother. One of the interesting things about the effort to pass suffrage in oregon and dunaways involvement in that effort was the change that came about in the way that measures could be presented to the citizens the citizenry for voting. Initially, when dunaway started out on her campaign work, she used which she called a still hunt. That was to quietly get in good with the man who had been elected to the oregon legislator and to curry their favor. She did it quietly because she did not want to disturb the opposition. That resulted in the measure for omen suffrage to be presented on the ballot. Each time it was defeated. In oregon, suffrage was presented six times. More than any other state. But eventually, during the Progressive Movement and in particular a person named william wanted to change that process. He advocated for the initiative and referendum system, which all the states now use. It is called the oregon system. That way, people could gain support for measures by getting enough signatures, and then it would be presented to the voters. By the time suffrage was passed in oregon, dunaways technique of the still hunt was not effective, because it was not necessary. Eventually there were many other women who came forward to carry on the campaign. When women in particular, a physician in portland, mister poll love joy spearheaded the effort. It was largely through their effort and the use of more modern Campaign Techniques like mass mailings, store Front Campaign shops, marching in parades, more radical techniques like that that really pushed it over and managed to pass suffrage 1912 in oregon. When suffrage was passed in 1912, dunaway, she was often bed ridden during the 1912 campaign when suffrage was finally passed. She wasnt really much effective, but she had been working for suffrage for 42 years by that time. She had devoted her life to this cause. People feted her. She was celebrated when suffrage finally passed. Which was really great. Yeah. A lot of people sent congratulatory telegrams to her. Here are some examples. Two misses Abigail Scott dunaway, congratulations on the triumph of justice. Long live oregon from the national Suffrage Association. The Suffrage Association back to offer you the congratulation and hush of the coming election that your many days of effort for the cause of women may be crowned with success. This was actually sent before the vote. This was in october and the vote was in november. We sincerely congratulate the women of oregon upon the new citizenship, this wonderful victory must help us to reach success in the near future from the cleveland womens suffrage party. Blessed the day and sent 11 congratulations to our dearest trail brake blazer who has made it stunning possible. The congratulations poured in. It is just so wonderful that she lived long enough to see suffrage passed in oregon, and she voted. She was able to vote in that county, which was pretty special. We have in the collection a scrapbook that dunaway kept during her years as the suffrage leader. It has some photographs in it. But mainly it includes things about her lectures. Things like some correspondence and newspaper clippings that she kept. This is also a really great resource for any researcher who wants to study the topic of the history of suffrage in oregon, or about her life. In her pursuit for suffrage in oregon, Abigail Scott done away with travel throughout the northwest to meet with fellow suffragists. Whenever stops was at the home of daniel and elizabeth big low in olympia, washington. The big lows would work to bring suffrage to washington in 1910. Two years before oregon. We are at the bigelow house built in 1860. It was built by daniel and Anne Elizabeth bigelow. Both came over the organ trail in the early 18 fifties. When Daniel Bigelow arrived in olympia in november of 1851, he set up his law practice. He evidently was a great order as well. He was called upon to give the fourth of july oration in olympia in july of 1852. It is highly credited with spurring the development of a separate territory for washington from oregon. What washington did become a separate oratory from oregon in 1853, and Daniel Bigelow was elected to the very first legislative session held here in olympia. We know that daniel and and Elizabeth Bigelow were both active in the campaign for Voting Rights for women. This is the chair where miss b anthony sat when she came into the house in 1871. She and Abigail Scott dunaway were on a swing through the pacific northwest. She had dinner here at the bigelow house. We know that from her diary where she called mrs. Bigelow splendid. At the time there was a lot of advocacy for womens right to vote. Daniel bigelow was serving in the Territorial Legislature and he gave a landmark speech about womens suffrage. He said if i understand the principles of self government, man has no more right to say that women shall or shall not vote. Women have to say the same with man, as a matter of natural no valid argument to deny franchise to women anymore than to man. In our form of government, the more universal the right of franchise, the greater the security for individual rights. In 1871, Susan B Anthony addressed the Territorial Legislature and she and the bigelow s along with other suffrage is worked together to form the very first of washington territorial womens Suffrage Association and they held a convention here in olympia in november of 1871. This really set a wonderful framework for advocacy for women to gain the right to vote. That came to fruition in 1883 when the Territorial Legislature and active womens right to vote in washington. It was only women in wyoming and utah that had the right to vote after the civil war before women in washington. It was quite challenging as you might imagine. There was concern that women would vote for prohibition, besides having the right to vote, they could also serve on juries. There were a series of cases that came before the Territorial Supreme Court. First upholding the right to vote, then in 1887, womens right to vote was invalidated on a technicality. Finally, in 1910, women in washington permanently got the right to vote. It was the fifth state and the union where women have the right to vote. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment. Giving the win in the right to vote. Wyoming was the 27th state to pass that amendment. However, decades earlier, wyoming is the territory past the first womens suffrage laws in the u. S. Our visit to laramie hopes explain why this newlyformed territory was a prime spot for the historic legislation. We are in the womens hallway of the laramie plants museum. And this hallway, we begin to tell the story of why wyoming was so unique, granting women this right to vote, hold property, and elected office. December 10th of 1869, the wyoming Territorial Legislature dictated this, and it was signed by governor campbell, granting win this act. Its so remarkable that we have a copy of this. They do have it in the capital, but we have this copy that is so extraordinary. You see the fanciful riding that said what was happening in the west. Because of this act, december 10th, 1869, giving women full rights alongside men, we had the first women voters in the world. We had the first woman bailiff in the world, Martha Simons boys atkinson. We had the first woman on a jury. We had all of wyomings women able to be in the legislature. We had Esther Morris who was the first woman justice of the piece out of the city. We had nearly taylor ross, the first female governor the world. All of these where the cavalcade fallout from the beautiful suffrage act of december 10th of 1869. Here, we just have a few more mentions of our women who are important, and here we have a great thing here. Her friends were so worried. She is out in the, west caught in the suffrage act idiocy, and she writes about it. She says yes, some of my friends are eastern girls who judge womens suffrage by the english suffragettes reports and think that any woman who votes must be dreadful, while a woman who holds office must be abhorrent lee beyond hope. I told them about a friend of mine who had recently been elected to a county office and assured them that she was nice and modest and womanly as any of them, and probably shyer. They had to take my word for, but they should be that you couldnt possibly stay so. Youd undoubtedly become bold and manisha and a short time. When we leave this hallway, we will go out into the foyer and into the salon. Its been set up as a defensive suffrage. Come with me. We are going to go into the drawing room, or the withdrawing room, and the victorian age. They withdrew for special events. We are here showcasing a defensive the suffrage act. We have the exhibit set up here. Here are the ivan sins, jane and edward ivan son and their adopted daughter maggie. Their home was the largest artifact we have and their place of residence after 24 years, when they first came to laramie. They arrived on the first ten may 10th, 1860. And there is nothing here. They built this house 24 years later. We have salvaged this, house and in here, we tell a history like this suffrage act. 1869, weve got december 10th 1869, the wyoming Territorial Legislature passing this law that disgruntled a lot of people. Why is that happening in the west . Why is that happening in wyoming territory . At the time, we had just become wyoming territory from dakota territory. We were here. One of the reasons they did it is they needed to attract women to the west. This was a place of adventurers and cowboys and Railroad Workers hammering out a railroad. We had the Central Pacific coming in from california, the union pacific, and it was fast and furious. We had crazy Living Conditions out here. The legislature wanted to attract women to come, be part of the adventure. And so they gave them full rights, full rights. I am telling, you it was full Voting Rights. It was full Holding Property rights. It was full Political Office rights. There is no other state that could claim. That no other territory that claim that. North dakota and utah liked to believe the first woman voter where there, but they voted in restricted elections. Wyoming women never had to do that. They were on the same terms with men. Thats quite extraordinary. In here, we have maybe Elizabeth Katie stanton coming to the ivansons salon to hear about the defensive suffrage, because of his past an 1869. In 1871, wyoming was getting so much grief that the legislature was saying, maybe we should descend this act. This is an exhibit of stephen speaking about the possibility in the salon, speaking about the defensive the act, because in 1871, people were giving wyoming territory such grief about having an act where women had the same rights as men, and down he stood there and wrote a very remarkable speech and spoke to the wyoming public about how important this was that we keep this, that we retain, it and it was retained in 1871 by one vote in the legislature. Then fast forward 17 years. Wyoming territory is wanting to become a state. Washington, d. C. Says no one else in the world, or in the United States is giving women these kinds of rights. You need to rescind that act and then we will let you become a state. Wyoming said we dont care. We will remain a territory. We wont become a state on this we can hold all of these rights that are women have had. So when you talk about that wyoming had the first women voters in the world in 1869, the first women on a jury in 1870, first women bailiff, first women justice of the peace, all of those could happen because wyoming had given women that right. So its remarkable. It is a fact that nobody ever knows about. How great is it that we can tell this story . This is our 150th anniversary of that gift to women and human, by the men of wyoming territory. While the National American womens Suffrage Association would continue to focus on gaining womens suffrage at the state level, the National Womens party wanted a constitutional amendment ensuring womens suffrage throughout the u. S. Their strategy would include a twoyear protest in front of the white house from 1917 till 1919. One of these protesters was a 23yearold from buildings, montana. Hazel helen. 87 years, old she is a tiny greyhaired woman with a feminist vocabulary, in a chorizo rest record, and a surprisingly sharp tongue. Hazel grew up in colorado, and came to buildings in 1903. She becomes one of the better students at billings senior. Hi she was actually voted most popular, second smartest, and third most. Conceded. In 19, oh it she makes her way off to college, gets a chemistry degree, and works and a Chemistry Lab for a period of time until 1916. She comes back home to care for her ailing mother. When her mother starts feeling better, she starts applying for more jobs for Chemistry Labs and his told several times, you were qualified, but we really dont want a Woman Working in our labs. And she decided thats what im going to do. Im going to get involved with womens fights. So one of the first things that Hazel Hunkins hallinan and her comrades did was protesting from the white house for several years. They protested in front of the white house carrying signs demanding equal rights suffrage for women. At one point, they had 2000 anti suffragists protesters against less them two dozen women protesting for their rights. And these women and anti suffragists protesters tore their signs away. The next day, they would come back again. Hazel brings another science and we would like to write about. Then they would be arrested. So these three dozen women kept this vigilant activity up in front of the white house, basically with an eye shot of president wilson, who they had hoped would create National Suffrage. We didnt hear of her or know her story unveilings montana. But once we started looking at the National Press, the San Francisco examiner had stories about hazel, she climbed of the white house fence and lip watch fires below president wilsons window with the white house, and the Washington Post would write stories about Hazel Hunkins hallinan climbed up picket in front of the white house and had her sign torn away from her and was arrested. The same story is covered here in the buildings gazette and it says buildings woman innocent victim. The coverage that she was getting here in buildings was completely different than what the National Press was getting. Initially, the press welcomed it. They said isnt this sweet. Here is this cute little girl from montana, 23 years old, smart. But once world war i kicked in in april 1917, these protesters were looked at completely differently. And what she said to defend herself wise we see all these soldiers being sent overseas to fight for democracy. We are just doing the same thing here in our own country. The women with the National Womens party are fighting for democracy on our own soil. Finally, when the passage of the 19th amendment went through in 1920, Hazel Hunkins hallinan then completely transforms herself and becomes a different type of feminist. She actually marries charles halogen, a chicago reporter and hidden her moved to england and she lived in london for the next 50 years, becoming the leader of the six point group. Thats a feminist organization out of england. She is the only american born leader of the group in the whole 50 years. In 1977, she comes back to the u. S. To fight for the equal rights amendment. In 1977, she ends up marching in the protest. She is called a hell raiser at age 87. She has been a rose garden ceremony with president carter to sign for National Womens day. And he supports their activities and their causes. So this is a lifelong process for her. Its fun when i tell this story. I could stop at the equal rights amendment in 1920 and say this is a life worth looking at. But, then you had 50 years of feminist leadership in england, and then i can stop then and say this is a life worth looking at. Then i can take people right into the 1970s and talk about her work with the equal rights amendment and the fight there. She was not afraid to speak her mind. In the end, she chose to be buried with her husband at Mount View Cemetery here in billings. And the early years of the Suffrage Movement, and eightyearold emma smith deval would attend a speech given by suffragists susan bee anthony. That inspired her to carry the fight into the 20th century. Devoe would play an Important Role in the passage of suffrage legislation in several states including washington in 1910. Washingtons importance in the National Suffrage effort comes by the fact that we were the first state in the 20th century and followed almost a 20 year lake between states adopting their own suffrage amendment and it takes a certain number of states to pass a National Amendment to the constitution. And we were the fifth state. In all of the first six states, they were here in the west. Washington became a pivotal state making the leap into the 20th century. And after we passed it in 1910, there was a domino effect across the country. Immediately, oregon passed in 1911, followed by california, and then it moved to the dakotas, nebraska, montana, and then progressed across to new york in 1919, and then of course the National Amendment passes in 1920. You can call us a big turning point in the effort to gain suffrage for women in the United States. In 1848, the big event that began the Suffrage Movement happened in new york. That was the Womens Convention in seneca falls, led by susan b. Anthony among other leaders. Interesting lia now if, right after that, she began, susan b. Anthony, again a world wind trip to territorial areas of the United States and states to advocate for womens rights and to vote. One of the early leaders in the 20th century and Washington State saw her, in 1848 as an eightyearold barnstorming through illinois. That is Emma Smith Devoe who ends up becoming a leader of the Washington StateSuffrage Movement, and lived and worked right here in to coma, they are our history museum. She saw susan b. Anthony in Central Illinois when she was eight years old. And susan b. Anthony asked, who in the audience believes women should have the right to vote, and as an eightyearold, she stood up and that was a memorable experience that definitely has the connection to our state from 1848 right through to 1910. Read about the same time as the convention in seneca falls, women and men, families, were traveling west. These were hardy people, and at that time, about 1850, Congress Passed the oregon donation land claim laws. Anybody who came to the oregon territory before 1849 got outright 640 acres of land. After 1850, they cut that in half to 320 acres, but the interesting thing is that amount of land, half of it was in the womans name. 320 acres were given to a couple. If you are a single man, you got half of that. If you are a single woman, you got half of that. But half of that acreage was always in the womans name. So right away, women have land claim ownership. And that was an important part of the oregon trail era. By 1853, washington becomes a separate territory from oregon. And in the first territorial legislative meeting, which was in olympia, which of course becomes our capital city eventually, the early delegates wanted to pass womens suffrage in washington. That was part of the platform for the first legislative session in that territory. And it got voted down. But it was brought up right away, and there were very early men in the legislature who advocated for womens suffrage. Fast forward to the 18 eighties, and washington is working very hard at the effort to become a state. This is achieved in 1889. But in the 18 eighties, women in the territory when the right to vote in 1883. Immediately, they start to vote for a more Progressive Agenda in the Territorial Legislature. And they also unseat some of the more corrupt leaders in communities like the seattle mayor, who was known to have influence with solutions, prostitution, and gambling. They vote him out. Of office. So you can imagine that suffrage is not proving that popular with a lot of people. And while the legislature, the legislature in those days, before we were estate, could vote yay or nay and pass suffrage. It did not take an amendment to the constitution. Women argue that the first territorial constitution said he or male and a lot of places, and it should be he or she, are women and men, and they voted for it in 1883. But who got it rescinded in 1888 . The Territorial Supreme Court who was opposed to women voting, and one particular justice really really opposed it, and opposition came because men could not want women serving on juries, and that is where the division came up. The Territorial Supreme Court chart version is they voted to rescind, to pass a decision that removed womens right to vote. So by 1906, and miss smith devoe, the little girl who stood up for susan be anthony in 1848, has relocated here with her husband, she has in the interim years being a paid staffer working on behalf of suffrage and temperance throughout the midwest. By paid, i think she was paid 100 dollars a month by the National American womens Suffrage Association. So she comes out here to become the leader of the Washington StateSuffrage Movement. By 1906, her husband works for the Great Northern railroad. So she has a salary, and he gets railroad passes. So she can travel all over on a Free Railroad ticket, which was a great advantage. So they moved two to coma, and she, along with others, establishes the washington equal Suffrage Association. Shes the president. I thought it was interesting that her message becomes the most powerful to counteract the view that washington women dont want suffrage. They really work hard organizing through 1905, six, seven, eight, and we know that we want to get this suffrage bill passed. We have to get an amendment out there to the voters, and it has to be passed by two thirds of a majority of voters, male voters, in the state of washington to pass. We have a combination of important women coming together, Emma Smith Devoe, the to coma based leader of the suffrage group, joins up with this very colorful woman named may and may hot and was a camp cook in the silver minds in northern idaho. That was in the court al ain district. She married a railroad engineer by the name of hutton. And they buy an interest in the hercules mine. The hercules mind becomes the most profitable silver mine of that era in idaho. And they become millionaires almost overnight. She is a very colorful figure. You have, emma who comes out of the temperance, abolitionist, Suffrage Movement, and you have may, who comes to it from a colorful past. Together, they descend on olympia and the legislature thats all men. And they Work Together in different ways to get the legislature to approve an amendment for the ballot. In january of 1909, the house votes for the amendment, and it passes by i think ten to 20 votes. Then, in february, the senate votes, the Washington StateSenate Passes by a bigger majority and on february 25th 1909 the governor signed a bill to create the opportunity for washingtonians to vote for suffrage for women and Washington State. And so there is that vote. It will come up before washington man in november of 1910. So the suffrage amendment passes on november 8th 1910. And washington becomes the fifth state in the union to pass suffrage. People coming west were people who were probably risk takers. They were looking to break out of some conventional life that they might have experienced in the east. And a lot of suffragettes came out here and worked from the east and worked hard because they saw the opportunity. Since the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, 71 years would passed before Congress Proposed a 19th amendment to the u. S. Constitution, prohibiting the denial of Voting Rights based on gender. The amendment would require ratification by 36 states. By august 1920, 35 states had ratified the amendment with the Tennessee Legislature set to vote on the matter. On the eve of the vote, one young legislator received a persuasive letter from his mother. Its a letter that was written by Phoebe Barnes to her son. He was a brand new legislator in 1920. He was 24 years old. He had been elected to the legislature and the push to ratify the Suffrage Movement was coming to a close. They thought tennessee was the best and they had a lot of supporters and a lot of people who are extremely hostile. Its not dated, but there is a postmark of august 17th 1920. The vote i believe was august 20th, a short time later. It was really strong. The house is where it was a tie. It was really a seesaw, about 49 to 49 votes. A couple of people change positions, and that could really tipped the balance. He was 24, studying law, just getting his start in life. His mother was a widow back in iowa, tennessee. Thats where the home was. He was in nashville, a very newbie in state legislature, and had to deal with a very complicated question. He was dealing with a man who is extremely anti suffrage. And he was unwilling to take a stand. They thought that he was an either or. They just were not sure. They thought he would maybe vote. No they got this six page letter from his mother right before the vote in august 1920. It was a newsy letter, handwritten on tablet, six pages, written in pencil. And in the course of the letter, it wasnt just about politics. It wasnt just to ask him to vote for suffrage. But in the course of the letter, she asks him twice to vote for suffrage, particularly in this passage right here where she says, hurray and vote for suffrage and dont leave them in doubt. You notice her speech was very better. He was really kind of in a pickle of a situation. When he came into the vote, there was a lot of parliamentary maneuvering that the final vote took place on. He voted in a way that looked like he was going to be a no vote until the final roll call was taken. It was going to be a close loss, or a tie, or a win. And they really didnt know until he voted i. And when he voted, yes then they got really hopeful. There is another vote at the end of the alphabet, and when that man voted, yes it was pandemonium in the legislature. I like this little part of a letter right here. Towards the end of the letter, she says dont forget to be a good boy, and help mrs. Cat with her rats. Is she the one that put the wrath in ratification . No more from, other love mother. This was a cartoon going around at the time. Catherine cat was the leader of people pushing for suffrage and she was in nashua. She had a broom chasing the wrath that was separated from ratification and was trying to shoe those away. It had been destroyed because it was so folksy that they thought maybe people had said that it was destroyed because it wasnt really a formal letter written and the proper and all of that. They wanted the letter put here so that people could have access to and i know it would exist. A lot of people said it didnt exist. For a while, people said it was never real, never written. On the 75th anniversary of suffrage, people focused on tennessee and we were able to bring it out and show people that yes, it really did exist, and we have it. Harry was right in the center of the storm. Cspans cities tour travels the country exploring the american story, with the support of local cable providers. We bring you the history and literary life of a different city on book tv and American History tv. To watch videos of any of the places we have been, go to cspan. Org slash cities tour. Follow us on twitter and cspan cities. Weeknights this month were featuring American History tv programs as a preview of whats available every weekend on cspan 3. I believe we should have a Strong Military force. I believe we should increase our strength all over the world. But i dont confuse words with strengths. Im the president of the United States is doing something thats right. Something that is for the purpose of defending the security of this country against he can never express regrets or apologize to anybody. 16 years ago, americans watched the first ever televised president ial debate between massachusetts senator john f. Kennedy and Vice President richard nixon. Sunday morning at 9 pm eastern we will look back at the event at the university of virginia professor Barbara Perry and how the debates came to be. Coming up next on American History tv. Portrayals of notable women from western history. Including annie oakley sharpshooter and mother jones. The Golden History Museum of golden colorado hosted the event and provided the video. Into welcome sharon. applause good evening and welcome. Id like to give