We will hear about the battle of bunker hill, the American Invasion of canada and the eventual british evacuation of boston. Okay everybody. So last class we were talking about the outbreak of the american revolution. Tension is building and a spring of 1775 general thomas cage sends troops in the countryside fighting breaks out at lexington and concord at nightfall, about 20,000 americans descend on boston, lay siege to the city, this war that nobody really wants but has been brewing for probably 12, 13 years, has started. We are going to talk whats called raja military does anybody take . French raja many tear this is april 1775 right after lexington and concord through the declaration of independence. This is sometimes called the Popular Uprising phase. This is the year of the revolution, that probably more people supported the war than any other one. Why do you suppose theres so much support for for the war this year . Any ideas . They havent started fighting it. Gabriel they havent started fighting it. Any other ideas . I have some images to show you guys. There is a historian who teaches at lsu, and he coined this phrase, rage militaire. It comes from an observer at philadelphia, as the french the raja military call, a passion for arms, has taken possession of the whole continent. The americans are literally fighting mad. Ok . Thats why there is so much support for the war. There is this wild passion. Even the words rage. What is rage . Anger. Intense anger. The americans are really furious. All of this has been building up and it comes boiling out. What is sort of interesting during this phase is the americans are on the offensive and actively taking the war to the british. What were going to look at his raw military in the north south and specifically in boston what were going to see that what is going on here is partly about the war its partly about what is the more can war aim. And different people have different ideas about these war aims are. It starts april 1775 in lexington concord. What is july 1776 . What happens in july 1770 . Six declaration of independence. Popularity in support of the war begins to decline. The emotional edge does not last. The horrors of war kind of take the edge off. Its hard to maintain a really emotional peep for extended periods. Might be a bad analogy when you fall in love with someone, you cant stop thinking about them. Then the 20th wedding anniversary, its a past assault. Its not the same thing okay . The intensity fades away. Also, not all americans support independence. Look at some today that fit that model. We need to start with the north. Fighting breaks out a lexington and concord in april. We talked about that. Well whats significant is fighting spreads to upstate new york. You look at this map you can say that this is like like sham plane. At the southern end of election plane theres a large british for called for tyke and a rogue of. Now may 10th 1775 a group of americans led by ethan allen whos from vermont and Benedict Arnold sees fort tie kinder aga because its loaded with tan and, loaded with military equipment. This attack on the fourth is not authorized by congress. Its authorized by the Massachusetts Committee of safety in a bunch of angry guys in vermont. Theyre taking a war to the english. Theres no reason this should happen but it does. Over the next couple of days and we will see a map that expands on this a crown point. Which we really dont need to worry about and then it Benedict Arnold invades canada. The americans are taking the war the sham plane volley theyre taking the war to the british. That is raw military air. Rage military. Second place is boston. Whats going on in. Boston we said the city is under siege. Well this is the governor of massachusetts. Hes also british commander in north america, his name is thomas gauge. Gauges an interesting. Guy hes married to an american. His wife is in american, maybe even an american spy. Gauges wife is someone to look at if youre doing female. Spies gauges been in america since the french and American Indian war. He sympathizes with the americans he believes in liberty but not in the sense of what the american says. Throughout the fall of a 1774 and spring of 1775, gauge keeps asking for reinforcements. He sends letters to england, the situation is pretty bad, we should send more reinforcements. Instead of sending gauge reinforcements, the british sensory more generals. A guy by the name of william how, well talk about him later today. Hell feature prominently in your book, washington crossing. Five by the name of Henry Clinton and a guy by the name of john burr going. What do you suppose us the significance is the gauge asks for reinforcements brunson three general . Whats the ramifications of that . Any ideas . A lot of conflicting views. A lot of convicting views anybody . Else emily. The thing to command powers not necessary this. Point it might not think that man power is necessary. Now they might not have a lot of faith in thomas gauge. When you ask for reinforcements segments and they send three more generals, thats not a huge voter support. Kind of interesting, with the british at the brings these three generals is the hms sarah base. Which is the name of the three headed dog guards hell. This is boston. You can see boston is on this peninsula sticking out here. You can see this very narrow, its called the boston neck. The americans are at rock spring in cambridge and have the british bottled up in boston. Here you can see boston harbour. Here you can see Castle William. Remember we read that document about the boston riots and the governor was writing from Castle William . If thats were Castle Williams us. Whats interesting here, in this shows the american anger after lexington and concord. The americans dont just sit here, they dont try to storm the city, they could never get across the boston neck. But what the americans do is that they fortify this peninsula, its called the charles town peninsula. And the theory here as that the americans control this high ground, and they can put artillery up here and potentially shill the city and make boston harbour untenable. The americans occupy this land on the night of june 16th. They are supposed to go to this hill called bunker hill. Bunker hill is the backheel there actually two hills. It is about 40 feet taller than breeds hill, but in the darkness them and get confused they go to this forward hill called breeds hill. Its closer to boston. In some ways thats good in some ways its bad. Overnight, they dig a fortification. And when the british wake up in the morning of june 17th, they can hear some shoveling, but they dont know whats going on. They hear some shoveling and they find somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 americans that have dug fortifications and and breeds alone overlooking the city of boston. Thomas gauge decides that this is a threat. You cant let those troops stay overlooking the city and youve got to drive them back. And the man who gauge puts in tactical command, the guy who will command on the battlefield, is sir william how. So gauges in overall command, william how is tactical. Hes the commander on the ground. , now if youre the british and you see these americans are up here on this hill, what would you guys do . How would you attack them . Would you leave than . Or any ideas . Go ahead. I go around the left bunker hill because its 40 feet higher. Okay here are here . Okay. In the sense you control the water. Thats very doable cut off the richie round. To encircle use a british navy. Okay you can use the british navy to encircle the whole peninsula. Shall the hack out of these guys. Then the pretty good strategy. Anybody else . Those are all pretty good. Thats not what sir william how decides to do. Instead, he lines up 2200 british olders, shoulder to shoulder, and he sends them straight up the hill. Now its kind of interesting british soldiers and you can see this year, this is relatively accurate painting. This is probably the second assault. We can see dead guys here ill tell you why is not the. Thursday were lots of ballots in the belt crisscross. Natural target points. British officers where a shiny metal desk around their throat called a gorgan. Its a symbol of authority. British officers rub the gorgan so they robin so little shine in the. Sun anything bad about having a shiny metal thing around your throat . They know exactly where to shoot. Same with the crisscrossing belts. And the famous quote from bunker hill is dont fire until you see the whites of their eyes. That is probably actually said. The british march up the hill and the americans fired their first volley at under 150 feet, and the british go down in waves. They are literally blasted down the hill and the reform. William how puts them in line and sends them back up a second time. That have every hacks our ridge effect, every time they crawl up to get wiped out . Oh yeah and theyre crawling over there all the guys in the first wave. Why do you think he opted for this tactic . Why not swing around with the navy . Why not why just how the guys go straight up the hill . Thats always how theyve been fighting. Who are they fighting . Militia. And the americans theyre not gonna stand up against british regulars. Theyre way underestimating american ability and the way overestimating british ability. So they go up a second time to get blasted downhill second time. The way we know this is the third assault, as the third assault how calls for reinforcements and then bring over more soldiers from boston. And a third assault lesson take them off their backpacks. British soldiers carry about 60 to 80 pounds of equipment. First assault they carry carrying the equipment, the third time up to the hill, the americans have run out of gunpowder. The british overrun bunker hill. The british capture bunker hill. So bunker hill is technically a british victory. They seized the charles town peninsula. Well breeds ill or bunker hill . Well breed cell thats a good. Point is technically the battle of breed so. But its known as the battle of bunker hill, because it was a held the americans were meant to be a. The british win the beloved battle of breeds hill or bunker hill and theyve occupied the charles town peninsula. Okay . Bunker hill tremendously important because it has lots of ramifications. And it feeds into with this idea of rage military are. One of the thing of the legacies about book bunker hill as the casualties. British steels take on bad casualties, 260 are killed, 820 or wounded out of the 22. On a casualty rate is summer about 45 to 50 . William how is personally on the field. Almost all of his staff is. Killed how miraculously is unheard bullets kill everybody around him but not him. Two british regiments are completely wrecked, and the british are horrified by this. You have to think about how small boston is, and boston is now filled with wounded guys, dying man. Theres no place to send them, its summertime, its hot. The british army is horrified by what is happened here. And whats striking and will pick this up a little later today, the british army in boston doesnt try anything for about nine months. Theyve just been pummeled by bunker hill. American losses a bunker hill are 115 dead and 300 5305 wounded ok . A second result of bunker hill has even though the americans have lost this hill, the americans are greatly encouraged by this. It Shows Americans will fight americans will fight like crazy. As the british ultimately sees the hill, american stay and fight with them with rocks, buts of guns, they dont have bayonets and, the british officers comment theyve seen have never seen soldier stand up like that. Normal european troops would run. Angry americans dont do that. Another legacy of bunker hill is tremendously heavy officer casualties. Very hard to put precise numbers on anything in any war, especially the american revolution, but it is estimated somewhere in the neighborhood of about 12 or 13 of all british officers killed in the American Revolutionary war are killed at bunker hell. Americans are targeting these guys, shooting them down like. Crazy what is interesting has Williams House response. Not william, how thomas gauges response. He says the americans are now spirited up by a rage and enthusiasm. Rage, anger. Arrange and enthusiasm as great as ever people were present staff. You must proceed in earnest or give the business up. Lets look at that quote. The americans are now spirited up by a and enthusiasm as great as ever people were possessive. What does that mean . What is gays literally saying . There yeah he says ive never in my career sunny anybody so angry. The americans are unbelievably angry. And then this next quote is very interesting. You must proceed in earnest or give the business up. What is happening . Proceed in earnest or give the business up. Go ahead again. Yeah hes telling parliament you need to send a whole army this is a full blown war this is not a little rebellion. If youre not gonna commit to the entire empire, dont even bother. Hey this is wildly out of control. Okay . Then you go back to that quote, the rage military has swept the continent. Theres another guy we will talk about him a little later richer montgomery. Hes in new york city. Weve got philadelphia, weve got boston, weve got new york city. This is what Richard Montgomery says about bunker hill. See what the enthusiasm of liberty and in indignant sense of injury is capable of doing. Enthusiasm. Tremendous anger. He says, every friend of old england wishes this contest speedily concluded. If it last many months, she is done with us forever. Whats that last part of that line mean . Every front of old england wishes this cost assist speedily concluded. If a last many months shes done with this forever . What is he saying. Anybody . Go ahead. Isabelle. That everyone who supports england wants this over fasten if not, to just gonna give up. Okay. This war is wildly violent. And this last very long, there will never be reconciliation. It will be too much blood spill. And it shows you some people are still hoping for reconciliation. Richard montgomery is one of. Them well get back to the middle. But this is

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