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Welcome to our 35th annual Allstar Party. Please join me in welcoming a lady we love. Who is now appear ng a very supporting role in a major production back east. This is dutch reagan. And now, kindly join me in welcoming man who we greet as fred. A very special friend close to our hearts. Mr. Dutch reagan. Hello. Nancy and dutch, your host for the evening, 1983 variety club honoree, truly his broth brothers keeper, Frances Albert sinatra. You may be seated. Im delighted to be here with dutch and his bride. The first lady of the United States and might i add the first lady of geneva, too. And now, here are some wonderful people who will be entertaining you for the next hour. Youve already met marty and here are charleston heston, e dee gourmet and steve lawrence, of course. And emanuel lewis, the mightest little fella ive ever known in my life and my buddy, mr. Dean white. Mr. Burt reynolds. Mr. Vincent sculley, a giant in the baseball world. Mr. Ben vereen. And the variety club officer, so lovingly conducted for many years by our dear friend, nelson riddle. Tonight, under the direction of mr. Welcome to our Allstar Party for dutch reagan. The music says it all, ladies and gentlemen. This is a leadoffly way to spend an evening. Tonight marks a very special celebration for variety clubs. We started by honoring the big duke, john wayne, and here we are honoring dukes pal, dutch. Tonight, we honor the only man from our community who ever wound up living in public housing. As for tonights guests, the rules of oat protein call has been relaxed. Tonight, heres dutch, and if anyone cant handle that, you may call him mr. Dutch, and thats okay. As for nancy, do as i do and call her beautiful. By the way, you got a lot of friends here tonight. Some of the White House Press corps, who will be served their favorite meal, leak soup. I insisted upon having that joke. Dutch did a lot of work in our community. Good work. All in all, he made 53 motion pictures. Started in 1937 with love is in the air. He made his last picture, the killers, in 1964, and in between, there were some great ones. Dark victory, brother rat, kings row, hell cats of the navy, with nancy, and my favorite, playing george gip in all american. Heres a Christmas Card to you, nancy and dutch. Of course, its not too far off now. Have yourself a merry Little Christmas let your heart be light from now on your troubles will be out of sight have yourself a merry Little Christmas make the yuletide gay from now on our troubles will be miles away here we are as in olden days happy golden days of yore faithful friends who are dear to us gather near to us once more through the years we all will be together if the fates allow hang a shining star on the highest bough and have yourself a merry Little Christmas now here we are as in olden days, happy golden days of yore faithful friends who appear to us will be near to us once more so have yourself a merry Little Christmas make that yuletide gay from now on our troubles will be miles away so have yourself a merry Little Christmas now thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you to the choir. Heres a man thats a master of the english language, second only to tom lasorda. Wonderful vinnie sculley. I cannot tell you the feel thag comes over me standing right here as i am. Facetoface with one of those chosen few mep in history who know from personal experience the glory, the frustrations and yes, the sometimes agony that all too often go along as the price of the high office that you sought and to which you were dually elected and reelected. The president of the screen actors guild. All of us in the Sports Broadcasting Business Today feel a special bond for you, mr. Dutch. After a all, you were a a member of the club. Indeed, you were. You spent five years on Radio Station pho in des moines, recredr recreating chicago cub games. In fact, you told me a huge story about that a couple of years ago. It was a wonderful story. Now, i would love to tell the story myself, but i know it wouldnt be nearly as good and i just have a feeling that somebody in this room, somebody, might really tell the story te s way it should be told. I dont see any volunteer, so it looks like its down to you and me, dutch. What do you say . What do you say . Well. Could i set the stage for a second and explain when you u did a baseball game by telegraphic report, that meant you werent at the ballpark looking at a game a. You were sitting at a desk with a glass window and a slit l slit under it and there was a fellow with a telegraph key hearing those dots and dashes an he would type and send a slip of paper through to you. And youd take it and it would say maybe, s1c. You cant sell many wheaties saying s1c. Then you would say its a call to strike, voice well this particular story that i have been dragooned into telling happened at a cubs and cardinal game, which in the midwest, is really drama. It was the ninth inning. The score tied and billy at the plate. And i saw my friend, curly, on the other side of the window start to type and so i had dean start his wind up and i had a ball on the way to the plate and curly was shaking his head no. I thought it must be something sensational thats happened there. He haned me a slip of paper that said the wire has gone dead. I had a ball on the way to the plate. Theres only one thing you can do that wont get in the record, so i had jury gis follow one off. Curly just slhrugged. Many thoeds days, you didnt have one announcer. There would be a half a dozen of us doing the same game. So if i said there was going to be a delay, everybody would switch to another station. So i took a chance and i had jur gis follow one over back to first base and curly still sitting slumped there waiting, so then i had him follow one down to the left that just missed being a home run by a foot. And he foued one back into the stands and i described the fight the two kids put up who tried to git the ball. And this went on until i was beginning to set if there was such a thing, a fella standing at the plate hitting successive foul balls. I had to keep on. If i said the wire has gone dead, they knew id be faking. I had him foul u in a few more directions. In the meantime, i had dizzy dune on the mound, shaking off the sign and getting other signs to take up time then all of a sudden, curly sat up straight and started to type. And i thought, here we go. Hes handed me the slip of paper and a i started to giggle. It said, jurjurgg is popped out the first ball pitched. There was another first for this evening. Introduce a man who doesnt even know hes here. Mr. Dean rodney. Wheres burt . Its a pleasure to be here for your dinner tonight. Listen, dong dong, we honored him four years ago. So i made a mistake. And this is for you, clutch. You kidding, ronny and me, i call him ronny, he calls he dean. But you know, in 1988, youre going to be out of work, but ill still be drunk. Wheres my accompanyist . He plays piano for me, too. How did you u get this out here . May i state its been great and a a night like this a few people rate but i must admit at all honesty mr. Wonderful as me there are those i suppose would get if they heard such bravo but i must repeat in all modesty mr. Wonderful still here i drink a toast to him each night as you might think not because i wish him well but cause i love to drink so will you all in this fine hall raise a class to the champ of them all heres to dutch and his nancy too mr. Wonderful yeah mr. Wonderful mr. Wonderful has you our 1981 variety club honoree, mr. Burt reynolds. Thank you, frank. Look at that center table. I really wouldnt want your job. I dont think any of us here have to worry about that. Hi, nancy, hi, dutch. You changed ages, didnt you . Dutch and i have a a lot in common, one thing, we both played college football. I played at florida state. Dutch played at eureka. Florida states going to the gator bowl. Eureka get a bowl bid . Of course we both made westerns. I made four, kuch made four. Cowboy from brooklyn in 1938, angel from texas, santa fe trail from 1940 and callaway, montana in 1985. Hold it down. I was going to do a remake of cattle queen in montana, but they wanted me to play the title role. In the early 1950s, dutch went into television. Hosting General Electric theatre and death valley base. He parlayed two Television Series into a lot better job. I parlayed two terrible Television Series into another terrible Television Series. He then put in eight years at the Branch Office in sacramento before being called to headquarters back east, where he works today. And i think we should thank god for that. Ladies and gentlemen, two very gifted and talented young men. Emanuel lewiand ben vereen. Hoo ray for hollywood where youre terrific if youre even good but if you think you can be an actor make a monkey of good go out and try your luck you might be donald duck hooray for Hollywood Hollywood hooray for hollywood how you doing, dutch . This is great, a guy from brooklyn calling the president dutch. Fine. Mrs. Reagan, speaking for all the kids in the world, i want to thank you for doing all that youve done for us and staying away from drugs and get away from drugs so they can grow up with their head on straight the way kids should. Thank you. You look beautiful. Here are some of those kids. The International Childrens cho choir. Theyre from 50 different nations and theyre here to wish you, as all of us wish you, peace on earth. God bless you. Let there be peace on earth and never be let there be peace on earth a peace that was meant to be may god as our father as all are we lest we walk with my brother in perfect harmony let peace be here with me let this be the moment now with every step i take let there be peace on earth and let it be here with me beautiful. Just beautiful. Thank you all. So wonderful. Thank you all. How old you like to take a trip with me to geneva . You could do the job. Thank you. God bless you all. A medley of love songs, here are two of the happiest kids in town. Americas a song that cannot remain unsung shes an urgent word that longs to be heard shes a bell a that must be rung shes a heart that beats with joy and hope shes a cup that must beaevc filled an irreplace spirit and the voice that wont be still if you listen you can hear her cry its a precious song of freedom and its thundering across the sky america is changing back into what she used to be a feelings moving through her that is wild and fresh and free so lets celebrate lets hear it and the rediscovery lets sing a song that burns deep down inside glory glory hallelujah raise the old high and new america calls out to me and you glory glory hallelujah like a torch of Liberty America belongs to you and me America America and the dream goes on im a yankey doodle dandy a real live nephew of my uncle sambosa sam born on the fourth of july im his Yankee Doodle sweetheart i am the Yankee Doodle boy hooray for the red white and blue u this is my country land of my word youre a grand ole flag for forever this land is your land is my land from every forest to the gulf stream waters this land was made for you and me america i love you oh beautiful for spacious skies for amber waves of grain for Purple Mountain majesty above the fruited plains America America god shed his grace on me and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sing sea God Bless America my Home Sweet Home God Bless America my Home Sweet Home thank you very much. Congr congratulatio congratulations. Every hour of life has its own moment of truth and who better to call it to attention than the man who parted the red sea. Chuck heston. You know, when i got here tonight, i wasnt certain wa what to expect except a a great party, variety clubs and Frances Albert kind of guaranteed that. A party for the president and the first laid a dion a first name basis. Thats a great idea. Just like the old days. Actually, back in the screen actors guild, it wasnt ron or ronny to the old hands. I was you in the point then. We were in the middle of a tough strike and he appointed me to the negotiating team. I remember coming home late one night after a long session. 4 00 a. M. Olivia woke up. Honey, i said, weve got a leader. Yeah. You could say that. Thats what i was thinking about when i watch ed the two of them come into the room tonight, but they walk a road know that we cant possibly know and they walk it for us u. A little less than five years ago, in washington at the ceremonies marking his first inauguration, i said, tomorrow, at nigh noon, on the steps of the capitol, one man will take in his hand the most awesome power and influence ever held by a single human being. He will be thenceforth forever wrapped in legend, myth, he will also pick up a burden of responsibility that has no known counterpart in the civilized world. Ronald reagan will become the lineal descendent of washington an adams, jefferson, lincoln, wilson, roosevelt. With them, he will be linked to the very birth date of this republic. And so he has. So he has. So here we are tonight, his friends, we watch him laugh, we see nancys foot tap to the music, but we know, sir, you are us. To the world, youre america. Your yes is our yes. Your no is ours. You are every man and woman in this nation. You speak to mankind in our name. You carry the torch that was flamed by patrick henrys passion for liberty, tom tames common sense and Tom Jeffersons most uncommon wisdom. Lifted by the memory of those soldiers known and unknown, whose bodies in your words, lie in the only foreign soil this country occupies. The president. What do we pray for him . Wish for him . And for him, what can he pledge to us . What can we say to help him . American writers have spoken eloquently to this question. Among them, thomas wolf. William faulkner, f. Scott fitzgerald. Said its a fabulous country, the only fabulous country where miracles can happen all the time. I refuse to accept the end of man. He will prevail because alone among all creatures, he has a soul spirit capable of compassion and endurance and sacrifice. In this country, there is a willingness of the heart. It is you lead us into the uncertain, beleaguered future in the broad swell of continent between those shining seas, let me say for owl all of us, mr. President , in the words of a song youll remember, god shed his grace on thee. Once again, ladies and gentlemen, my pleasure to introduce the International Chairman of variety clubs international. Mr. Monty hall. Dutch u, feel funny saying dutch. Pretty strange, i must say. By allowing Variety International to televise this Wonderful Party in your on, you join our humanitarian hall of fame. In earlier parties like this, we have added new uefa silties to hospitals dedicated to john wayne here in our miami childrens hospital. Elizabeth taylor, Jimmy Stewart in our minnesota variety hospital. Ingrid bergman in our des moines hospital. Burt reynolds in atlanta. Carol burnette here in los angeles. The sinatra family wing for the chronically ill and this the seattle childrens Orthopedic Hospital and last year, the lucille ball Research Library in denver. All of these hospital units are dedicated to the care of sick, underprivileged and Handicapped Children without regard [ applause ] before we announce the dedication, lets make our guests feel at home. Here is the fight song of the red devils. [ applause ] and now to your old alma mater song, beneath the elms, would you join us, dutch. [ applause ] dutch, youve been a friend of variety clubs for many, many years now. You participated in early parties like this by sending your readings to our honorees. And im sure that nancy has told you her work as honor nar chairperson which provides surgery for children with lifethreatening problems around the world and for that, were grateful. Thank you, nancy. [ applause ] now to you, sir, Ronald Wilson reagan, born and raised in midwestern america, the heartland of your nation. You return to midwestern america in spirit. Were proud to announce the Ronald Reagan wing, which will be dedicated in your honor right here in the university of Nebraska Medical Center in omaha, nebraska. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, i give you our friend, dutch. [ applause ] well well [ laughter ] its good to be dutch again. And its wonderful to be surrounded by so many fine and talented friends. To paraphrase jack kennedy, there hasnt been so much talent assembled in one room since well, since the last time that monte hall hosted lets make a deal. [ laughter ] nancy and i have watched these parties over the years and were thrilled to be a part of the good work of the variety clubs international. And something lucy said last year applies to the way i feel right now. Lets see if i can quote her accurately. To those of you who said such nice things about me tonight, i just wish you were all under oath. [ laughter ] i wish you were all members of congress. [ laughter ] [ applause ] you know when i first started in my present job, i sometimes put together in my mind my own dream cabinet. You know, john wayne as secretary of state. [ laughter ] Clint Eastwood at defense. Jack benny as secretary of treasury. [ laughter ] but even president s cant have everything. Except tonight, tonight all of you here, well, youve really made my day. As far all of you who are so generous in sharing your talents with us tonight, will you please stand up so that i can applause you all, once more. [ applause ] come on. Those of you [ applause ] thank you, frank, youve been the perfect host. Voice rings just as clear and perfect as ever. For all of us guys and dolls who are still young at heart, speaking of music, i like the songs you sang, not a clinker in the bunch. And dean martin, there you go again. [ laughter ] dean, im thrilled that you were able to be here tonight for Burt Reynolds party. Sometime if they ever have a party for nancy and me, i hope you can make that one too. [ laughter ] you brought back a lot of happy memories. Monte hall, the voice of variety clubs, thank you for your presentation. And mike frank, you share those words of gratitude, Everybody Knows how devoted you are to variety. [ applause ] ben, you danced your way into americas heart. And emmanuel louis, we should never loose sight of what you said, even if sometimes we loose site of you. There you are. [ applause ] and that was a lovely sentiment that was expressed by the International Childrens choir. [ applause ] and chuck, i knew you had leadership while it was when i saw you play moses. You were eloquent and gracious in your remarks about me. Thank you. To all of you associated with the good work of variety, you have our internal gratitude for arranging this party for all of the good work youve done in your half a century of giving and caring. For those who need our help the most, the innocent children of the world. Having my name associated with your good work, the university of Nebraska Medical Center will always have a special place in my heart. I thank you all very much. [ applause ] and now, speaking for nancy as well as myself, to all of you here and to all americans everywhere, paraphrasing something that moses said earlier, god shed his grace on each of thee. Thank you. [ applause ] [ applause ] nancy and dutch, into history you go with our prayers and a song, a song that says it all. May we have a bell tone, please. Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of Auld Lang Syne for Auld Lang Syne my dear for Auld Lang Syne well take a cup of kindness yet for days of Auld Lang Syne [ applause ] production assistance furnished by pan American World airways. Coming up from our first ladies series, a look at the influence and image of nancy reagan and barbara bush. We begin with nancy reagan and a discussion of her role as a political partner to her husband, ronald. And then in about an hour and a half, barbara bush and her role as patriarch of the bush family. If you enjoyed watching first ladies, pick up a copy of the book, first ladifirst ladi influence and image featuring profiles of the nations first ladies. Through interviews through top historians. Now available in paperwork,

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