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Canonized her, she was my wife. It is quite remarkable, despite the fact that she has not had a particularly positive people remember her as being dignified, they remember her as one devoted to her family. They remember her as one who might not have worn designer gowns, but she was blessed with Natural Beauty so she didnt need them, she was criticize. She shouldve considered why didnt she make speeches . That shows she didnt have a mind of her own. But she is smart. She knows you cant have to voices out of the white house. She had her ideas and she express them privately. Critics among the leaders of the past, they wouldnt understand, they wouldnt appreciate it all, she was self assured, selfconfident, she didnt have such a big ego that she had to go out and prove that she had her own right, to her what was important was the career of her husband. We hear a lot of criticism about the president , the former president that much have went, in an friendly media. Thats not surprising, thats her own perception problem, but Nixon Eisenhower has written a Remarkable Book about this, first of all the fact that any president ial candidate found this its not just about the family. Its very revealing, a very revealing book. And there is a line where she talks about how her lover is really involved with discussions with the Vice President , because the discussions all happen where they live. So she said my mother was involved. Not so much in the white house, and then she said that my father decided that he wanted to keep personal and private lives more, like personal and public lives, more separate, it was Richard Nixons decision that she not be as involved in discussions, he plays a role in deciding that he is not as much a part of this white house as he might otherwise want her to be, so for you to be involved in that conversation there needs to be a way that you can do, it you can see as at first ladies is our social media, and this conversation is already underway and we also have a Facebook Page and you will find that on cspan there is questionable theyre trying to work their way into as many of those comments as they can, and our phone line in the eastern or central time zone three 85 if you live in the pacific time zone, will get to those calls throughout the program. In 1968, they were interviewed by glorious china, the feminist who was writing an article in new york magazine, he asked nixon what women in history she most admired, and heres what pat nixon had to say. I never had time to be anyone, else i have to, work my parents decided when i was a teenager i had to work through college, i never had it easy, i am not like all you. So this is a segue to talk about her upbringing, with nixon what was her first name . She was named catherine, ryan her father called her, when he came home he wanted to call her patricia, he didnt really like that name so he called her baby, her friends and School Called her vilma, and high school a cold air betty, when she went to college, when she went to Junior College she enrolled herself as pat nixon. Pat ryan, that was the first time that she consciously renamed herself. As a child she had a very hard time, her mother died when she was not quite 13, she was in her fathers died four years later, she had accounts for her brothers, they lived on, they lived on a farm, they were always, working and she was a sweeping up, bag she worked to sweep floors, she did all kinds of things, because they had to make money to pay the bills, eventually they rented out the farm and they had to feed medical bills. She wanted to go to college and she couldnt afford it, and it was her brother who went to new york. She drove a couple across the country, across, she drove, them that was to pay, where they paid her to drive their car across the country, to go visit her father. On the east coast, right before she did that, and then one of her aunts was a nun who worked at the hospital so is the middle of the depression, so she was in new york city. She was a pharmacist . She was in the lab, in radiology, she did all kinds of things. The thing was the deal was whether or not she would get our return ticket and she didnt need it, she decided now. Heres the real story, an american story of someone who comes from nothing and decides to educate and get out. This is a woman with a great deal of gumption and drive she wants the world, she is really interested, she comes from southern california, and Agricultural Park outside of Los Angeles County and she goes to new york and she goes to new york and she, says and she only comes back when her brothers tell her that she raised enough money that she can go to college. Throughout the program were going to be visiting the Richard Nixon library to learn more about pat nixon, here is our first, talk a little bit more about pets nixons early years. Two came from very humble beginnings, she spent a lot of time working at the farm from 1931, she kept the books, she was 19 years old when this was happening, and she talks about how she made these a year ago, so she shows you how difficult it was to make a living, she barely made and meet. You took on a lot of jobs a pharmacist, an xray technician, a personal shopper, she became a model, and she would also do calls, she actually got and paramount pictures, she was hoping to be an extra and films, so she was a part of this whole shop, she also had this in becky sharp, you can see her cut out, its also interesting. A description one had to go through he had enough money from university of southern california. And how did he meet Richard Nixon . She was teaching at a high school and she had been there all throughout high school and college, and there was a production going on, one of the other speakers suggested that she try out, and it was not just a suggestion, she got the idea that she should do, this and Richard Nixon was a young lawyer. And you try to make connections anywhere that he could, so hes also trying out for the show, so they were both at the same time, he said that he fell in love with her by he offered to drive both she and a friend home, he says he wanted to marry her that first night he was very perceptive, he ran after, that now she did have to have her roommates to put the news on this and she was going to go out with him but she thought he could be president one day, so he had a lot of speculation about the partnership as a source of her couple hood. What was it about the next incident impacted each other. Well i would say because i dont think there are quite as, theyre both highly intelligent people, theyre both quite determined Richard Nixon could not walk over that line, and that drew them together and at times i think it pushed them apart, but there are some similarities there. They both had strong backgrounds. I think they both came from backgrounds where there were a problem, richard had a brother who died, pat pants died, so i think that there was a sense that there is a tragedy in their, life and i would add they both wanted things, i mean path was not going to be happy today, she wanted to see the world and i think she saw that this is not something where she would have to stay. This is something that when you think about the first lady, numbers are true who in some way have moved beyond, the pioneered four women of their era, and they decide to merge their own ambitions. I think thats true to a certain extent, i think that she also sees him because they shared an ambition, and they are going to go, places i dont think that she sees it as getting up her career as this is going to allow her to do Something Else shes not wear sure where she wants to, go she wants to go and do things. I dont see it as, just getting up everything, just i have to be married if i dont get married im going to have problems. Its going to be moving. You talk about these interesting letters after the war and the reason she sort of hinting the letter is when hes getting ready to come out, she was in san francisco, she worked for the president , she wrote him this wonderful letter that she had missed and she said that she had not been worried about them she wouldve had a wonderful time during all of, this because she was on her own, she was in this wonderful city, but you should be careful when she came back and love, her love her very dearly because otherwise she would regret everything, she knew what was possible so she did know that there was a line, but she also was aware of the fact that there was a balance. I think she was always kind of a, where but how much was she going to be able to do if they didnt have the back, she wanted if you need it. We have a video of their letters, there are letters that have recently been released by the Nixon Library, lets go to those now. Nixon began courting in 1930, eight they met at a party and weighty, are as called a dark hour and they tried for a separate role, and thats how they ended up going out around their first day, and that put them off for a while and they werent interested in the romantic advances but is that im going to marry you someday. And she sort of laughed, and and 19, 42 days later, what we had here is a rare treasure, these are some of the letters that mrs. Nixon and the president wrote to each other in 1938 and when they were married in 1940. Was incredibly rare. They were just recently released by the Nixon Foundation in 2012. This is a letter that was written by president nixon to mrs. Next, and it is not dated, but the u. S. Worked hard they said lets go for a long ride, sunday lets go to the mountains on the weekend, lets read books in front of fires, lets really grow together. My love to be, at your heart, nick. And that really shows that there is a romantic side of the young president nixon, they were never public before these letters were released. Should write to him after he gifted some sort. They found a lucky irishman does a regards such fun, thats a man that you would remember, she replied with this kind no and includes a shamrock, in this one she is being a little friendly, a little flirty, but she writes, in case i dont see you, why dont you come over wednesday at six and ill see if i can burn a hamburger for you. And here we see this is not dated. She wrote to him for a short time, shall i see you . Theres some rambling. See you soon, pat. So requisite that president nixon gave to mrs. Nixon when they were doing that, so theres the clock face, i like him very much, its really a great story. The public its really not thats why these letters are treasures. This is president nixon, a, quaker she did convert to quaker, is up but she never really practiced actually neither did richard once he outgrew with the military. These stands in california walking on the beach. I dont know that i had ever read anything about that in the biography. Its interests only important because it happened. Later but i dont remember anything about where he proposed. Lets go to the phone call. Neck and palm springs, you are on our callers tonight. What is on your mind . Good evening, this is a Wonderful Program, thank you cspan for it. I have a comment and then a question, im a big admire of his work at the next and library. Thank you for that. The question, and some previous episodes, some previous programs, was there, i have heard a lot about Intentional Organization of the white house by the next and. Changing the name of the garden, taking the mantle off the first ladies bedroom that hasnt inscription on it. And balancing that with this return to the white house. On a private visit under the next and. What was the real story there . And with other president s and first ladies as well, thank you so much. Thank you nick, we appreciate that, well, really an interesting question because we dont know. Julie does say in her book that it wasnt her mothers decision that the man should be removed, the decision was made by an advisory board. Because the man replaced it with a mantle designed at the time of thomas jefferson. So as they tried to make an attempt it started to make the white house more historical so that particular decision was not made by next in whats also clear is the closest that were ever going to get. Is that nixon still carries some resentment about the election. He did feel it had been stolen, and she did not hide their disappointment in 1960, you look at photographs in 1960, she is not wearing a poker face, so theres no doubt in my mind that some of the anger that she had for candidates. She handled the first visit, 1963 to the white house, he left Jackie Kennedy to decide how this would go, jackie did not want a public visit, she was concerned about the press warning the white house, she wanted it to be a quiet moment, and the reason for this visit was a mailing of the official portrait. First Lady Jacqueline kennedy, and the president , so how would you like it to go . And jackie said i would like it private. So president nixon organize this visit which is a remarkable event for both caroline and john junior, thanking the next sense and jackie herself for the very warm letter, so despite whatever whether she might have had about the 1916 campaign she realized the importance of letting Jackie Kennedys went out to come to the white house for that important unveiling. Thats early marriage, and during world war two, its amazing, and in 1946, how did you get into politics . When he came back on active duty, he was contacted by someone from california, he was looking for someone to run against joe where he is in the 12th and rational, so we talk to pat and he went back out did a presentation. And they decided to run, that she was pregnant with patricia, now theyre back on the east coast, they have to go all the way back across california because they have to start campaigning, so she packs everyone up. Eight months pregnant. Drives out to california, a month or so after they get back out there she is with patricia and their campaigning. Can tell something about her ambition because six hours later, shes doing research, now granted they didnt have a lot of money and they didnt have a lot of money for this campaign. But they proceed to campaign, they can keep participating she doesnt do it, she makes the choice and then in this campaign they didnt know anything about what they were doing, they call it the sweetest victory. This was the sweetest one in 1946, because they had worked so hard and this was really the beginning of what became a path. They were on this ticket they agreed that path nixon did not like politics. So the story was seen as wrong, where does that go . I think something happens after 1960. I just, in the 1960s she actually she doesnt give her names i think she gives her name is actually helping out as the Vice President of the United States, after that very better to see she wanted out of politics. And i think that she wanted to be first lady, im not sure if she wanted to be first lady in 1968, as her use as a second lady, she traveled extensively. How important i used to trample i was put, there are things politics that she hated and i dont think she realized what those would be, i think dont think she realized how much of her life, she be happy about i would put it back in the checkered speech. The first time that she realize how much hes going to have to give up in terms of her privacy, and how much she has to let other people, in but when she become second lady and they get to go on visits all over places, and she sees lots of the, world its hard, to see she touches people, and she can do things that are different than people thought, and for her that was all the politics that she hated because she loved exploring the world and then she got to do a tremendous amount of it as second lady. And i think that helped as she was planning for it. Do you think she change what effect is in the 1960s experience at on her. I think it was devastating. I think that the things that she did like from the fund prices in all those days earlier, i think youre, right i think all you have to do is look at that picture of her from 1960 and it is written all over her face, it just sucks the life out of, her because i dont think she saw herself as a volunteer. She was a part of the campaign, whatever she talks about the campaign in 1960, eight its we are running for election. And when the American People rejected, that i think she saw it as a rejection of, them and i think it was she couldnt recover from that the same way that she could. People asked untoward, or what was mrs. Nixon planned with eisenhower. They were they had that from the beginning, and then they became very good friends, they were different generations, but they were both women, they believed in families they were devoted to children, they believe an efficiency and running a household. And mrs. Eisenhower really took to that she has got to go into parts of the white house. Shes there like three times before she was. And they saw her as a friend in the height of the watergate crisis, where things were horrible for, pat they had a note that said just come up here we dont have to talk about anything itll just be you and i nobody will know and you can get away from everything. So they had a really nice relationship. Highkey, if youre on the air. Thank you so much for this program. Its been interesting to see how our first lady reacted to the industry. My question is, threw out all of the terms of president nixon, did she ever go to present ten . And even further more regret marrying him . Well, how could anybody know in somebody else is marriage. I think that there are probably times where she, didnt because how could you not, her marriage that you regret. Did she resented . For making some of the decisions he made . I think that that she did, i think that she resented him, but at the same time she couldnt let herself completely resign, him so she had to find someone else to blame, so she blamed president or lichtman, she blamed the press she blamed everybody for going after him because it was one of those things that, she could say anything she wanted about him and be as angry as she wanted to about him but nobody else could say anything. No one could make any comments about him. So as tim said, she was a human being. How could she not be angry at times . Dave is in linthicum heights, maryland. Hi, dave, your question . Caller yes. I want to thank you for having this Wonderful Program about our first ladies. Thank you. Dave ph dave ph i just wanted to share with you that, as a volunteer or parttime worker at the white house from 1971 to 1986, pat nixon being the first first lady that i had had the opportunity to work for, that she had this tradition of taking personal friends and visitors on tour of the private quarters. And when they would get the lincoln bedroom, she would have gas set upon the lincoln bed and make three wishes. And i was wondering if either one of your two guests had ever heard this during your research. Yes. And i also heard one of the things she did was that she i mean to the horror of curators, she wanted those who were bind and visiting the white house to be able to touch things. And, you know, if youve gone to a museum, curators dont want you to touch anything. Now, she had this ability to think outside of herself and try to make people feel welcome. She recognize that the white house could be a formal and somewhat forbidding place, and she thought, well, how could i make it less forbidding . So, just to establish their political history, after the devastating loss in 1960, Richard Nixon makes a bid for the california governor ship, and its unsuccessful in 1962, and thats a famous line when he gives the press conference afterwards which was. You wont have erickson nixon to kick around anymore. And what happened to them a year after . That well what happens to them is Richard Nixon goes back to being a lawyer and he never stops thinking about returning so its very hard, one of this is getting ahead the inner workings of the president ial, family and we really dont know there are bits and pieces that give us a sense the sites that i have as much less interested. Her husband was plotting to return. He is traveling a bar, loaded with foreign leaders, hes keeping them up and out and most importantly from 1966 he takes advantage of the Midterm Election to collect tips, he starts campaigning for people around the country, and they remember the fact that Richard Nixon campaigned on their behalf so he is preparing for 1968. The extent to which path nixon was looking for the 1960, eight i have my doubts, but he certainly was. And this is where i think the Partnership May have changed. Actually. What did she do during those years . During the years, she they moved back to new york, and her girls are getting older, and she takes them to museums, she tries to get involved in some charity work. Tricia has her debut. She takes. So shes a mom . Yes. So she is a mom, but i think its also a time in which, in some ways, shes a little lost, because she tells one of her friends, after youve been in politics, its hard to just do charity work, its hard to go back to Something Else. And so she keeps trying to find things to do. And you can tell that theres strains in the marriage. Helene, her friend helene drown writes to her and makes suggestions of how she and dick can reconnect. And pat says, well, hes gone, i dont really have the time to do this. And so i think that shes not a stupid woman. She knows that hes planning to go back to the white house. She knows what hes planning. But shes lost in terms of trying to figure out what to do. I mean, this is a woman whose children are growing up, and she is somebody whos always had work to do. And so she goes back and works in his office. There are times when she goes back and shell answer phones as ms. Ryan, because she tells helene, it makes the time go by, because she doesnt have Something Else to do. So i do think that there is a sense of her trying to figure out what shes going to do at this point. The Nixon White House lasted january 20, 1969, through august 9, 1974, when mr. Nixon resigned, but there were years full of a number of policy accomplishments and some heartache, the largest of which, of course, was the continuation of the vietnam war. Other things to note during his presidency, the state visit to china, the russia visit, in which it resulted in the salt i treaty, the moon landing in 1969, the creation of the Environmental Protection agency. Then later on, as the administration continued, the resignation of Vice President spiro agnew under controversy, then the discovery of the watergate breakin, and ultimately, Richard Nixons resignation. Going to focus on the first lady during all of those years. So let me start, he said at the outside that she chose an issue and her issue was volunteer as them. How much does she have how much choices you have in that selection . And did it affect her world view . She was actually not really, she didnt want to have to choose an issue. She didnt like that fact. In fact, it bothered her when in the first few months of the administration, she kept getting asked, well, you know, what is your focus, and she said, she, said people, i mean, she said. She didnt want there to be one. Yes, volunteer is a would be what shed best known for in that first year. Shed made trips around the country to show her support for four i guess they were called vests, volunteer isnt. Vast pockets of altruism. The thing about it is she didnt watch the program. And what she felt was, and this wasnt a criticism of ladybird on scene. Lady bridge aunts and was known for the beautification program. Pat nixon did not like the fact that it was assumed that she would be program to do one thing. And they came to her. Apparently the white house, the west wing, came to her with all kinds of ideas of things that she might want to do. And she just dislike the idea that this is what she had to do is first lady. Well, Evelyn Thierry some work for her in the sense that if she had to have something, she had in a sense volunteered her whole life. So that worked. It worked with the Nixon Administration, in terms of what they wanted to do. But i agree with him that she did want to pick one topic. She would rather go out and see people and see what they were doing. And even when they did, we do have this volunteer isms, she tells people i dont want local officials. I dont want the heads, the ceos in the heads of these corporations coming. I want to see the volunteers, i want to see the people they are helping and i want to talk to them. So she was very much involved with the people not with the big shots. But the selection of the issue struck me, when i write about it that it supported the image of a conservative president and thats the private sector rather than the Public Sector addressing societal is is that what all this is about . I think that that was a big part of the west wings choice of these topics and also of making sure that the volunteer places that she went to see were correctly done, that they were not something that was going to be too radical, they werent going to get her into some place where she shouldnt be, where she should have to discuss anything. So i do think i think that first term, shes really trying to find herself as first lady, and she doesnt have the well, some of the tools yet to stand up to the west wing. The tensions if i the tensions between the east wing and the west wing are really important, because as president nixon begins to separate more and more his personal life from his political life, pat nixon is seeing the effect, because the haldeman team, h. R. Haldeman, bob haldeman, chief of staff to president nixon, the haldeman team doesnt particularly enjoy working with pat nixon, does not take advantage of her many skills. In fact, when she goes to africa in 1972 and does such a wonderful job of representing our country in january of 1972, and gets rave reviews, theres a note that the president gets about how well pat did, and its given to pat nixon, and she writes to her friend, helene drown, well, they finally figured out what i can do. Lets take a call from beth is folsom, california. Hi, beth, youre on the air. Hi. This is a Wonderful Program. I want to say that, to the question about where president nixon proposed to mrs. Nixon, it was in dana point, on a cliff in dana point. And then, also, my question is which theyve sort of brought up, but how mrs. Nixon, when she was in the white house, that she added to the antiques and brought in so much of American Culture on what Jacqueline Kennedy had started, and also her personal diplomacy, as dr. Naftali just brought about, in africa and then also when she went to peru. Thank you very much, and i have enjoyed the program. Those are all questions that were going to tell in our story, so let us do that as the next few minutes unfold. Staying with volunteerism, we have a clip of pat nixon herself talking about her volunteerism and her travels. Lets listen to that. It is a great joy for me to be here with you at this meeting and to receive this award. However, i would like to say that i am receiving it in the name of all the volunteers who are working throughout this land and throughout this world. As you know, i have been in most of the countries of the world and all over the United States. And i have met these good people who give of their hearts and hands to assist others. And there is no more noble way to spend part of a life. I do thank all of you who are here in administrative positions and as volunteers. And i do thank all of the people in this United States who are so kind and generous. Im proud of them, and im proud to thank them here today. In that clip, mrs. Nixon is talking about her travels. And our caller wanted to know about it. We said at the outset that she is the most traveled first lady up to that point. Was traveling something she chose to do . Or did the white house send her on the road, or a combination thereof . She loved traveling. And i think that its important that, when she traveled as first lady, that was when she felt the most useful. It got her away from the control of the west wing, and it reconnected her to the days when they were the second couple and she and dick were a team, and they could go out and do things. When she went out both as first lady and when she was the second lady and did her travels, she insisted that she was not going to go do formal receptions and teas. She wanted to go out and see what the people were doing. She wanted to go to womens homes. She wanted to go to orphanages and to schools and to hospitals. She didnt want to do she didnt want bouquets of roses. She wanted to go out and shake peoples hands. She sometimes got in trouble for that from her security detail, but thats what she wanted to do. She was most interested in seeing what the people were doing. Her first foreign trip is very important. Her first foreign trip, which is to peru, happens at the request of president nixon. Its not that president nixon is forcing her out of the white house. Its that and then julie writes about this. The demonstrations following the kent state massacre traumatized the nixon family. Pat decided to bring the family back from camp david so that Richard Nixon wouldnt be alone in the white house. But its clear that that period, late may from early may through june of 1970 were very difficult for the nixon family, and especially for pat nixon. And the president thought it would be because she was concerned, she had heard about the earthquake in peru, 50,000 died, 800,000 people were left homeless. She was watching what was happening, and i suspect that the president realized that to restart her, he needed to gave her something where she felt she was doing something good. And she cared about what was happening in peru. And peru was a very interesting choice, because the United States was not close to peru. There was a revolutionary government in peru, which had criticized the United States, and to send pat of all places to peru involved a little bit of a political risk. But she did it. But this was Richard Nixons choice. She said yes, and it proved to be wonderful for her and very good for u. S. Peruvian relations. She ended up getting an award from the government of peru. And the peruvian government, which had not had much say that was very good about the United States, actually thanked the United States for what pat nixon helped to do. Its also worth noting that she traveled to vietnam. Yes. Shes the first first lady to travel into a combat zone, because she insisted on visiting soldiers in the hospital, on visiting the troops. She, again, was not someone who wanted generals to give her an update. She wanted to go and talk to the soldiers. It didnt matter that it was a combat zone. She needed to go and talk to the boys themselves and to be able to calm them down, because her soninlaw, both of her sonsinlaw had been in the military. And she felt very close to all of these young men. The trip to peru was her first solo trip, but she did go. She did accompany the president in 1969, and thats when she went to south vietnam. She actually spent time in a hospital meeting with troops, with wounded soldiers, and that was her choice. Our next video is about pat nixons travel. Lets watch. Mrs. Nixon was one of the most widely traveled first ladies in our countrys history. This is her diplomatic passport that was used during her time as second lady. And you can see here the photos of Vice President and mrs. Nixon, the passport is full of stamps relating to the different nations that they visited, 53 in total from 1953 to 1961. Mrs. Nixon really wanted to go out into the field and see the people. She wanted to work with them, see what she could do to help. She wanted to go to hospitals and orphanages. When she went to panama, she even visited a leper colony. These tags were used by mrs. Nixon on her secondtolast trip as first lady. She and the president visited austria, egypt, saudi arabia, syria, israel, and jordan. It was the first time that a president and first lady had ever been to israel. These tags were on mrs. Nixons personal luggage. Lets go into the museum and see some of the items that are on display related to mrs. Nixons travels as first lady. Here in the museum, we have a lot of samples of gifts that were given to mrs. Nixon during her foreign travels. This is one of the oldest pieces in the collection. It was a gift to mrs. Nixon from golda meir in november 1969. Its a carnelian necklace. Its 12th through 11th century b. C. Mrs. Nixon also received a very fine example of a belgianlaced table cloth given to her in february of 1969 by his excellency King Baudouin of the belgian kingdom. So theres also a beautiful pin watch. This is made out of gold. Its made out of rubies and diamonds. This was given to mrs. Nixon by the Prime Minister of italy, emilio colombo, back in september of 1970. During the president s historic trip to china, mrs. Nixon accompanied him in72. And her extensive travels took her to the beijing zoo, then known as the peking zoo. And she really enjoyed visiting and learning about the pandas that they had there on display. So that evening, as mrs. Nixon and the president were meeting with their host, chou enlai noticed how mrs. Nixon was looking at a package of cigarettes. The cigarettes have pandas on them. And the package, she was admiring that. And he said, well, i understand you also admired the pandas at the zoo. She says, yes, arent they darling . And he says, well, we will make sure that you have pandas to go home with. So, as part of this gift, there were two pandas sent, hsinghsing and lingling. One of them was transported in this particular crate. And, of course, when the president heard that mrs. Nixon was interested in going on a foreign trip with him, well, he obviously said, hey, put her on. And so it was important for her to uphold and support her husband. Just her being there would bring so much goodwill. And it was always evident at the end of the trips, where news reports would come out, you know, they would talk about the president this way, but they would always say what a wonderful job pat nixon did. Two of the most important trips of the Nixon Administration that the nixons went as a couple were the trip to china, as described to that video, appropriately as a historic trip, and also a trip to the soviet union, which we said at the outset resulted in two important treaties between the two nations. The china trip, what was her role, as the president was opening these doors with the Chinese Government . Since the press was allowed to go, since the Chinese Government allowed the press to follow them, and since the president was in these closeddoors meetings, what the American Public saw of china was what they saw through pat. So she was the one taking them around. The chinese public that she met, she was the representative of the americans that they met, and she introduced america to china. So she was supposed to do the sightseeing. In fact i think at one point, he even said, well, we need somebody to do the sightseeing. But for her, this was an amazing trip. She got to go and meet people. They would come up and try to quote mao to her. And she would say, oh, yes, ive read that book, and then she would go on to Something Else, because that wasnt what she wanted to do. And she would go talk to the people as much as she could. There were some limitations. Abigail in rochester hills, michigan, youre on the air. Hi. Hi, abigail. Okay. So i just want to say that ive really enjoyed this show. Thank you. Ive watched almost every episode so far. And my question was that did meeting mr. Reagan, you know, make mrs. Reagan nixon, sorry, not reagan, nixon you know, make her a republican . Would she, if she married someone else, be a democrat . Or did she make that decision on her own . Thank you. Well, thats interesting. Abigail, before you go, if youve watched every Program First of all, how old are you . Im 12. Youre 12 . And do you have a favorite first lady since youve watched them all . Favorite . I dont know. Maybe lou hoover. Lou hoover. Ah. Well, thanks very much for calling in, and we hope you make it with us all the way to the end. Its great to have you in the audience. We were talking about lou hoover before. Yes, i know. Very discerning 12yearold. Yes. So the answer to the question, would she have been a republican if she married someone else . Was that her was she political . Well, i have to say that was a very good question. Yeah, it was. And she was an independent before, in terms of where her political standings were before they got married. Would she has been Something Else . I dont think so. I think, in terms of the way that her kind of conservative moral values and her especially her economic point of view, she probably wouldve been a republican, anyway. Well, coming out of the china trip was a popular addition to the national zoo that is still the most popular exhibit today, and thats the pandas. We have a clip about the pandas here that also includes a phone call from the president that we want to listen to and then have you comment on pat nixon i noticed dr. Ripley is wearing a panda tie, and i have my panda pin, ill have you know. And i think pandemonium is going to break out right here at the zoo. Pat nixon hi. Richard nixon just checking to see how the panda thing went . Ive been in a meeting, and so i i was a little bit. Pat nixon oh, they were were you able to get up to them . How did that work . No there in a glass cage. But that you get a good picture . There were an awful lot of people there. It was well covered. Good, good, to the people enjoy it . I bet even the press was pleased . Yes i think so, they are comic little things, you know . Yeah . They stand up. They had structure inside the cage, sort of, would you, know and one of them climbed up there and sat up there and shoot his toes. It was a scream. I hope they got. It will come back and get them. That was obviously one of the audio recordings of the white house conversations from the president s office. And we get a little glimpse of their relationship. What did we learn there . That they didnt talk on the phone very often. Thats im just thinking of how pat nixon wouldve petted a panda bear. But, you know, theres a little bit of controversy over whether, in fact, she had asked for the pandas. I heard, you know, one of president nixons aides told me that it was a misunderstanding, that pat nixon smoked that wasnt a misunderstanding she didnt like to show people that she smoked, but she smoked a lot. And, indeed, as olivia anastasiadis, the supervisory curator at the Nixon Library, very fine curator, said, there were pandas on the chinese cigarette packs. But its not clear whether mrs. Nixon was just motioning towards the panda because she wanted a cigarette or because she really liked pandas and wanted them for the United States. So its not clear whether chou enlai actually knew what she was asking for, but the outcome was wonderful for the United States and for, of course, the national zoo. And as we see from this particular conversation, it actually added a little bit of levity to the nixon household. Karen is in greenfield, california. Youre on the air. Caller yes, hello . Hi. Caller yes, thank you for accepting my call. I have really enjoyed your show for these past nine months. This is my third time calling. And the question i have is you said that mrs. Nixon disliked politics. Even after her husbands defeat in 1960 and62, do you think she could have been more insistent on her husband not running for Public Office . Or did she like just privately accept that her husband wanted this Top Executive job in the United States government . That is my question. Thank you. Could she have been more insistent . Well, i dont know that in her personality if she could have been more insistent. Could she have threatened to divorce him in 1962 and 1963 . I dont think that that would have been something that really wouldve entered her mind. And i think that she knew to stop him from going on that she would have to do something that drastic. He had written a list in 1954 of reasons to drop out of politics. And the top reason was that it would make his wife happy. But from 1954, even though he promised and wrote this list in real life, and his wife did not like politics, he couldnt stop himself. I think that it was something that was very much a part of him. And i think that even though she disliked all of this, i dont know that there really that she would have been able to do that. That would have been asking her to be something that she wasnt. So this series is called influence and image. I want to talk a little bit about influence. Pat nixon became involved to some degree in issues typically thought of as womans issues. For example, she supported the equal rights amendment to the constitution. She spoke out about more women getting elected to Public Office, regardless of what party they belong to. She apparently urged the president , somewhat strongly, to appoint a woman to the supreme court. And we know that she had opinions that she expressed somewhat publicly about abortion, calling it a private decision for a woman. How much influence did she have on the president s thinking on any of these issues . And was it controversial that the public knew her opinions about these things . Well, the Nixon Administration made a big effort with regard to hiring more women into the federal service. Barbara franklin was the point person for this, and it was a Real Initiative on the part of the Nixon Administration. Did this come from pat nixon . We dont know. We know that julie played a role, working with barbara franklin. Theres no doubt that pat nixon was supportive, but i dont know. Perhaps youve found evidence that she was the one who was pushing this. We do know that she was very disappointed in october of 1971 when president nixon had two open seats on the supreme court, she really hoped that one of them would go to a woman. When that didnt happen, she let president nixon know at a private family dinner that julie writes about. I mean, she really let him know that she was not happy. And then didnt speak to him for a while, which was kind of her way of letting him stew on things and getting back at him, and because she was very she thought she had a promise from him that he was going to appoint a woman. She was very upset about that. You know, for those of you whove been watching the series, just watched a discussion about Lady Bird Johnson. And you had lady bird im sure saw evidence of Lady Bird Johnson watching her husband give a speech and critiquing it and telling him how he could do a better job. That was not what pat nixon did. She was not that kind she was not a political adviser for Richard Nixon. She had views, and Richard Nixon knew them, but he did not involve her in the policy process. And the evidence of that is if you look at the tapes or listen to the tapes. By law, the u. S. Government cannot release tapes of president nixon and pat nixon talking about Family Matters that i mean, it actually was a court decision. But whenever president nixon and pat nixon are talking about governmental matters, such as the pandas, the u. S. Government is permitted to that material belongs to the American People, and u. S. Government can open it. Theres very little on the tapes of the two of them talking, because theres very little of the two of them talking about substantive policy issues. Thats just not the role that pat nixon played. Shes quite different from Lady Bird Johnson and even different from Jackie Kennedy, because jackie herself participated a little bit in policy discussions with the president. Regina crumkey asked, did pat start any fashion trends or white house traditions . We have a video about pat nixons personal style while she was in the white house. Lets watch that next. begin video clip mrs. Nixon, wasnt a real clotheshorse, per se, but she loved looking trimmed and clean. She loved spare design. She loved wearing the clothes designed for her by adele simpson. She would also wear things off the rack by geoffrey beene. This coat mrs. Nixon wore when they went to the february 1972 trip to china. It was cold. And you dont see that here, but the coat is lined with fur, completely lined inside, so that would keep her warm. Were fortunate to have an inaugural gown here at the library. Usually the first ladys tradition is to give her inaugural gown to the smithsonian institution, where they display the first ladys gowns. For those who just had the one term, you know, thats where the gown goes. But if you have a second term, that president ial library will keep that second gown. And mrs. Nixon wore this at the 1973 inaugural, this beautiful beaded dress and aquamarine aquamarine or turquoise were her favorite tones. She loved this color. And this was designed by adele simpson. One kind of quirky thing that mrs. Nixon always asked for when her gowns would be designed, an afterdinner dress or, you know, a gown, shed asked to have pockets put in, because people would slip notes to her, so this way she could, like, give them to her husband after the event. Here what we have on display is her mother of the bride dress, which was designed by priscilla of boston, a very famous wedding gownmaker, which incidentally, she also designed both mrs. Nixons daughterswedding gowns. So you see here tricia nixon coxs gown. And behind her is a photograph of a gazebo that was made on the occasion of her wedding at the rose garden at the white house. And that gazebo is on display here in the grounds at the Nixon Library. end video clip so i wanted to show this video, because it struck me that pat nixons clothing was often a political issue. And you mentioned the checkers speech, were Richard Nixon talked about her republican cloth coat. So, fashion as politics. Would you comment a little bit on that . Well, you know, in 1960, somebody asked because they were making a big deal about jackies wardrobe and how much money jackie might have spent on her wardrobe and somebody said, do you want to maybe you and mrs. Nixon should debate. And pat said, well, i would be happy to debate mrs. Kennedy, but i dont want to talk about clothing, because i dont think thats a very important issue in these days. I do think that clothing makes a statement. And one of the other first things that pat did was she appeared in a magazine i think it was mccalls or ladieshome journal, in a pantsuit in 1972, in the summer of 1972, i think it was. And this was a very big deal, because she never wore pants. Dick didnt like pants. And so she never appeared in public in slacks. And so that fact that she would appear in this magazine in a pantsuit, i think, is making a political statement. I think that by the time you get to72, you do have a pat nixon who was coming into her own. I mean, she had gone to africa, she had gone to china, she had gone to the soviet union, she had done all of these things, and here she is in pants. I think that is clothing as politics. And id like to ask you about social events in the white house and their significance. That video referenced the white house wedding of tricia to ed cox. How important an event was that . And how did it strike politically, given the president s standing in the polls at that time . Well, it was probably pat nixons happiest day in the white house. I dont think theres any doubt. And its sort of its an inflexion point, because right after that, you have the pentagon papers controversy and the plumbers and things start to get out of hand. And so that moment in the summer of 1971 is a very sweet moment for the family. One other event, because it has not been matched to this day, the largest event ever thrown at the white house was the nixons tribute to the vietnam prisoners of war. Can you talk about the significance of that . In fact, the library just celebrated the anniversary of it this year. Well, i think that part of the story of pat nixon in the white house is a story of the pressures on the family because of the countrys reaction to the president s vietnam policy. Whatever you think about the president s vietnam policy, i think its hard to dispute the fact that the countrys reaction had a very, very strong effect on the nixon family. And pat in particular was affected by it. One of the reasons why the president encouraged her to leave on these solo trips was to pick up her morale. And after the successful conclusion of the negotiations, which took place which resulted in an agreement in january of 1973 to end the american participation in the war in southeast asia, the white house very much wanted to celebrate this achievement and to put a positive final note to what had been such a difficult war for this country. And that was this event, because the president had made the argument that he had been thinking always about getting the pows out. And so their coming to the white house was a symbol of his achievement. Actually, the story is more complicated, the war could have ended sooner, but thats a different story, and thats for a different hour of cspan. But the fact is that, for pat nixon, as for the other members of the family, seeing the pows was a source ofsfy1 and happiness and accomplishment. So i dont doubt that that evening was very special for all of them. And on her stewardship of the white house, a question that a caller asked, what did she do of note during her years in the white house to the institution of the white house, the building itself . She actually worked very hard behind the scenes. She worked with clem conger if thats how you say his last name as a curator, and they worked very hard to restore the white house tokind of pick up where jackie had left off and continue to get period pieces. She could be very persuasive in convincing various institutions and museums to return pieces to the white house, to loan pieces to the white house. They went out and sought out people to donate the money to be able to get the proper pieces to fill the room. She had always been very interested in decorating. She had decorated a number of their homes. So this was something that was very important to her and not something that was widely known. They didnt publicize this. It was kind of like she was doing it for a while before anybody realized that she was doing it. And then, when jackie comes, jackie says, oh, this is all wonderful. And she really tried to give the credit to other people, rather than giving than taking it herself. When pat nixon came to the white house, onethird of the furnishings were antiques. When she left the white house, twothirds of them were antiques. But some viewers might not know this Dolley Madison is famous for saving the canvas of George Washington in 1814. Well, she actually saved two canvasses. The other one was a portrait of herself. And pat nixon brought it back to the white house. Bill is in chillicothe, ohio, and on the air. Hi, bill. Hi. I was president nixons butler at camp david. Of course, he had manolo, who would always come with him. But i was at the house with the nixons all the time at camp david. So what would you like people to know about the first lady . And please do an oral history with the Nixon Library. I want to get to the library, and i havent been. We sent stockings of mrs. Nixon. They somehow were misplaced, but she had sent them to the library at the time. My sisters had made them. I was there during the panda years, also. I know she brought me back the tie. I think she brought it back for david, and it was out of style, so she had given it to me. So what would you like the audience to know about mrs. Nixon, since you had a chance to see her in a way that few people did . I often talked to her at breakfast. She would get up a little before the president , and she was always so kind and so nice, and treated me with such respect that i loved the whole family. And what were their final years, as the pressure increased on the presidency were you working for them at that point . And what did you see . I only worked until73, so i left a few months before he did. I was in during the it was my navy years. And i left at73, so i wasnt in at the end. But it was a little harder on them towards the end, yeah. Do you remember, sir, how they felt during the christmas bombings, the last christmas that you were there at camp david . They stayed at i believe that was the year they stayed at camp. Yes. Instead they were going to go to california, and instead they stayed there at the camp. And it was a family time for them, and they stayed together, and i think they enjoyed that weekend together. Thank you very much. Thank you so much for your call. It really added a little bit more to our understanding with your personal experience with them. Before i leave this part, as the administration faced more and more challenges as watergate continued to bear down, ultimately leading to the president s resignation, what was mrs. Nixons role visavis the president , visavis her family and the public . And i also want to add to that. Ive got several people who have seen the image of her as a drinker during this period. You write about it in the book. So would you add that to the story youre about to tell us . Okay, this was a very trying time. And i think its important to remember that, as tim had mentioned before, that the president didnt discuss policy. So when mrs. Nixon told people that she only knew what she read in the papers, that was all she knew. Shes also someone who trusts her husband and who didnt trust haldeman and ehrlichman and the men surrounding him, so its very easy for her to believe that these men are setting him up. But she keeps getting all these questions. And the questions become increasingly hostile and increasingly persistent so that she cant avoid them. So here she is, at the height of finally figuring out what she wants to do as first lady, and now she cant avoid these questions about watergate. She becomes in many ways the rock. She continues to do her schedule. She continues to go ahead and maintain the theyd go and visit people, go and do the set go out and go to teas, go to the meetings, because she has to. And the people i think that, in terms of the drinking, that i think is was she drinking more . She was someone who liked to have a drink after dinner. Almost everyone of that generation did. People knew she drank jack daniels. It was kind of Common Knowledge around there. Did she drink more . Probably. I mean, who wouldnt . Was there any evidence that she was an alcoholic . No. I mean, she would continue to have this schedule. There are press all over the place. If she was an alcoholic, they wouldve jumped all over that. This wasnt a time when theyre going to hide Something Like that. So i think that theres very little evidence that she was an alcoholic, that she was a drunk, or anything like that. Its clear that the president lied to her about a number of things. And this is an important part of the story, because she is absolutely loyal to Richard Nixon. Shes suffering for him. And he tells her that he had nothing to do with the enemys list, when it was his idea. He tells her that Lyndon Johnson had bugged his Campaign Plane in the68 campaign. That wasnt true, and he knew it wasnt true. He filled her mind with things that made what she was reading in the newspaper make no sense at all to her. And in the end, he didnt even have the courage to tell her he was going to resign. He had julie, the first time he thought he would resign, august 2nd, he had julie tell his wife, and then the whole family persuaded him not to resign. But when he finally made the decision to resign, he had Rose Mary Woods tell mrs. Nixon. And who was that . That was his secretary. He didnt even tell her. The other one regret she had from that period, which i found really interesting and this is, again, is evidence that she was affected by watergate but had no role whatsoever in managing it the president didnt tell her that there was a taping system. The president also didnt involve her in the decision of what to do about the tapes, when it became clear that this was going to be a major issue when the taping system was about to be revealed to the public. She felt that he had made a huge error, that he shouldve destroyed them. And by the way, he could have, because at that time in the United States, those tapes were private property that belonged to the president. Now, once they were subpoenaed, itd be a different issue, but they hadnt been subpoenaed yet. She wanted to get rid of them, but he never asked her. She was not part of this at all, she just suffered from it. Judy in hermitage, pennsylvania, youre on the air as we talk about pat nixon. Thank you so much for this series. Youve done incredible hard work to get it on the air. And i do appreciate it. My question is, what is pats biggest unfulfilled dream and her biggest regret in or out of the white house . Thanks so much. Mary . Hmm, its a very good question. Her biggest unfulfilled dream. A Movie Actress . Film starlet . No, i dont think she wanted to be a Movie Actress. I think that, that if you look at where i think that being the foreign ambassador, the goodwill ambassador that she was, that she was coming into in72 and that period, i think that if she could have continued to do that, i think that she would have loved for her husband to have completed his term, for her to have been able to continue to go out into the world and to meet people, and for him to have been able to end his presidency on a high note. Because i think that youre right. I think that, for her, the two of them were so connected that she was not going to be able to be president , but she could experience all of that, and she could see she thought he was doing good work, and she knew she was doing good work. So i think that her regret would have been that they had to leave under such circumstances. And they didnt get to fulfill that. We have 10 minutes left. And in that time, id like to understand their postwhite house years. They returned first to san clemente for five years and then to new york and new jersey. The years were filled with some serious medical problems for both them. What was their life like . Its really interesting that her we could do a show about best friends of the first family. Helene drown was very important. And in the first term, in the first president ial term, some of pat nixons family and friends were worried about her. She seemed frail. She seemed not to find her way, as mary was saying. She was a rock during the last few months of the administration, at least thats how shes been described. She continued to be very strong when the president nearly died. Richard nixon almost dies a few months after leaving office. He gets phlebitis, which is an inflammation of the veins. He actually goes into cardiac arrest because of the reaction to i believe he has an infection. This happens in long beach, california. Hospitalized for 23 weeks, right . No, 23 days. Twentythree days. Oh, okay. My goodness, i read that and i thought thats such long time. But he nearly dies. And she is very strong for the family. Was he also suffering from depression during the period . Well, you know, the problem, again, with the president. How do we know, huh . You know, the thing about it is, its very hard to know about the medical condition about president ial families unless they let you know. In the end, the eisenhowers actually opened up a lot of medical records about general eisenhower, president eisenhower. We just dont know whether he was suffering from depression. Theres no doubt that there were people around him who feared that he was suicidal. I mean, weve got, you know, accounts of people around him who thought he was suicidal. Whats important here, though, is that she found the resources within herself, despite this sort of national tragedy, to pull herself and the family together during his health crisis. And the real tragedy is that she then has her own health crisis. She has a stroke. Yeah. And can we know if this is tied to her smoking, or hard to tell . Well, what about the stress . Can you imagine, what is the effect on her body. High blood pressure, yes. Smoking for years. We dont have her Health Records are not open, so. But how serious was the stroke . It was very serious. Yes. I mean, she couldnt move her left side, her speech was slurred. She worked very hard to regain her strength and to be able to move her left arm. Was it maureen drown one somebody came up, saw her working very hard on one of those machines to build up your arm strength, because she was determined to come back, that she was not going to let this get her. But it was very serious. And during this period of time, the president began to try to plot his return to acceptance in society, worked on his memoirs, and im wondering about her role in supporting all of that. Im not sure if well, she really retires. And she has grandchildren now. And so shes, you know, very happy and proud grandparent. Shes not really she doesnt make many public appearances at all. And some of one in particular i think was her last public appearance was at the opening of the reagan library. And shes very frail. And some people comment on the fact that Richard Nixon actually leaves her, almost forgets shes there, and shes having a hard time walking and breathing because of her sort of Health Problems at that point. And when was the work on the Nixon Library done during this time period . Well, the Nixon Library, the first the private library, which is different from the federal library the federal government took it over in 2007 and made it well, because its a federal library, its nonpartisan. The original library, the only private president ial library at that point was opened in 1991. And she was alive to see it open. She predeceases her husband. She dies the year before he does, and so shes buried at the library. I never found any evidence that she participated in shaping the museum, but i do believe that the rose garden that the library has, a beautiful rose garden, reflects her interests. And the area that is devoted at least now to the first lady has a big glass window so that you can see the garden. She was very interested in opening the gardens of the white house to the public. She was the first to do that. So it makes a lot of sense that the visitor to the Nixon Library sees the rose garden, pats rose garden. So how involved were the two daughters, tricia nixon cox, whos now 67, julie Nixon Eisenhower, whos now 65, in the preservation of their parentslegacy . Well, as you heard, the family owns the materials all of pat nixons private materials are owned by the family, and they decide periodically to release materials. You know, unfortunately, mary did not get to see, as she should have, all the correspondence when she was writing her important book. But at least in 2012, some of the correspondence that had been withheld by the family was opened as a part of the celebration of pats 100th birthday. She could be very persuasive in convincing how did she die . Well, she had another stroke, and she had emphysema and lung cancer from years of smoking. And people have referenced they still remember to this day during her Funeral Service that video of the president as he attended the ceremony and really wept over her grave. Can you talk about what we can take away from that, watching as outsiders . I think that what you have is a man who loves his wife and who perhaps in some ways did not realize how much how central she was to holding him up, to propping him up. I think she was that way for her daughters, but certainly for him. And i think that it goes back to their original relationship and the love that we saw there in the beginning. And i think she was a woman of tremendous strength who could not have been plastic. She had to be steel. I would hope for the sake of Richard Nixon that some of that was guilt, too, that he finally was coming to terms with what he had done and the strains that he had put on this fine woman. Our final video is of her burial and her legacy. Lets watch. begin video clip this is the pat nixon amphitheater at the Nixon Library. Its a very special place, because it was here, june 26, 1993, that mrs. Nixons funeral was held. Her casket was placed right up here, underneath the lovely tent with flowers. The nixon family sat right over here. And on the other side were president s reagan and ford and their first ladies. This is the Pat Nixon Rose garden at the Nixon Library and was a very special place for both of the nixons, in particular because mrs. Nixon was instrumental in designing it for the grand opening of the Nixon Library in 1990. She loved gardening, had a special affinity for roses. Mrs. Nixon was instrumental in opening up the white house for garden tours in the spring, which is a tradition that is continued to this day. This is the Pat Nixon Rose, which was developed in 1972 by a french designer when mrs. Nixon was first lady. It is the only rose that will continually grow at the white house. This is the final resting place of both president and mrs. Nixon, only steps away from the president s humble 1910s farmhouse. Theres a great story behind the epitaph on mrs. Nixons memorial site, which she chose herself. It dates back to the trip to peru that she took in 1970 as the ambassador of goodwill. She wanted to meet the people that were affected by this devastating earthquake that rocked peru. She wanted to see the devastation; she wanted to find out what she could do to help. And one of the reporters said to her, mrs. Nixon, what good will any of this do if the people who youre speaking to cant understand what youre saying . And she replied, even when people cant speak your language, they can tell if you have love in your heart. end video clip and as we close out here in our 90minute biography of patricia nixon, Gary Robinson asks on twitter, and its a good way to end up, what would pat nixon say is her greatest contribution to the role of first lady . Dignity under strain. And she was dignified and proud throughout her period in office. Making sure that people understood that the white house was their house and that everyone should have a voice and that everyone should be able to come and everyone was welcome. As we close out here, we want to say thank you to our partners at the White House Historical association for their help in telling the stories of the first ladies. Weve also been making available on our website the compendium of biographies of the first ladies. And it looks like this. Its available at cost, if youre interested. We still have many more first ladies to go, as our series continues. We hope youll read along with us and learn more about this interesting aspect on american history. And our special thanks to our guests tonight, mary brennan, whose book, pat nixon embattled first lady, is available, and to tim naftali, president ial historian, for helping to tell her story. Thank you very much. Thank you. Good evening everyone to all of our friends in those watching by cspan, and on facebook lives my name is stewart mick lauren and im the president of the White House Historical association, and its my privilege to welcome you to this Historic House as well as to the White House Historical association tonights program isry

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