Its use by human beings dates back nearly 4000 years to before the birth of christ. In one way or another, millions of people depend on the dairy industry partly or entirely for their living. Milk are over 26 million cows in the united states, a great many of them on dairy farms located near large cities where there is a ready sale for milk. All the Dairy Farmers are specialists in producing and caring for cows, from which he gets his income. He is also a diversified farmers since he usually grows crops and livestock. He also must spend a considerable amount of time mixing feeds, for cows must be fed scientifically to produce profitably. The grain raised on the farm is in many cases ground and mixed with manufactured feeds, which the farmer buys. There are jobs selling manufactured livestock feed, for which experience working on a farm is helpful, as it is for selling Farm Machinery and other equipment. The modern dairy farm with its buildings and equipment can be compared with a factory. The heart of activity in this milk factory is the dairy barn. Sanitation and cleanliness are the watchwords of the dairy successful, to be a dairy farmer must be careful about his personal cleanliness as well as that of his barns and equipment. The cows, too, must be clean before they are milked. Seven days a week, the farmer has to get up early to do the morning milking, then milk the cows again at night, usually after a long day doing other work. On many farms, the milking is done with a milking machine, which is a pump creating a low vacuum. The vacuum draws the milk into an airtight container. With such equipment, a large number of cows can be milked in a short time. Milk each cows milk, the is removed at once to the milk house or a separate milk room. Strained carefully to further ensure freedom from foreign material. At every step in milk handling, it must be protected for purity. One of the important tasks of the dairy farmer is to clean and sterilize thoroughly all milking machine and milk house equipment. This work is tedious and tiresome, but it cannot be neglected. Trained often, inspectors from the government and from the Dairy Company which buys the milk visit the dairy farm. They closely inspect all equipment as well as the dairy barn and milk house to make sure it meets high standards of sanitization, then turn in a report to the Dairy Company or government agency. In some localities, a cow tester with special training visits different farms once a month to weigh and test the milk from each cow. If a cow is not making a profit, she then can be culled out of the herd. On large dairy farms, a herdsman may be in direct charge of the herd and responsible for increasing its production through scientific care and feeding. Keeping records is a very important part of successful dairy farming. This may be done by the owner or be part of the work of a hired superintendent or farm manager, whose duty it is, on larger farms, to improve the herd by raising the best stock possible, through scientific feeding, and by eliminating unprofitable cows. If you like animals, there are jobs on dairy farms where you can learn the business. To advance to the job of far manager, some training in Agricultural College is necessary. Such training will also be helpful if someday you can obtain the capital to go into dairy farming yourself. Some vocational high schools have courses in dairy farming and the agricultural county agent in your community can give you information about it. From the farm, milk is transported either first two country receiving credit plants country receiving plans or directly to the bottling plant by cars or trucks. The trucks are large sanitary vessels on wheels. In the plant, the milk is pasteurized in special equipment, which heats it to a certain temperature for a period of time to destroy org render harmless disease producing organisms which may be present. Trainmen check the control dials of the pastor risers the pasteurizes, because time and temperature is very important. After pasteurization, the milk is quickly cooled, then bottled and cap. Although this is done on automatic machines, the operation is checked by trained workers. Other skilled workmen keep the equipment in good operating condition. Other workers clean the equipment thoroughly every time after it is used for, in the dairy plant, like the dairy farm, cleanliness and sanitization are all important. Before they are filled, milk bottles are washed and sterilized in scientifically designed bottled waters. Bottle washers. They pass in front of shargh ride inspectors in front of sharp eyed inspectors before they go on to be filled with milk. In modern dairy plant must have a great amount of special equipment, although many plants are not as large as this one. There are jobs working for dairy manufacturers designing, producing, and selling this equipment. Although in the modern dairy plant or creamery, butter is turned in large mechanical turns, the farm maker must know how to turn out a product of good flavor and high aldi high quality. He may acquire this knowledge on the job from an experienced worker, a regular College Dairy course, or one of the Short Courses in butter making and milk plant operation given in a number of Agricultural Colleges and universities. In the same way, cheesemaking can be learned, first scientific methods have improved and standardized the making of cheese, and knowledge of chemistry and bacteriology is essential in this work. Both in dairy plants and ice cream plants, a Great Variety of types and flavors of ice cream are manufactured. Here, again, a knowledge of scientific principles is necessary. The ice cream maker must supervise the preparation and proportion of the ingredients to ensure the production of ice cream of good flavor, creamy body, and smooth texture. Many dairies employ Laboratory Workers trained in chemistry, bacteriology, and other sciences, who test the milk and other Dairy Products to ensure their purity, flavor, and general highquality. Jobs are very desirable and require a considerable amount of College Background because of the scientific training that is necessary. Similar qualifications are necessary for state and federal government positions which involve fieldwork and research. If you are interested in the dairy industry as your life work , it would be well for you to talk with the owner or manager of your local Dairy Company. You will also get some helpful information at the local Dairy Council in your community. The dairy industry promises opportunity for steady employment to qualified workers. People will always consume milk and milk products, for they form the basis of healthful meals. Nutritional experts tell us that every adult needs two or more glasses of milk a day in some form, and children or young people need three to four glasses a day. No one ever outgrows a need for milk. This is an indication that the dairy industry is extremely stable and that it will be worth your while to consider it carefully for job possibilities. Your life work. Everybody likes to eat. Each may have his own individual preference, but no matter whether it is a hot dog at the county fair or a full course dinner at the ritz, there is no denying that people like to eat. Food is the high spot in our daily lives, whether it is aboard a speeding

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