Lewis hello. My name is Lewis Johnson and i am a seminole member with the seminole nation of oklahoma. We are here at the Seminole Nation Museum, located in the capital of the seminole nation of oklahoma, wewoka, oklahoma. What we have here today are different exhibits that portray the history of the people. As a people, before we were separated from our homes, from our original homes in florida. I am actually the twin chief. I am the assistant chief. Chief of the seminole nation of oklahoma. I came into of this in this is 2013. 2019, im in my second term. I have two more years to fulfill my term. Of many tribes, over 500 native tribes in america, the seminoles are a tribe of people of interest. Part of that interest is the defiance the seminoles put up during the conflicts and earlier history. To not be defeated. The only tribe in American History to Never Surrender when there was a war being fought against them. Would Never Surrender to the United States nor sign official peace declaration with the United States, was the seminole. That brings ambience to both people who live within the United States and internationally. I think International People know who the seminoles are simply because of that history. All tribes have a great story to tell. All tribes and nations of the american and the Indigenous Peoples of america have such a beautiful heritage, culture, and history to share. The seminoles in this museum would be very much pleased for anyone to come and visit the museum. Study in the library. They have a Library Research center here. All these things are of such importance. Especially if you are doing something that is never really thought about. If youre doing a segment on slavery in america, that type of thing, you cannot portray slavery in america properly without including the african history that is aligned with the five civilized tribes, the descendents of african slaves, maroons, free people. That is something the seminoles still have today. We still have descendents of those people that came from florida that were not indian by blood. They were of african descent, but joined in the fight of freedom and are still part of the tribe today. They still sit on the Tribal Council and are still citizens of the seminole nation. Nation since right after the civil war. The emancipation proclamation did not take place in the indian territory and that was the whole reason which the treaties were reassigned in the the 1860s, 1866 for the seminoles. They were not the best of treaties. They took a lot of things away from us. Landbased. They took many things away from us as far as seminoles are concerned. The thing of it is, we are still here. The seminole tribe of florida, which are our brothers, we are the descendents of the ancestors brought as prisoners of war to the west. I want you to know even though seminoles are associated with the overall indian removal act of the 1830s and what is known as the trail of tears, our people, our males were shackled in chains and brought to the west as prisoners of war. The seminoles are a very well studied native American People group and wellknown people group as well. When you think about american indians, a lot of times people will think of the seminoles. We extend our invitation to you. Come visit us here in central oklahoma, the home of the the seminole nation of oklahoma, wewoka. Lets take a look at the map. It speaks a little bit about seminole beginnings. As we see the southeastern part of the United States was a home to many tribes as you can see in this map. What became known as seminoles. You see seminole is not the original name of the nation and the tribe that exist in florida today. But many different tribal towns, tribal bands, even small tribes like tallahassees, all these people groups amalgamated and became known as seminole, which actually is what we call in the english deviation of that word seminole. So the seminoles originally, actually, most of these tribal groups and towns that became known as seminole existed in certain areas of alabama, certain areas of georgia and some were in the northern part of florida. By the time colonialism began to expand in the southeast, many of these people groups began to move down into the northern area, what we would consider portions of the panhandle and this area to this area up north. The original tribes of florida are these names you see here. These were the original tribes of florida. What we do know, historically, they were decimated due to disease and slavery early on as europeans come to this part of the world. So what became known as seminoles, they begin to settle in this area here as early as the 1700s. That name become associated with those particular tribal people groups. The capital of today, as people will call it, tallahassee, is actually probably where this tallahassee is right along this area, if i have the estimation of the map here. Tallahassee is my tribal town. That is the tribal town i come from. We as seminoles have tribal towns, what we call bands today and the formation of our tribal government. We also have clans. So my clan is bird clan. All of this derives from my mothers side. So we are matrilineal. Whatever your mother is, is the line you follow, especially with your clan. Constitutionally, today, if your mother is not a member of the seminole nation but your father is, then you can be a member of that band of your father. But traditionally you followed your mothers side and you were the same band and same clan your of mama. And the great warrior oceola was said to be of legacy in history from tallassee, alabama, around the tallapusa river. That is where he was born. He was bird clan as well. Our legacy of tallahassee band often associates osceola as being from that original people, before moving from alabama into florida. Here is an interesting exhibit. It shows areas of everyday life. Things that might have been used, especially in the 1800s. You have some fishing equipment. You see a gig made of the sharp wooden spikes here that have edges so the fish cannot slip off very easily. The material is river cane, which is an abundant plant, which is also what this blowgun that you see here and the darts are made out of thistle. And also the river cane as well. Even arrow shafts were made out of river cane at one point in our history. Winnowing baskets were made out of split cane as you see here. These baskets were used for winnowing, such as when you are pounding corn and winnowing it in the wind. Or maybe you are separating the corn after you have pounded it, and the basket with a tool, which is also available as one of the objects here in the museum. Of course, throughout the history of the seminoles as we established ourselves here in the west. We did not have lands of our own until the year of 1856. One of the goals of the governments policy at that time was to relocate the seminoles here to be able to place them among the muskogee tribe, which was the larger tribe at that time and still is today, a lot larger in population than the seminoles. But in 1856, we acquired under the treaty of 1856 on august 7, lands that were our very own as the seminal nation of oklahoma. West of the mississippi, it was our land. From that, there begin to be a lot of things established within that particular area. We had our own law enforcement. And still to this day our Tribal Police go by the same name of the seminole light horsemen. These are some light horsemen of an earlier time. They were very honorable people. They were selected because they have great courage. They had great humility. They also cared for their people. Here you see a form of punishment among the seminoles when one was found guilty by the Tribal Council for a certain offense. There could be one way of dealing with a person of that type. The whipping tree. As you can see, the man is extended from the limb of the tree. There is a thong tied about where his ankles are. And then a poll would be taken over that thong so that two men would sit on that and cause him to be stretched or add a little weight so he cannot cringe when he was taking his punishment from one of the horsemen that was applying the whipping for an offense he may have done in our tribe. What we see here is the last execution taken in seminal history. He was found guilty of killing another individual. And the light horse would also be called out after he was tried before the Tribal Council. At that time in history the council was the jury and they would pass measures and that type of arrangement for anything that was a transgression against the nation at the time. As you can see, he is blindfolded. There would be a leaf or a piece of paper that would be placed where his heart would be. Several light horsemen would be called out. And many, many steps back they would be given the order to fire on this man. It was known throughout the history of the seminole nation that there was never a person who ran from his appointed time with the execution. They always came back. It was an honor in their family. Once the sentence was given they came back and took whatever the sentence was. In this case, it was death by firing squad. If you look at this image, this is the actual execution tree. This is that very tree. This is on loan from the state Historical Society. That an individual had this cut down back in the early 1900s. The Historical Society of the state of oklahoma has housed it. As you can see in the image, it is the very tree that is known as the execution tree. Here we have one of the last seminole chiefs that left florida around 1856 to 1858. His english name was billy bowlegs. Billy bowlegs was famous during the seminole wars because of his prowess in war and as a leader and as a diplomat as well. He was the last chief to leave florida and come here to the indian territory. As you can see, this is seminole clothing of that time period. One of the famous warriors of , theeminal conflicts United States conflicts with the seminoles was a person known as osceola. Here is a representation of an event that took place in history when they were talking about removing the seminoles. It was said that osceola came in there and drew his knife and he put that knife in the treaty that was being presented before the seminoles at the time and he said this is how seminoles sign such treaties of this type. In other words, he was saying the seminoles want to live the life in florida and want to live the life the creator has made them to live. They did not want to move. That is called defiance. This is a copy of the treaty this was associated with. This is a copy. As you can see this was the treaty of fort gibson because that was the treaty that the United States said the seminoles agreed to move westward. Some say that is a crease in and some say that is a mark of the knife that osceola did at that time in history. Lets take a look at this one. Throughout the history of the seminoles, there was a component of our history that dealt with people that were of african descent who were seeking freedom among the seminole people. And many of these were maroons. They were never slaves. Some of them were free people. They were not slaves. Some of them were escaped slaves from the southern plantations. But many of them would come and seek refuge in the area of the florida territory. They lived outside of the seminole camps, the seminole villages and had camps of their own. But they became very formidable allies with the seminoles throughout our history. At times they fought with the seminoles for the freedom that they wanted for themselves as well as the seminoles wanted. They were never true slaves in the sense of southern alabama slavery to the seminole people. They would raise crops. They would raise produce. They would give a percentage of that to the chief of a tribal town. So it was that type of relationship that was an exchange back in that time. And whenever you have a people that has bonded together for the sake of freedom, then you have a foe and the United States found that out because of the 42 years of the indian wars in florida with the seminole people. The seminole nation, as late as the 1890s, the seminole nation and actually earlier than that there were learning institutions that were developed seminolena seminal boys and girls. There was an early academy. There was the ramsey mission run by presbyterians. There was oak ridge Mission School and that creek nations but many seminoles went there. And later in the 1891 and 1893, there were two Large Schools developed totally under the watch of the seminole people themselves. This particular school became known as a mahogany and miccosukee mission. The Architectural Design of the two schools is very similar. They look very much alike. One was a Girls Academy and one a boys academy. Eventually, miccosukee became a coed school after a certain period of time. There were the most modern facilities in the territory at that time. They had indoor plumbing. They had heated water and things of that nature, which was not found in the 1880s and 1890s here in the territory. They were a Majestic Building at one time that many students would acquire Education Opportunities at. This is a map most people would consider this is an actual map, and original map of what we call an allotment map. If you are able to see all of these names written here, you would see the different tracks of land, the different acres of land that was assigned to certain individuals during the general allotment act or what we call the dawes commission. They came in and they were enrolling within that dawes commission. Their duty was to assign a number to every native person living at that time because they wanted to take the land out of common of the tribe and divide it into individual land tracts. Obviously, there would be surplus land because there were not as many native people as there was land to be divided up and many of those surplus tracks later in history would be settled by a nonnative people. Even these allotment lands would eventually be lost due to different types of methods and policies that were enacted historically through the United States policy with american indians, and in this case seminoles. The original land tract of the 1856 treaty was 2,169,080 acres. That was the land the seminoles originally called their home west of the mississippi. By the time the allotments began to be done, theres about 200,000 acres of land. Then an additional tract of land was purchased by the federal government. The land extended another 180,000 acres. It still is a fraction of the amount of land base the seminoles originally had in their original treaties. So, by the time the oil boom oil was discovered in this area. There was measures and ways that much of this land was taken out of the individual landholders name and it was no longer in the oversight of the seminole nation at one point in our history. This was the 1930s, 1940s, the 1950s. Even until now, just recently, there was specific legislation assigned to the five civilized tribes, the seminoles, chickasaw choctaw, muscogee creek and cherokee. That language under the 1947 act, called the stigler act , there were components that if your bloodline ever got below half bloodline then that land would be taken out of restricted status, which was restricted to alienation by the state or county or community. What that did is if the bloodline ever got below that then that land would be taken , out restriction. A lot of land was lost due to that. But recently, in the last year, that has been stricken from that particular congressional act. It was an amendment done by the efforts of the five civilized tribes, the seminoles included, that eventually got that Blood Quantum to be waived. So now, with the limited lands we still have left, about 11,000 acres of land that are in individual landholdings, 500 acres of land in the trust, which is not much at all really when you think about acreages of land, we will be be able to retain that as long as those families also want to retain that land in that same status because of that amendment that just took place in the last year. We have in the state capital, the state of oklahoma, a large, 22foot tall statue called the guardian. This guardian was constructed by a seminole man. Enoch kellyhany was a state senator. He was a state representative. He was an early planner in his early years for the seminole nation. Later after serving at the state level in those capacities, he becomes the chief of the seminole nation for one term. But he is an outstanding, well acknowledged artist of the seminole nation in both painting and also in sculpture. He did this piece. This is a miniature of that piece, the guardian. It stands in Oklahoma City on the State Capitol dome of the capital of the state of oklahoma. If you take a look at this textile work, a lot of people associate, as far as clothing, this style of clothing with the seminoles. It is called seminole patchwork. Very colorful. What you see here is they are basically small pieces of material cut at certain angles and then resewn back together to create the beautiful designs you see on the jackets, the skirts, on some of the dolls you see represented here. In this particular case, a good example of early period seminole bandolier bag. You can see the intricacy of the beadwork is here with southeastern designs. There are many tribes that had this style of a bandolier bag. That may vary from one tribe to the next. This most definitely is a seminole bandolier bag, which was worn by men in their traditional clothing. They would keep personal items inside the bag itself. The game of indian stickball is very popular in the southeast today, especially among some colleges and some high schools have implanted the old southeastern woodland tribal game into some of their activities within their school systems. Obviously, this is a game that has been played for thousands of years and it continues to be played among the seminole and the five civilized tribes today. As you can see, you have a set of balls sticks, totene, there represented. And the webbing within the ball sticks. The balls are quite small, so on the match game, the east and west game, you have the large field. You have the goal shaped like the one in the photograph. The object is to take the ball through there. It is not as easy as it sounds , because you have others trying to keep you from doing that. It is an exciting game even today to see and watch being played. This image is from the early 1900s. As you can see, there is a time when we were very much sustainable as a tribe. We grew a lot of our own food. We still did a lot of hunting at the time. You can see by the condition of the young men that they were in very fit condition and even the older men were in great physical health as well. So it was something that we included within our culture and our traditions. It was our way of life. I will touch a little bit on this. What we have here is we have the bands system and the clan system. This kind of has a breakdown about how one actually takes from his fathers clan and his mothers clan. You always follow your mothers clan, although you acknowledge your fathers clan. You have relations with your fathers clan. You are closer in a matrilineal way to the clan of your mother because thats your clan. As i touched on the bands as they were from the 1860s to the 1980s. You can see these are the names of the bands, and a lot of the bands, even though they had specific tribal town names, they may have went by the name of the chief. [speaking seminole names] these names were most likely the chiefs of those bands at the time, even though they had a distinctive tribal town name. Ok. This is the military room. Yeah, this is the military room. Let me talk a little bit about the military room. This section here we have committed at the Seminole Nation Museum a whole wing to represent those who have served this country and have showed themselves in great valor while serving this nation and all of the branches of the military. Wewoka has always had a lot of soldiers who came from this area. Many of them were seminoles and many were not seminoles. Still the same, wewoka has always represented well. There always a lot of young men in this region that enlist in the military to uphold the freedoms of this country. What i want to talk about is a gentleman i had the opportunity to be able to take to washington as part of a delegation. His name was Edmund Andrew harjo. This is a young image of him during world war ii. When we went to washington in 2013 to the capitol to receive a congressional code talkers metal, edmund went with us. We were so glad he was able to receive that congressional gold medal on behalf of the seminole nation and for his personal self a silver medal which was a congressional medal. Today we meet to moralize men who in a way meeting for the first time. Like edmund harjo, a member of the seminole nation. And during the second world war, a member of the 195th Field Artillery battalion. One day in 1944, he was walking through an orchard in Southern France and heard one of his brethren singing under a tree. He recognized the dialect as creek. Later on, a captain heard the two talking and immediately put them to work on opposite ends of a radio. That coincidence brought these men onto the stage of history and alongside that elite band that we call code talkers. Edmund is with us today. I ask all of you to join me at welcoming him here and thanking him for his service. [applause] [applause and cheers] lewis and he was the only living code talker at the commemoration, 20th of november. It was in 2013. This little traveling exhibit was designed when we had an exhibit, a much larger exhibit from the smithsonian, and we added a couple panels to it that was shared by the seminole code talkers also involved during world war ii. Here we have Edmund Andrew harjo and then we have tony palmer, who was also a code talker, so this is one, on the gold congressional coin of the seminoles, this is inscribed in it in our language. It translates to it is good to climb and see. That was a message sent by palmer over the radio waves, so a lot of native tribes had code talkers. And i know at one point, you know, before the congressional committee, as i was the one who was sharing before the congressional committee, there were some designs that were initially picked out i believe by the committee. We did not necessarily totally agree with those particular design elements, and we began to share our story about our history of the seminoles, and i shared that. At one time in our history, the language that our people spoke actually wanted to be eradicated off the face of the earth, but that same language that was so fiercely fought against during this conflicts people know as the seminole wars, actually was the very same language that saved thousands of american lives during world war ii. And once i explained to them our elements and what our desires were as far as the seminole nation, then the United States men in that particular committee agreed the seminoles should have minted on their medal what they desire. It was a great time in our history as seminoles but also as a personal moment in my life as well. Here in this wing of the museum, its called the Margaret Jane norman art gallery. Market jane was a curator of the museum for many, many years. She was a teacher of art in the local high school at one point of her career, and she was very much she was very much a supporter of the concepts of the seminole nation and the city of wewoka ought to have a museum to share the rich culture and traditions of all of the people who called wewoka their home. Because she was an art teacher in school, and she was very much interested in early native artwork, she knew a lot of artists of the 1940s, and 1950s, and 1960s, and one component the museum was able to do was collect a lot of this artwork so the museum has a distinctive collection of native american artwork, and at times, they display it at different intervals of time in the museum and throughout the museum and sometimes in the gallery, but right now, they have a special art show that is a traveling art show called altars of reconciliation. And altars of reconciliation is basically christendom among native americans. And of course, the seminoles were introduced to christendom through the missionaries that worked within the public not the Public Schools but the arranged schools that was built in the indian territory. So what you see here as an expression from several different artists that were a part of the show of altars of reconciliation. The seminole nation has always been considered one of the most acculturated of the tribes here in oklahoma. The seminole nation of oklahoma is the only tribe of the 39 federally recognized tribes still here in oklahoma that have a traditional form of government, so even though things have changed over the last couple of hundred years, the seminoles are very much a strong people. They adapt to a controversial or adversarial climate that has been brought their way historically, and we still thrive as a people. We still have our traditions, our customs, and our language that is still continuing today, and seminoles will always be that way and our perspective. And as long as we keep those things that are most important, those things that are tied to the family, the traditions of our extended families, our clans, our bands, our customs of the ceremonial grounds in a traditional church, all those components and elements really create a Strong Society as far as the seminoles are concerned. And it is my hope and my dream for that to continue for generations to come. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] you are watching American History tv, covering historical events a cspan style with lectures and visits to museums and historic places. Weekend on, every cspan three. The Dora Franklin finley American Heritage trail in the 40ile, alabama includes over historical markers that tell the history of the city from the former location of a slave market through the civil rights era. Eric finley took us from the slave market to africatown founded by captives of the slave ship clotilda. We pick up the story after the civil war with mr. Finley in

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