Nation. A 10th of the population of the united states. One out of every four of us was on relief. Looked for something to restore our confidence and hope. Without jobs we had no money and without money we could not purchase food for the hungry mouths at home. Our only hope laid in charity. As bread lines were built up people anxiously waited for a sign of better days. And then came the work program. One by one, it took us out of the bread line and gave us a new chance to take our place in the normal life of our community. It seems the haggard hopeless faces of the bread line to the faces filled with hope and happiness. We work again unskilled laborers, the forgotten men of past generations now worked steadily at decent wages. They are building and repairing schools, Public Holdings to meet the changing needs of our modern world. In one project in the nations capital, 1200 men are employed grading and constructing runways. In addition to the hundreds of unskilled laborers removed from the knee grows, many skilled workers were employed in this improvement project. Hundreds of homes have been freed from the bondage of poverty. As their breadwinners find new jobs. In new york city, a wpa housing demolition project is underway which will greatly improve the Living Conditions of families of moderate needs. In many other cities, old tenements and fire traps are being torn down to make way modern buildings containing comfortable, sanitary apartments. At Colonial Park in harlem and in many other congested areas, wpa workers have constructed a huge Swimming Pool and are now completing a bathhouse. This project, skilled workers are employed utilizing the knowledge of their trades aimed in the days before the depression. In the days before the depression. Swimming pools are particularly valuable to the community because they offer a haven of relaxation too young and old during the hot summer months. A haven of relaxation to young and old during the hot summer months. At the same time, Swimming Pools remove children from the crowded city streets dividing every safeguard to prevent tragedies that were all too common to the old swimming polls. Typical of the Park Improvement projects underway all over the country is another feature of the Improvement Program at Colonial Park. Poll allows the youngsters to splash to their hearts content. New additions to the playground area have been made possible by of grading and improvement the parks that were formally merely decorative. Formerly merely decorative. Nursery schools have been established in many parts of the country where almost 10,000 children are provided meals, supervised play activities and excellent preschool training under competent instructors. In these projects, employment has been provided for 600 teachers, nurses, dietitians, and cooks. At the other extreme, more than 300,000 of those have learned to read and write for the first time in their lives. Eagerly they study realizing how much a little knowledge can mean. Teachers drawn from the knee grows instruct them in useful subjects such as Foreign Languages and arithmetic. Knowledge of spanish is valuable to workers, shopkeepers and others. In this class, elementary instruction and the spoken mind which is given by native speakers. Employed. Ng men are they are enabled to continue their education. Clerical whitecollar workers in filing andt checking important records as well as typing. So they may be available for the use of future generations. As part of the program of rehabilitation and the conservation of human resources, a number of household training schools have been established by the wpa. Girls from families are prepared for Domestic Work which will make them self supportive. Others take the course in order to learn the art of homemaking for their own homes. The girls are taught to cook and prepare salads and other delicacies which add much to everyday meals. Here is where you may be able to learn something. This is the way the girls are taught to make beds. An art that few have mastered. These household training courses have already sent hundreds of girls out into the world positions. Ed to get Health Education is an important part of the program. And a number of Health Centers qualifiedes workers teach first aid and the proper care of children. Alsoare of the sick is taught by trained instructors at Health Centers throughout the country. These projects you have seen are part of a Broad NationalEducation Program to which wpa has helped millions of children and adults. A number of communities, sewing rooms have been established and which are employed women who are the breadwinners for their families. Garments are made for distribution to needy families. Musicians and singers also found employment in orchestral and instrument groups. They have successfully presented a great many programs of classical music. One of our greatest contributions to the world of music is the spiritual recognizes the world over as a fine example of the full music of america. This choir directed by one need a hall brings this music this hall directed by juanita brings this music. Under the Works Program, musicians, artists, and actors contribute their share to the Cultural Development of the community. The federal Theatre Project produced a highly successful version of mcbath which far exceeded its run in new york and was later sent on a tour of the country. Everyirit of mcbath in line of the play has remained intact. In this contribution to the American Theater and in other projects under the Works Program , we have set our feet on the road to a brighter future. Fear not. I am weary of the sun and what the state of the world. [trumpets] let me find him for jim. Him thy face let me show fortune. Show thy face. Wife and children [gunshot] [laughter] macbeth. S i have avoided these. Get thee back. [indiscernible] tyrant. Y you see the i will not yield. [gunshot] [screaming] battle]of [laughter] all those in favor must not yield. From his mothers womb, he was untimely ripped. [screaming] [indiscernible] king l behold, his cursed head. Malcolm wound up. [applause] youre watching American History tv all weekend every weekend on cspan3. According to the bureau of labor statistics, about 16 of American Workers were unemployed in 1936. Due to the effects of the corona virus pandemic, the Unemployment Rate in april rose to