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Forward or even in the middle of the essay. The way i distinguish contextualization from making connections is contextualization means it is either within or next to the time period. Making connections, you are making a jump, maybe 20, 50, 1 00 years. I wouldnt go much farther. So it is not directed connected directly connected to the time period. Guest so a good example of that, with what we have been talking about with reconstruction is that, contextualization might take into account the situation for africanamericans in the United States immediately prior to the civil war, maybe in the 1850s or the 1840s. And a complexity point might be at the end of the essay, to look forward to well after reconstruction, the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s, as an attempt to redress many of the problems that came out of reconstruction in that failed revolution. Host lets go to will, who is calling from buffalo, new york. Will, do you have a question for our distinguished teachers here . Caller yeah. This is pretty much the question you just answered, but i was wondering what the importance is of comparing across eras . Guest well, the importance as we just explained, is to give the reader another opportunity to reward you for complexity. It is one of the ways that College Board has defined for readers to assess whether or not an essay is more sophisticated, if it is more historically complex. Keep in mind, you dont need to do that because, one, you dont have to earn the complexity points. Most years, over 90 of students did not earn the complexity point. It is the hardest point on the dbq to earn. Some teachers refer to it as the unicorn point. There are other ways like generating nuance, explaining both sides of the reasoning skill that you can earn the complexity point. It can be part of a coherent strategy to maximize your chances of success. But again, if you are running short of time, that might be something that doesnt make it into your essay. Host go ahead. Guest the most important thing on your dbq is to generate an argument and to prove that argument by analyzing the documents, where you can bring in outside information that you understand the ways in which they support your argument, and following through with your argument through multiple paragraphs. The complexity point is very important, but it is not essential. What is essential is that you have your argument clear, that you bring to bear evidence to prove that argument, and that evidence be a combination of the documents provided. As many of those that you can use. And outside information that you remember from class, from your reading. Much of that outside information can be triggered by the document itself. Host here is another question a student has picked and send to texted and send to us on twitter. Since the test is open notes, what do you believe are the key things to have printed out and sitting in front of us for the test . I dont want to have too many things in front of me but i want to have the most important things at easy access. Guest that is a great question, because it is very easy to become overwhelmed during the test. So i would recommend that you have a set of study guides, whether they are the concept outline, that perhaps you have annotated. Whether they are lecture notes, whether they are some homework outlines. It is going to look different for every student but it is important that whatever it is, it is organized and it is something that you are familiar and comfortable with. You dont just want to print something off the internet for the first time and look at it during the exam. Keep in mind that the purpose of the notes, at least what should be the purpose of the notes for students, is that it is there to refresh your memory. There is not time to do any research. Now is the time if you still need to learn something new, to go ahead and learn it. During the ap exam, it is all about reminding yourself of what you already know. So those notes can be used as a quick cheat sheet to refresh your memory, like, oh, thats right. I remember this event and that person and that law so i can intelligently incorporate them into my essay and show off everything that i know. Host we have about eight minutes left. Lets see if we can get our last couple of students who have been waiting patiently on the line to get their question in. Wass go to kylie who calling from cornelius, north carolina. What is your question . Caller hi. I actually just got my answer questions on twitter. But i have another question. Since there are 10 points this year, how many of the 10 points do we need to get a 5 on the exam, and what points do you recommend we focus on the most. Guest that is a great question. The truth is we dont know for sure. And College Board doesnt know for sure, because they will not make that decision until after everybody has taken the exam and they have read thousands of exams and they have gone through a process called norming, and looked at the statistics through previous years. Educatedn take some guesses. I think it is safe to say that you need a majority of the points to make sure you pass. And since you asked specifically about a five, i feel 100 confident that to say if you got a 10 out of 10, you get a 5. I feel confident that if you get 9 out of 10, you will get a 5 as well. But we wont know for sure. In theory, i suppose it is possible that an eight could do it. A good rule of thumb might be to just go by categories. One and 2, 34, 56, it is a rough estimate but that is probably about as good as we can do right now. Host lets see if we can get one more student in. That will be emily who was calling from orlando, florida. Emily, go ahead. Caller good morning, everyone. Guest good morning. Caller my question is i know that it is crunch time and everybody will be studying. Do you have any tips on what we should be studying or things we should be looking over . Host jason, take that one. Guest i think a way to start is to just take five time periods, periods 37 in the concept outline, and just create on a piece of paper, list those dates. So that you have got the whole period that you will be tested on divided by those five time periods. Then use that list, with spaces in between each of those time periods, to jot down some of the key trends you recall in those time periods. For example, if you are looking at the big one at the end, 18901945, some things that will immediately come to mind for example might be either progressive era, the First World War and the second world war, the 1920s. Once you begin to write down some of these larger themes, within each one of those time periods, some of the facts should start to come back to you. So you will have that outline. Again, it will not be very detailed, but, as matt said, it will help remind you of what you already know. That sheet can serve as a roadmap for the whole period you are being tested on, and you will make that roadmap as you are doing your final preparations for the test and organizing it according to those five time. That youime period will be evaluated on that time periods that you will be evaluated on. Narrator host here is a question from a student earlier. It comes in from adrian, a student at north shore senior high in houston, texas. Adrian wants to know, what made the kansasnebraska act the part a key part in the civil war . Guest how much time do we have left . [laughter] host about five minutes. Guest the kansasnebraska act is important for a lot of reasons. First, it is at the end of a long process, since the u. S. Mexico war from 18461848, that reopened the debate about the extension of slavery. That kansasnebraska act opened up a territory from the missouri compromise of 1820 that was closed to slavery, and made possible the extension of the institution of slavery into the west. North of the 3630 line, or the southern border of missouri. It effectively started the violence in the kansas territory in 1856, where you remember john brown, of course, and the border ruffians from missouri, fighting it out in the kansas territory over whether kansas will become a slave state or not. This ultimately leads to violence on the senate floor, when senator Charles Sumner is caned on the floor of the senate in may of 1856. Past that, it just accelerates toward the first secession of a state in december of 1860, South Carolina. So the kansasnebraska act is to is significant because it is effectively the trigger for the violence that spirals. Spirals into those secession of the first date in 18 60 after the election of Abraham Lincoln in november of that year. Matt, would you like to add to that . Guest there is a lot there. I would simply add that the act also accelerated the demise of the whig party and led to the rise of the Republican Party which was a regional party. The Republican Party was not represented in the south. It was the election of the republican president , Abraham Lincoln, without southern electoral votes that prompted South Carolina and 10 other states to secede from the union. Host a couple of technical questions. They want to know your advice on this. The first one comes from sydney from Pius X Catholic school in lincoln, nebraska. She wants to know how you correctly cite a document . We have another question, i will add it to that from one of our online followers, who wants to know, will the question be same for everyone on the test . Start with jason and go to matthew. Guest to the first question, there is no official way in which you have to cite your documents. Citeommended my students them at the end of the sentence where they use them in a parentheses where it says doc a or doc b. Matt, how do you have your students cite their documents . Guest that is exactly the same way i encourage my students to do. The citation is as much for the students to keep track, to make sure they have covered the documents they want to cover, because the readers will have read hundreds of these dbqs, and he or she will have those documents memorized possibly by the time they get to your essay. Host really quickly, does everyone get the same question . Guest we dont know. College board will probably not answer that. If you ask them, they will probably say all of the questions will be equivalent. My guess is on past history, most students will see the same question, but they usually run several versions of the exam every year. Host perfect. We would like to thank Matthew Ellington and jason stacy, who are the coauthors of fabric of a nation a brief history with skills and sources, for the ap r coarse. Thank you for being with us today and helping us prep for the ap u. S. History exam. Gentlemen, thank you so much. Reporter guest thank you, jesse. Good luck everyone and have a good test. Guest thank you, jesse peered you guys have got this. Announcer this is American History tv, exploring our nations past every weekend on cspan3. Next on our weekly series, reel in 1965, the u. S. Army produced a fivehour 10part documentary focusing on the armys activities from world war i through the korean war. To mark the 75th anniversary of ve day, we will show episodes four through eight covering u. S. Involvement in world war ii from the pearl harbor attack through the invasion of japan. Eastern, a reair of American History tv and journals may 8 ve day Program Marking the 75th anniversary of the surrender of nazi germany to allied forces in may 1945. Our guest was Pulitzer Prize winner rick atkinson, author of the guns at last light the war in western europe 19441945. The final book in his liberation trilogy about the allied triumph in europe. At 8 00 p. M. Eastern, 5 00 p. M. Pacific on the presidency, a discussion with three contributors to cspans book the president s. Noted historians rank americas best and worst chief executives. This was the europe of 1941. The nazi blitzkrieg had overwhelmed france, holland, belgium [explosions] denmark [explosions] norway and luxembourg. Russian armies were in desperate retreat. The German Air Force was raining death and destruction on england. Combined italian and German Forces were menacing egypt. Their objective to defeat an opposing british army and dominate all of north africa. In asia, japanese air and Ground Forces were driving forward in their bloody conquest of china. Only one of the worlds major powers was still not at war the United States. It was a sunday afternoon in december 1941, and the statue of liberty towered serenely over new york harbor. As if she was the last symbol of freedom left to the crumbling free world. Afternoon in new york, Early Morning in hawaii at another harbor where ships rested dockside. Planes with cold engines stood idle at nearby hickam field when suddenly, without warning [explosions] the immediate Japanese Military objective was to knock out United States naval and air power in the pacific in one single stroke. Y reasoned that we were they were convinced we were incapable of fighting a twofront war. The japanese were right in their calculations to the extent that roosevelt and churchill were to agree that the defeat of hitler, the most powerful of our enemies, must have priority over an offensive against japan. They followed sound principles of warfare, to concentrate the greatest mass of power against the major objective. But it would be nearly a year before we could muster, train, and move an army overseas to attack the strongest of the aggressors. The First American troops to go into action and engage the enemy with those already in the philippines under general douglas macarthur, whose forces would fight not only that first battle, but after more than three long years of combat, the final land battle against the last of the aggressors. Three days after pearl harbor, japanese troops landed on the north coast of luzon. The following day, still another Japanese Landing was made on luzons east coast. On the 21st of december, the main Japanese Invasion hit the Eastern Shore of the lingayen gulf. Troops came pouring ashore from 80 transports. The japanese onslaught gave General Macarthur only one choice fight the invasion, try to regroup his forces. It was a monumental task. The japanese had struck swiftly, suddenly, devastatingly. They pressed forward unchecked. To save manila from destruction, General Macarthur declared an open city, and ignoring such humanitarian considerations, the japanese bombed manila. On the last day of 1941, macarthur withdrew from the mountainous terrain of the bataan peninsula. The objective was to delay the enemys entrance to the bay. [explosions] macarthur and his battling bastards of bataan, as the troops in grim humor called themselves, knew they were fighting a losing battle. [explosions] but they fought on, giving us precious time to recover from the disaster at pearl harbor and build up our forces. There were other prime targets marked by the japanese. In december 1941, they took hong kong and invaded malaya. They bombed british singapore and its great naval base. The british fought back, but it was the same losing fight our troops were waging in bataan. The siege of bataan began. Superior Japanese Forces bombarded our troops for three antagonizing months. On february 22, 1942, president roosevelt ordered General Macarthur to leave the philippines and proceed to australia as supreme allied commander southwest pacific. Macarthur turned over his command to general jonathan wainwright. Macarthur made the first leg of his journey to australia by sea, through enemy infested waters, and then by plane from mindanao. Bataan fell on the ninth of april, 1942. [cheering] thousands of captured american and filipino prisoners of war began their infamous death march. Hundreds were to die, felled by exhaustion and the bayonets of their captors. For those who starved and fought on, the nation owes a debt it cannot repay. Theirs was a heroism seldom matched. Corregidor remained our last foothold. What once had seemed an impregnable rock fortress now inevitable doom. [explosions] the fortunes of the United States and its allies were at their lowest ebb. But the japanese were soon to learn that tir

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